Soul Retrieval: Shamanic Healings, Recover Your Soul Fragments
Soul Retrieval: A shamanic healing to recover lost fragments to heal.
A soul retrieval is an exceptional type of healing. I explain a little about Shamanic healing in this article, but I also want to tell it here. You must understand the process well since this is not an ordinary distance healing. It is a process that needs a little preparation, especially when doing it from a distance. The ideal is in person; however, as in the astral plane, in the shamanic planes (lower, middle, and upper), there is no distance as such. Nor is there time. However, being shamanic healing, soul retrieval is much more down-to-earth than it seems, so you must have some awareness on this subject.
During a soul retrieval session, I will make a shamanic journey to the lower world or the middle world (as they guide me). During this trip, I will look for fragments of your soul that you have lost during negative experiences in this or past lifes. Bringing light and understanding to this moment will bring the possibility of recovering that lost fragment. That will make you stronger, and it will also bring healing. I will share all this with you in a voice file. I tell you a little more about the subject. (If we have already started or know how it works, and you need to go to the form, click here.)

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What is a lost fragment, and how do you recover one?
There are several reasons to make shamanic journeys, and one of them is the recovery of the soul. In these sessions, the main goal is to find and recover fragments of your soul. Fragments that you have lost in the past. Absolutely all human beings have lost pieces of our souls. A challenging experience in life, moments of abuse, trauma, or even for astral reasons, we lose fragments of our soul. I am sure that more than once, you have felt that “you do not feel whole,” as if something is missing. Perhaps you have had this feeling since childhood and have not given it importance. It is possible that you are not aware and do not notice “that something is missing,” however, surely you have had moments where these losses have been caused.
During a shamanic journey, I will make this soul retrieval for you. I will visit the lower world (or perhaps the middle) and recover for you one of these lost fragments. With the help of my animal to be able to search for this “light” of yours that is lost. Maybe your power animal is added, but I will never know that until now. I will make this trip for about 15 minutes up to half an hour at most.
A couple of notes:
- Only in sporadic cases would it be possible not to find such fragments. There will always be messages, and “something will happen.” However, I will use the entire half-hour to find at least one of these fragments.
- As “the drums” will not let me know until half an hour passes, therefore, as soon as I find a soul fragment, I will intend to return. If on that same soul recovery journey, I feel that I have to look for a second fragment, I will, even if I have to consume the entire half-hour. Otherwise, I will return sooner to have the visions as clear as possible.
Therefore, you will always get something in this session.
Usually, it is natural and common to find one or two fragments in the first session. There is always something to heal or some past situation that needs attention. I tell you the process.
The process during a Soul Retrieval
The ideal is in person, to be honest. However, my guides (one of them are experienced in this subject) taught me that distance is not limited. In fact, although you were the first person to read this, I have already made numerous shamanic trips where I have been able to observe its effect. A soul retrieval will help you. And at the time of the session, you have two options; however, it is vital that you first fill out the form below.
I will explain to you by e-mail if you have doubts, but I will share with you here also:
- First, we get in touch. Once you send me a message, in less than 48 hours, I will answer you. I want to inform you that both sessions will give the same result. In fact, I recommend the option with a lower price because I will record the session results. This way, it will be faster.
- Once we find the date and time, we will wait for that moment. It is also time to book the session. If you are a very busy person and prefer not to make an appointment, I will do your soul retrieval session while you sleep.
- When the time comes, remember that during that half-hour, you cannot be disturbed or interrupted. Nor would anything happen if this happens; no one will interrupt me (they know what I am doing!). You will enjoy the session more if you lie down and relax while I do your soul retrieval.
- At the end of the session, I will record in a voice file about ten minutes on how it went. It is essential to know that there is a reintegration process after the session for both of us.
And now, what?
I recommend that after a soul retrieval session, you take the rest of the day to relax. If you can reward yourself, do it, treat yourself. At least keep the rest of your day from being stressful, etc. Reintegration is a crucial step (I talk about it in this post). In the following days, you may notice improvements in some areas of your life, or even in your person. I cannot say it precisely since each person is different and will depend on the situation. But I can tell you that you will be glad to experience a soul retrieval session.
These are the two options:
- Recorded session. $99 (89€)
- In-person. Contact me.
I want to experience a soul retrieval session. What is the next step?
You need to contact me first by filling out the form below. In this way, we can arrange a date and time before you book the session:
If you are looking for reading, click here. If you are looking for regular healing, click here.There is a blog to enjoy!
So, now that your payment is completed, I invite you to visit the blog since you may find the answer to many of your questions (this page has a search engine to make it easier for you.) A more pleasant wait after contacting me. I’ll give you a few links that you might enjoy:- You: How to get to know yourself and get out the most from your life?
- What are some things people should know about astral projection, meditation, or spirituality in general?
- Astral Travel: Get out of your body. Quick and easy Astral Projection Guide.
- Dream Types: Dreams and Lucids, super-lucid, sleep paralysis, and more!
- What are the chakras? How to open, heal, and expand them right now!
- What is the difference between a Lucid Dream and an Astral Projection?