
Elemental Spirit Guides: How do they impact our lives?

Did you know you may have Elemental Spirit Guides connected with you? Find out today why these group of beings can be powerful guides, and bring significant changes to your life. When you work with Elemental Spirit Guides, you work with the energies of Earth directly.
Elemental Spirit Guides help and guide us throughout our life.

Table of Contents

Do you have an Elemental Spirit Guides? Let’s learn about them!

Hi there! I hope you are having a wonderful week! Last Wednesday we talked about Archangels, an archetype of Spirit Guides that come here to help and guide us. Today, we will continue talking about Spirit Guides, to be more specific, about Elemental Spirit Guides and how they impact our lives. As I have shared, we are multidimensional beings, and our world is much more complex than our physical eyes can pick up. As we grow in this understanding, we can see more, and for this reason, we have a huge variation of Spirit Guides. Elemental Spirit Guides are fantastic to work with; for many individuals, these will be the easiest Spirit Guides to work with. Many individuals can meet and connect with any elemental guide they may have because these beings technically do not reside in the astral plane, but in the physical plane, the same as you. This means that the energetic vibrations will be easier and faster to match versus those of the fourth dimension, such as the rest of your Spirit Guides and helpers. Furthermore, I want to share today how to work with the different elements. It is not about these guides only, but the actual spirits (not to be confused with Spirit) of Earth that also are part of the collective consciousness we are all connected on this planet.

First, let’s get to know them.

As I was stating above, these beings are the easiest of all the Spirit Guides to connect with. Elemental Spirit Guides are directly connected with our planet, and in a way, they are fragments of the collective consciousness of Earth’s soul, the same way as Elemental Souls incarnated as humans. In a way, they could almost count as physical beings, or better described, non-tangible physical beings, since after all, they reside in the Physical Plane.
Elemental Spirit Guides are part of the planet, in a way, sharing the same soul.

Elemental Spirit Guides are part of the planet, in a way, sharing the same soul.

These beings are extremely wise since their souls are as old as the planet herself, and they have a consciousness of non-duality. In a way, for this reason, they do not understand positivity or negativity the same way we do. Random elemental beings are generally super playful and they are above karma, and other things that humans are affected by. When talking about Elemental Spirit Guides, they will act as any other Spirit Guides, but generally through your Root Chakra, and other very down-to-earth ways. A fantastic aspect here is that you can connect with them through nature, through crystals, and even through master plants, although no one is essential, and you can connect as awesomely without any physical aids. Many of these guides are connected with the different elements of earth, however, part of this group are also Elemental beings who incarnated as humans, generally from eons ago who were shamans in early human history.

How can the Elemental Spirit Guides can help us?

Elemental Spirit Guides are pretty much the same as the rest of our Spirit Guides. They project unconditional love towards us, and their purpose is to guide and help us. You can check out this article about spiritual helpers, and how much they do for our lifepaths. As you navigate the physical plane, you will have support from your Spirit Guides, and each guide will have a different purpose or reason to work with you. This can be from working together in past lives, possible incarnations together, and your purpose in this lifetime. Many factors will bring one or another Spirit Guide, although it would be nearly impossible to find all the reasons. The same goes with Elemental Spirit Guides, they also connect with us depending on the needs you have. For example, if you work a lot with nature, crystals, and stuff like that, it is easier that you are connected with one of these guides. It will even depend on how you do the work, and how your aura vibrates to work among different Elemental Spirit Guides. These guides, as anyone, also connect with your soul, and subconscious mind as well as with your heart and body. They have access to your energy because their only agenda is to materialize the highest purpose for you. They are bound to you, and the connection will flow freely. You need to approach your guides as if they were good friends since they see themselves equal as to you. The same goes when working with elemental ones, or even working with the elements altogether.
Elemental Spirit Guides yield the support you need.

Elemental Spirit Guides yield the support you need.

