
What is the true meaning of Karma when we review it during the afterlife?

Karma Meaning: Find out how we handle our karma during the afterlife.
a man witnessing a ripple happening like meaning karma

What is the true meaning of Karma when we review it during the afterlife?

Hello! Last week we talked about lucid dreaming, and I shared many posts that will help you have great dreams. After reading everything, I want to remind you that you must keep practicing since practice makes the expert. Today we are going to talk about Karma and its meaning. We already have a couple of posts about Karma and how it more or less works. However, it’s been about three weeks since I wanted to share this post.

I tell you many times that you can always learn new things, and as you do so, you realize that there is much more behind what you had just discovered. And this entry comes thanks to multiple reflections on the Principles of the Universe, among other things. Karma can be interpreted and is common and well known today. Typically, when talking about the meaning of Karma, we refer to receiving what we give. We even talk about past lives and having to clear this Karma again. Which, in principle, is connected with the Principle of Correspondence and Vibration. However, this is far from the only data to analyze Karma.

So we will reflect a little, since taking some things into account will make you change your way of doing something.

The meaning of Karma goes beyond what you see.

And this is something that you must consider when deciding to do something, especially if it is something negative. It is essential to remember that the world is much more than the tangible, and a simple action can cause astronomical effects that you cannot even imagine. As I said before, the Seven Principles affect Karma directly because of the Principle of Cause and Effect. For example, it activates the karmic connections and the retribution of one’s own Karma in a certain way. But honestly, when you explore the workings of Karma is when you realize that it goes much further than “Where they give, they take.”

In other articles, we have already dealt with Karma and how it works on the physical plane, in this current life in which we are. Therefore I want to bring you the opportunity to reflect when you see how far the result of an action can go. When I touch on these topics, this comes from my experience and the information I have obtained from the Spirit when I have connected with spiritual guides, or loved ones in the astral, of other people and myself.

Why do we want to return to Earth to fix things?

And this is a topic that perhaps, for some people, is a sensitive topic, even intimidating. We are souls having a human experience, and for whatever reason, a soul may no longer wish to return to this planet. However, it is not as simple as wanting or not wanting during life. When we have left our physical body behind, therefore, the ego and, in a way, our perception of duality, in other words, we are selfless when we don’t have a physical body, and we will want to do things right. As I have discussed in a post about death, we vibrate in the frequency of love in this state; you will see everything differently. The meaning of Karma is profound here.

two people contemplating earth and meaning of karma

We analyze everything; whether we return or not, how, and when.

And as you know, it is through reincarnation we may decide to return to Earth to improve the mark that we have left here. Also, souls that could desire to experience future lives here. And yes, I say “we decide” because no one or nothing will judge us. As I have explained to you before, our spiritual guides will be with us, just as they are now in life. But just like in life, in death, they will not be able to make decisions for us either, no matter the difficulties. But being from a perspective of love, of non-duality, and surrounded by Light, we will accept all those black spots. Especially those that we can’t remove easily.

When we realize how far “karma” has come, or rather, our actions, we start to understand the meaning.

Because it is essential to understand that it is not “karma” that “makes you” return to this planet to improve your path, it is you yourselves who are going to make this decision. And this is where I want to get to with this entry and its consequent reflection. I have to tell you that as I have been reflecting on this issue, I have taken my actions into account, even more so than I have them. I call it development, something you will also experience, especially when you become aware of it.

You will see everything beyond time and space when reviewing your previous life. And you can see a lot, but much more than you imagine. It is possible to see how far our actions have come and how many people have been affected by them. For example, maybe you decided to stand someone up for a previous problem. Because of this, this person returned to work in a nasty mood in the afternoon. This prompted this person to give a negative response to a client, bringing a repressed trauma to light.

A person might struggle if they have to face a trauma before the right time. You might think that this is negative, but sometimes, it can have a different positive outcome. Are you starting to witness the true meaning of Karma?

The understanding.

I have told you all this so that you have a little more awareness that everything is much larger and more complex than it seems. Here, it means that we have the opportunity to continue learning and growing continuously. Now you may be thinking that it is effortless to generate new Karma, but it is not. For example, the person who was angry at work. It is possible that you feel a particular responsibility for everything this perhaps happened. You may think that if you had forgiven this person, the client who walked past them would not have had their trauma brought to the surface. It might be a good idea, except for the option that maybe this person will never heal this trauma.

a water ripple that represents meaning of karma

An action yields more results than you can imagine.

Right now, with the consciousness of a human being, you could hold yourself accountable. Don’t forget that there are many factors that you may be ignoring. For example, perhaps it was good that that client had their trauma brought up to heal it, and put it behind them, something that would not have happened without your actions. Or perhaps something much simpler and more prominent, realizing that this person has taken these actions, not you, and that under no circumstances do you feel guilty for such a situation. You will not feel this problem once you have left this life behind since things are seen and analyzed from another perspective in this higher state of consciousness.

It’s about taking everything into account.

As you can see, this is a reflection entry; the meaning of Karma is profound. But how? Very easy. Now you know that you decide if you have to fix a karmic issue and return to Earth or something that you can resolve in another way. You will be able to see all the people who have taken part in the results of your actions. Something precious, especially if all these results have been successful. It will help you reflect before taking depending on what steps are in the here and now. Using a little of your awareness to remember or even a little intuition, you will be able to analyze the most complex situations. You can try to project in your head what possible results your action would have on the person directly, but how it can affect their lives and those around them.

By taking this into account, you will already have more consideration. Perhaps, you will have more in mind the possible repercussions in this and future lives. When the time comes, and you observe all your actions, likely, you will still see problems and errors that you have caused. However, you will discover that these situations were not every day or that perhaps, there is no responsibility or blame on you. You will understand if there is a lesson to learn behind that particular situation. Your level of understanding in that state of consciousness will be higher. Much more than you imagine, and you will see what you need to see, and you will make the necessary decisions.

And a little more!

Right now, we should not focus on the repercussions that Karma, or rather, our actions can bring us. We need to understand better the true meaning of Karma. You have to take everything into account and analyze things a little more. Project positivity as much as possible, and don’t forget to be fair to yourself. You likely saw missed opportunities in your life for not being honest to yourself, and you will want to fix it. Next week, I will share some stuff about love relationships and how the relationship can improve massively by taking a few things into account. But all this in a week! I will tell you next week. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! Don’t forget March’s Forecast. See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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