Do you want Sleep Paralysis treatment? I will give you some pointers to help you deal with it. However, there is nothing to treat, as Sleep Paralysis is not a condition, but a regular process that your brain goes through. So, the best Sleep Paralysis treatment is learning about it!
Sleep Paralysis Treatment comes through knowledge and awareness.

Table of Contents

Are you seeking Sleep Paralysis Treatment? The best one is awareness!

Hello! How are you? I hope you enjoyed the entry of being a Starseed. If you are one, I’m sure you are! This week we are going to talk about Sleep Paralysis Treatment and Sleep Paralysis in general and what we can do with these. You can find a lot of content around sleep paralysis from former Lucid Dreaming articles and today, we are going to have an approach to how to deal with it. You need to know that sleep paralysis can be scary, quite a bit, but it is harmless, and all that you perceive are mere hallucinations.

So, the best way to approach your understanding about sleep paralysis is that this is a natural process, and very much needed. If you didn’t have sleep paralysis, you would suffer from somnambulism (source), also called, sleepwalking, because you would act out your dreams. As you are falling asleep, your brain shuts down the central nervous system to a degree that while signals travel to your muscles, these will not move, you are in a way, for you to remain in bed as you are dreaming.

Before sleep paralysis arrives, you normally lose wake consciousness. You will not notice that your body is paralyzed because you already will be sleeping. Since you don’t enter REM right away (dream phases), sleep paralysis can enter after your mind is asleep.

What happens if you are awake during the process?

Before you completely lose awareness of the physical plane and fall asleep, you may sporadically enter the dream paralysis stage. For this reason, you might be searching for sleep paralysis treatment thinking it is an issue, but be assured that there is nothing to treat here. You can also induce it as well if you practice Astral Projection. You will be in a state of body asleep, mind awake.  Especially if you are not used to this process, you can experience scary hallucinations such as demons pressing your chest, but all of these are fake visions, byproducts from the junk you watch and read about.

The main problem here is for individuals who have no idea about this process, and yet they enter it with full consciousness. The experience can be terrifying, and religious teachings promote the fear with false propaganda about sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis treatment in general. This fear can provoke a psychological impact on the individual, especially if they do not understand this process, and on top, they have fearful influences regarding this subject.

No demons are pressing your chest. It is all Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations.
No demons are pressing your chest. It is all Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations.

Maybe you are afraid to go to sleep, or perhaps, you are avoiding the wonderful opportunity to have Lucid Dreams or Astral Projection because of Sleep Paralysis, seeking treatment as if it were an illness or problem. You need to slowly walk away from this fear because this is just a mechanical process in your brain when falling asleep. A good way to perform a sleep paralysis treatment is to reduce the amount of junk you put in your consciousness. If you are afraid of demons, then avoid watching The Exorcist. Remember that all you watch and experience in life might show up in your dreams and sleep paralysis.

Sleep Paralysis Treatment: Coping Mechanisms

Sleep Paralysis is a natural process, so you need to learn how to deal with it, especially if you experience it consciously. The first step is for you to not fight the sleep paralysis. It is when the terrors and weird hallucinations become the scariest. You need to realize that your body is paralyzed for your upcoming sleep, so you cannot move it. Your fight or flight doesn’t understand this state while being conscious, so if you try to fight it while being unable to move it turns out to be terrifying.

If you find yourself in bed, and you cannot move your body, make sure to stay calm. No demons nor concrete blocks are pushing you against the bed, you should remind yourself you are safely lying down in bed. The state of mind is all that matters during sleep paralysis, so remind yourself this is only a natural process and all that you see and perceive is not real. You can even remind yourself as you fall asleep, or as soon as you see or hear something.

If you are into Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection, you should know that this state of being is amazing. The best sleep paralysis treatment is taking advantage of this fantastic asset. If you reach s state of sleep paralysis, you can induce the WILD lucid dreaming technique, as well as start the OBE experience, ready to perform an astral projection exit technique. If you are an explorer of other planes of existence, sleep paralysis will be your best friend.