Here, what matters the most is that you invite your Elemental Spirit Guides into your life. You can connect with your regular spirit guides and archangels, always connecting with your emotions with an opened Heart Chakra. While this is true for all Spirit Guides, it is even more for the elemental ones. Think about nature, and how things flow in nature. These guides are part of the planet, so they have the same nature in the way of flow. You only need to open up completely and allow yourself to have. Think about the fact of “letting it flow” instead of trying to control it. It is much easier, and these guides are easy to connect with and easier to work with. You will feel that things will flow better in your life when you work with them. This is very true when working with nature spirits and elemental beings in general. Pretty much everything flows simply with elemental beings. So, don’t forget to allow yourself to have and to open up, you will just receive.

Support during difficult times.

Throughout the years, I found out that the Elemental Spirit Guides can help you a lot with down-to-earth problems, as well as health challenges. The energies of the Earth nurture and heal us, and that energy is all these beings are made of. For example, against viral illnesses, in addition to any medical support, you can get a huge boost to your self-healing when you channel the energy of elemental spirit guides or beings in general. You will realize that you will heal problems a lot faster. It might be that you are trying to materialize changes in your life, and you are already taking action. Here, the earth spirits will help you a lot to accomplish what you are seeking. It is hard to tell exactly how, but in a way, the chance of life can favor you more. Earth has a consciousness after all and she is aware of everything going on within her body, aka, our planet. Once you connect often with your Elemental Spirit Guides you will feel more assertive, and more confident that by taking action, you will have the flow you need to reach your goals.

Connecting with Elemental Forces

You can connect very well with Elemental Spirit Guides while in nature.

You can connect very well with Elemental Spirit Guides while in nature.

As I shared above, connecting with Elemental Forces is not difficult, but you need to be willing, truly. Many times, you hear a calling feeling drawn to get to know more about elemental energies, the spirit of the earth, and shamanism in general. Here, it is best to simply open up to them, ask your Spirit Guides for protection, and allow yourself to receive. It depends from here what you are doing, you may go through a small meditation, or maybe you are partaking in a small ceremony or ritual. You can also use crystals, as these are powerful beings directly connected to all elemental energies. As you know, crystals have a consciousness of their own. Precisely, this is why you feel drawn to some crystals while to others you don’t, even in the same type of crystal. Maybe, you will feel drawn to do something such as chanting, shamanic dancing, or using different pieces of nature with different purposes. One thing I discovered is that working with elemental beings and energies is progressive, and little by little, you will feel a lot more connected. So, daily practice is strongly recommended, and you do not need to invest a lot of time, but some quality time a day will make a difference. You can even focus on restoring the balance within your physical body. If you do, you will feel as if you receive healing, and for self-nurture, this is fantastic. It also depends on the type of element you connect with, each one has their personalities and ways of flowing. Let’s view each of them.

The Spirit of Water

Elemental Spirit Guides: Water Element.

Elemental Spirit Guides: Water Element.

The water element is associated with emotions, love, and also having a good flow. The water flows throughout where it is easiest, but it will do it with all its might, and little can stop it. If you approach elemental energies connected to water, you need to be ready to move forward. If you need to heal something, you will heal it, even if it “hurts” as long as it serves your Highest Purpose. You will meet with progress with much more easiness and movement, so make sure you put your heart into it. The water element is powerful because it will make things happen, pushing away everything unnecessary and blocking it. To be ready, you need to be determined. You can also seek to find this determination with the help of the elemental spirit guides in general, and then start working with the water element. You must have a clear vision of what you desire. If you send mixed intentions, you will not be able to align yourself properly, and this can lead to experiences that you do need. I suggest that you do some brainstorming, and you keep into account the possible outcomes, to focus specifically on what you desire. Of course, from here you must take physical action, so get your hands dirty, and allow the power of the stream to eject you onward!

The Spirit of Air

Elemental Spirit Guides: Air Element.

Elemental Spirit Guides: Air Element.

