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Mastering the Art of Living in the Present: Maximizing Results through Focused Awareness
- Fernando Albert

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Now: You have to learn how to focus correctly to maximize results.
Did you like the Adventure Meditations? These are amazing and focus a lot on mental entertainment. If I see that you still like them, I will do the Thrill Meditations in the future, which will be super interesting (but not to relax!) This week we will talk about how to live in the now correctly. It is essential to learn to live in the now, but you have to know how to do it well to ensure that you get the best out of your life and now.
I want to tell you many things here you probably already know. However, even if we know things, it happens to all of us. Sometimes we need a good reminder, and this post’s purpose, to be able to better day-to-day and, therefore, what is to come. So let’s talk a little bit about living in the now.
Why is it essential?
We live in a highly competitive society, and death is the only sure thing in this life. And I say this a lot, but it’s true. However, little by little, learning the Principles of the Universe helps us to navigate this sea of possibilities better. Our ego only cares about our well-being, and everything that can threaten that well-being goes through our fight/flight mechanisms. Throughout life, we face many difficulties, sometimes, the results are positive, but other times they are negative, leaving a mark on us.

We can have traumatic experiences that affect our focus on the now.
One of the main reasons we have to know how to live in the now is because of these marks after a bad experience. It is widespread to think about a past mistake and be afraid of making it again. If this is the case, it usually negatively influences the path we will continue to travel on the path of life. Or to sum it up, it’s going to influence the future. I always like to say, “You have to understand and correct the past and, with it, give everything in the present to ensure a secure future that we don’t have to worry about now.”
When you don’t live in the now.
Let’s give an example that makes us all uncomfortable. You are part of a car accident, and even though you got away completely unscathed, it gave you quite a scare. And besides, you think it was your fault for using electronics at the wheel. After a healthy recovery from the scare, it’s time to get back behind the wheel. A person who lives in the now will have reflected on the accident. If there have been mistakes, this person will learn from them; if there have been no mistakes, surely the person will be even more cautious after the accident. This person does not have to worry about a possible future accident and can enjoy their current driving.
However, a person who does not live in the now will constantly go back to the moment of the accident and fear that that event will repeat itself. This, apart from being dangerous thanks to the Principle of Mentalism, is an excellent blockage today because these fears will not let you get back behind the wheel. This, of course, also thanks to the Principle of Cause and effect, will bring other problems that will not contribute in your way.
So what is there to do?
I have told you above! It is essential to reflect on those complex events from the past that haunt you. This will bring you wisdom and new ideas that will help you grow. This will naturally make you stronger, and you will approach the future in a much more positive way. To such an extent, you will be focused entirely on the now, which is the goal I want to reach with this entry. If little by little, you are tying up all the ends of the past and assuring the future, you do not need to think more than the now.

We have to focus properly on the now.
This will put you more in sync with the Universe because, as I have explained many times, linear time is nothing more than a perception of the human being. If you live in the now correctly, you will only need to focus on what you are doing now. You will do it in sync with making the right decisions; however, for this to work, you cannot forget that we make dozens of decisions every day. This means you must consider everything you have read for each of them.
What do you mean by “do it right”?
I’ll get to the point. It is possible to live in the now incorrectly and dangerously. A song that sounds familiar to all of us, “Don’t worry, be happy,” has a great polarity in the possible messages when interpreting living in the now. Living in the now does not mean stopping responsibilities and waiting if progress comes by itself. Carelessness is a problem that can permanently damage the path of your life and the lives of those around you.
So I want to emphasize the part of “securing the future,” where you will always ensure that the paths you are taking serve the best of your purposes. Once this is in motion, it is something that you do instinctively; you are going to enjoy the present much more, which is what matters, knowing that you will continue to walk the paths of your lives.
And well, that’s all.
Like many things, living in the now is a practice and gradually improves over time. It is not something you change from today to tomorrow. It’s a transitory transformation where you will see the results little by little. Next week we are going to talk about what Double Consciousness is. It is something you have possibly experienced at some point in your life, and there are ways to look for it, even if you don’t know. But all of this, next week! See you next Wednesday!
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Love & Light,
Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)
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