3 Techniques to break the trance

However, maybe you just want to sleep, and at this moment you are not looking for out-of-body experiences, and to do this you have to know how to break your sleep paralysis. As I just mentioned, you should not fight your sleep paralysis, but this doesn’t mean you can do something to break the trance. You must never rush into wanting to exit sleep paralysis. Your perception of time here will be compromised, and a few seconds might feel like an eternity. Instead, you must first start to project positive thoughts and visualize yourself relaxing, completely ignoring anything you see or hear.

You can help break sleep paralysis by moving your fingers and toes.
You can help break sleep paralysis by moving your fingers and toes.

From here, you want to reconnect to your body, reminding your breath that you are still not asleep. You can start visualizing one of your hands or one of your feet, this is up to you. Here, think about your hand and feet, and think about the need to move the fingers or toes. Focus only on one at a time, and while you do, imagine the movement, and visualize how it feels to move your fingers or toes. Once you can visualize this clearly, physically make the effort to move the fingers or toes of the chosen extremity.

Don’t rush into wanting to move, keep relaxed and keep visualizing and slowly attempting to move. Shortly after, you will find yourself able to move this extremity. Once done, start with the next extremity, where if you chose a hand, choose the opposite foot. For example, if you chose your right hand, go next to your left foot. A great sleep paralysis treatment as you will be out in no time.

From here, if you see progress, you can go forward with bigger areas of your body, such as an entire arm, your neck, etc. Remember to visualize and feel the movements before you attempt to physically move. If you do not see progress, focus on your breathing and start to take deep inhales, never straining the lungs, and gently exhaling the air through your mouth. Keep focusing on your breathing aiming to gain control back of your body. After a few inhales and exhales, you should be out of your sleep paralysis.

Coping with Sleep Paralysis

You mustn’t pressure yourself to exit faster from your sleep paralysis because this might only lock you in more. In a way, your brain is already starting to form a dream during the sleep paralysis phase, so all this terror will not wake you up, because your brain “knows you are okay.” Instead, focus on your Heart Chakra, and visualize how the feelings of love grow. You can visualize something that triggers the emotion of love for you. You can evoke loved ones for example, or focus on loving and positive memories. Keep focusing on these, ignoring everything else from sleep paralysis. Most likely, you will fall asleep while you enter a potentially pleasant dream.

Additionally, to help your subconscious you can take a few measurements before going to bed. For example, I recommend you use some white sage or palo santo in your room before you go to bed. Focus on the fact that you are cleansing the room from all unwanted energies. You will tell your subconscious that the room is energetically safe, so you will unlikely have dark hallucinations. Furthermore, cleansing your energy can help you greatly to be more at peace with sleep paralysis. Mantras are another great sleep paralysis treatment that you want to put into practice if you believe you need them.

Remember that what you visualize and project plays a profound role in your life. Especially when talking of sleep paralysis, you can greatly help yourself because you have the possibility to either avoid sleep paralysis, or for these to no longer be scary.

Saging the room guarantees that only beings of high vibration will be around you.
Saging the room guarantees that only beings of high vibration will be around you.

Another significant option if you share your bed with someone, is for them to help you out. Your partner probably knows well how you sleep, how you struggle with a nightmare, and the noises that you make, indicating you are okay, or not. A fantastic sleep paralysis treatment is to alert your partner about this situation and ask for their help. While you are paralyzed, you might emit some sounds and your partner might notice and recognize these, proceeding to a gentle and loving waking, getting you obviously out of sleep paralysis.

Create a personalized plan

If you want to remove sleep paralysis from your life, the most significant approach is the personalized one. First of all, you need to start understanding yourself: what do you like, what do you fear, what worries you, what is in your mind lurking around, etc. You need to honestly answer these questions. You might need to invest daily reflection time to grasp all of these subjects. You should focus also on what you recall from your sleep paralysis events. Do you see entities? Maybe perpetrators in your home? Is your family in danger? Are there explosions, screams, crashes, etc? Explore this well, and see how they are connected with your life, with what you do, what you watch, and what you think and talk about.

Once you have a solid idea about yourself and what is in your mind, you need to create a step-by-step plan for how you want to deal with sleep paralysis. I strongly suggest you create a journal, dating every entry, setting goals about where you want to be. Don’t set a time for your goals, this will add counterproductive stress, instead, make sure that you invest a little bit of time every day, as daily progress is what yields the best results.