Working with elemental beings connected to the Air Element is very rewarding. I often find wind elementals when I journey to the Upper World for Upper World Ceremonies. These are powerful beings that bring cleansing, release, and energies connected with moving along. I have seen wind elementals blowing into me, or into the individual I am doing the Ceremony for. They do this to blow away all the energy that is materializing a physical or emotional pain. One reason why it is important to do your part by taking action that promotes further healing. For example, take more care of what you eat if you have stomach problems while a wind elemental removes the energetic part in your stomach and solar plexus that could empower the sickness. One fantastic way to bring the energy of the wind element is through breathing exercises. You can experience these powerful sleep meditations connected to the main four elements as well, and charge yourself up with the essence of the element you need the most. The Principle of Vibration will do the rest for you! A fantastic way to connect with wind energy is to find yourself some time to go to an open space, like open fields. Here, should find a comfortable position, and simply observe your breathing. Every few minutes, you want to take a deep breath, visualizing wholeness. When you release the air, you want to visualize as if you remove a heavy backpack from your back after a three-hour hike… imagine the relief. Just, let it all blow away!

The Spirit of Fire

Elemental Spirit Guides: Fire Element.

Elemental Spirit Guides: Fire Element.

Fire represents passion and transformation for those who have a complete determination to find the abundance they are seeking. You need to realize that when you evoke the energy of fire, you will experience a profound and powerful cleanse. The fire is the most powerful cleanser, it will completely transform any old and unnecessary energies into powerful movers towards a life of greater passion. If you want to shift your lives and you hold no fear in your heart, you can ask your Elemental Spirit Guides to fill you up with the energy of fire. From here, you will see that stuff in your life that doesn’t serve the best will disappear, sometimes in an abrupt way including unhealthy relationships. When you work with the energy of fire, you need to be willing to leave the old behind and start growing the new. Fire leaves no trace behind, other than possibly ash… the energy has already transmuted and transformed into something else. This is your fuel to start to get the most out of the new in your life that you have in front of you. Make sure that your Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras are in good shape. Having an open Heart Chakra will not hurt either, remember, connecting with elemental beings requires an open heart. From here, it is your passion and assertiveness. Prepare yourself, have complete clarity of what you want, and don’t be afraid to jump into the pool. You will burn away everything stopping you from success!

The Spirit of Earth

Elemental Spirit Guides: Earth Element.

Elemental Spirit Guides: Earth Element.

In a way, this is the most sturdy element, and in a way, the most foundational one, because precisely, the earth element focused more on what is essential, going down to the core basic needs of every single individual, in the name of self-nurturing. Working with the earth/ground element can nurture very much your energy, especially when you are focusing on the here and now. You can direct the energy more at core needs such as having good energy to go through the day, and to stay grounded. You can of course nurture your Root Chakra, and the Chakras of the sole of the feet quite a bit, as this is the very energy your physical body thrives with. The Earth element is fantastic for protection and wellness. If you are very empathic and you need to often cleanse and reinforce your energy, asking your Elemental Spirit Guides to evoke the earth element energy will help you release a lot of unneeded energy. The benefit of working with this element here versus others, is that also your energetic defenses will be maximized. Furthermore, especially if you are outdoors, it will be much easier for you to deal with any energetic input through your empathy. Evoking protection, such as visualizing the earth element adding to your energetic bubbles will make them a lot stronger, and you will feel more protected.

Good practices to get the most out of your Elemental Spirit Guides.

The way we go through life and the energy we project may bring us closer, or a little farther away from some of our Spirit Guides, especially when talking about Elemental Spirit Guides. Nature flows, so you want to enable your energy for greater synergy. It is not about making them happy, it is about matching the energy. The first step is to be open-minded and to make sure that you invest quality time in aligning yourself with the desired elements you want to work with. The same goes around connecting with a specific spirit, such as a water elemental spirit, you want to be aligned with this energy, at least mentally and emotionally.
Meditation is fantastic to connect with Elemental Spirit Guides and the elements in general.