You are welcome to also write down in your journal your wishes related to the topic. For example, having amazing dreams while having a peaceful transition to the sleeping stage. Or to have a profound and restorative rest with a quick and silent falling asleep. Imagining this happening helps the brain to ensure it goes this exact way, since after all, dreaming, sleep paralysis, sleeping… is all in your brain and mind.

A solid plan greatly helps you as a Sleep Paralysis Treatment.
A solid plan greatly helps you as a Sleep Paralysis Treatment.

From here, I am giving you a few pointers:

  • Keep regular sleep hygiene, for example, keep in mind the DO’s and DON’Ts before bed, as well as keep up good sleep habits.
  • Avoid unnecessary negativity, and if you have to deal with it, make sure to do a proper cleansing afterward.
  • You need to keep in mind that you should avoid strong stimulations before bed, as well as thinking about stressful things.
  • Make your best to keep a good sleep schedule, staying around 30 minutes (up or down) when you go to sleep and wake up in the morning.
  • Avoid lights in your room, the darker the room is, the better your sleep will be. This is essential for a proper sleep paralysis treatment, as even a tiny light can make you alert enough for you to experience sleep paralysis.

Optimal sleep positions also play a role here. Out of my experience, and working with other individuals, I can tell you that sleeping on your back increases the possibility of experiencing sleep paralysis, as well as the potential of experiencing a nightmare. One great position is sideways, here your fight or flight will feel safer too, falling asleep faster and bypassing the sleep paralysis phenomena.

I can assist you with healing and coaching if you are struggling with sleep paralysis, and together, with healing and meditation can overcome it and yield the best sleep paralysis treatment. I will coach you to help you out with this, so feel free to reach out. Ultimately, if you have night terrors, you have PTSD when going to bed, and you find your health is affected, please look out for a mental health professional.


Q: Can Lifestyle Changes Help Prevent Sleep Paralysis?

A: Bringing changes to your lifestyle will improve significantly your possibility (both increasing and decreasing) of experiencing Sleep Paralysis consciously.

Q: How common is sleep paralysis?

A: Sleep Paralysis is something that happens to everyone at least several times in their lives. There are people more likely to experience this phase of sleep naturally than others, due to their lifestyle and sleeping habits. Furthermore, if you practice Astral Travel or Lucid Dreaming, you will consciously encounter sleep paralysis.

Q: Can sleep paralysis be prevented?

A: You do not want (and can’t) block the sleep paralysis process, otherwise you would have a sleep disorder. To avoid experiencing lucidly your sleep paralysis, you must ensure proper sleep hygiene, especially as you are falling asleep in bed. You will fall asleep before sleep paralysis kicks in.

Q: What are the main risk factors for sleep paralysis?

A: If you have an irregular sleep schedule, consume drugs (including alcohol and coffee), have a room that is not well-darkened, or suffer stress you are more prone to experience sleep paralysis. Furthermore, if you practice Astral Projection, as well as some Lucid Dreaming techniques, you will likely experience sleep paralysis as well.

Q: What are some tips for managing sleep paralysis episodes?

A: To manage better sleep paralysis episodes, as you are falling asleep, focus on your breathing while you imagine yourself in nature, outdoors, or in space (you choose.)

Q: How does sleep position affect sleep paralysis?

A: It goes how safe your fight or flight feels, generally sleeping on your back makes you feel more exposed, thus being more on guard and facilitating sleep paralysis.

Q: Are there effective ways to overcome sleep paralysis?

A: One effective way to overcome sleep paralysis is to have 10 or 15 minutes of relaxing time before going to bed. This means no TV, no phone, just relaxing. You will fall asleep faster before sleep paralysis kicks in.

Q: When should I seek medical help for sleep paralysis?

A: If you are having sleepless nights, you wake up in terror, or your health is affected in any way, you should seek medical help.

From here, now you have to practice. Sleep Paralysis Treatment is all about knowledge and how to deal with it. As you have learned, there is nothing wrong here but your scare. Harness the power of sleep paralysis for amazing results. The forecast for May is here next month, so stay tuned! See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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