Meditation is fantastic to connect with Elemental Spirit Guides and the elements in general.

You do not want to rush, because the more time you put into it, the greater you will feel the flow. Nature has its own pace, and it will always continue flowing at its own pace. If you keep this in mind, you will be growing a little bit every day. Connecting with elemental spirit guides will be a daily thing that will come naturally to you, and it is from here that you will truly experience changes in your life. If you want to be more connected to the elements as a whole, you can follow a few easy points:
  • Work on your Root Chakra, investing quality time versus rushing.
  • Spend time in nature, the physical body nurtures, the mind unwinds, and you will be much more connected.
  • If you can, aim to live surrounded by nature versus living in a crowded city.
  • You may visit either the lower elemental world or the upper elemental world and focus on receiving what you need.
  • Use crystals aligned with the right elements you want to connect with.
On top of this, you want to make sure that ultimately you seek a harmonious life. Do not overload your mind with electronics, allow some silence every day in your life, and make sure you focus on your needs without stepping on other individuals. If you are in a state of balance, and you flow through your heart, you will find yourself in sync, balanced, and thriving.


Q: How can I connect with elemental spirit guides?

A: You should ask for help from your entire Spirit Team, and set clear intentions from the heart that you want to connect. Clear your mind, and allow yourself to have.

Q: What are the benefits of working with the spirit of water?

A: You will be able to bring much flow to your life. You will bring an energy that will allow you to move forward with more determination. You will be able to follow your path more easily.

Q: How does the element of air contribute to inspiration?

A: When you set the intention for things to flow, you materialize greatness. The element of air connects you with flow, and symbolically, and only if you allow it, it will promote the flow of ideas, inspiring you a lot faster to reach higher goals to meet your inspirations.

Q: Can the spirit of fire bring about rapid transformation?

A: Fire it is a powerful element to cleanse what no longer belongs to you. When you have a great commitment and you set clear intentions to transform, you can evoke the fire element energy to maximize your ideal results.

Q: Why is it recommended to keep an open mind when working with elemental energies?

A: Elemental Spirit Guides and elemental energies in general are part of planet Earth and, therefore, part of nature. You must allow these energies to flow in the best way they can, and being open-minded is the top choice.

Q: What are some practical ways to engage with elemental forces in daily life?

A: Allowing some daily time will yield amazing results. Surround yourself with nature, and make sure to enjoy the outdoors at least a little bit daily. Use crystals, and meditation, as well as incense and other natural sources to elevate the vibrations.

Q: How does the spirit of earth contribute to personal well-being?

A: You will be much more connected with the world that surrounds you, and your Root Chakra will be a lot more healthy. You will get a lot more out of every single experience, yielding greater life satisfaction and well-being.

Q: Why is it advisable to practice gratitude when working with elemental energies?

A: Gratitude always multiplies the abundance, and in a way, contributes to energy flow. It is sort of you receiving something and when projecting gratitude, the energies keep moving. This is especially true in the flow of nature and elemental energies.

Q: Are there specific techniques for connecting with the spirit of air?

A: Everything works differently for each person, but you can generally promote your connection with the Spirit of air through breathing. You can also go to open space to connect with greater ease and don’t forget to ask your Spirit Guide Team to help.

Q: How can elemental practices help in letting go of past challenges?

A: Nature flows, and with that flow, you will not find stuck energies. Past challenges left behind wisdom and lessons since these serve a purpose. Pain and negativity don’t, and when more aligned with natural energies, these blocks will flow away from your being. Now, it is your time to start getting the most out of the Elemental Spirit Guides and the Elements of the Earth. After all, these are available to us, and every single individual living on this planet. If you feel disconnected from nature, you will be able to reconnect again. March’s forecast is already up on YouTube and available for you to listen to, however, I will make it official here next week as always. See you next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now! Subscribe and download a free guided meditation. I invite you to check earlier posts: seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year. Love & Light, Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home) Rev. Fernando Albert Thank you for visiting! - Elemental Spirit Guides

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