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Loved ones who become Spirit Guides. Why and how?
- Fernando Albert

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Did you know you may be deeply connected to a loved one in Spirit?
Hi! How is it going? What are your thoughts on love compatibilities? It is almost February! Since next Wednesday will be the 7th already, I prepared the forecast, and it online already. You can find it on Youtube. I will post it here next Wednesday because we already have an exciting topic for this week. It also matters (energetically) not to publish the Forecast on a different month, even if it is the last day like this (next also) month. I am sure that out of the image, you are already wondering! We are going to talk about loved ones that become spirit guides.
Can the dead see us?
I don’t want to be macabre, but this a question that we may ask ourselves. It is the primary purpose of this article.
So, I want to share a little bit about loved ones who crossed over to Spirit and are more involved with this physical life than some people in their physical bodies! Jokes aside, this is very true. I can relate to not one but two living examples near me.
My wife and my dad, who are very connected with one specific family member in Spirit, are two good examples. But before we get there, I want to share how I perceive afterlife family connections since they can vary a lot.
There are factors beyond your relationship with them or their wisdom in their former life. Their soul might have more or less knowledge and experience, and this plays a vital role.
How to know if a loved one in spirit is with us nowadays.
By the way, take a read on the significance as a whole for love.
As usual, I base this on either my findings through readings or my personal experience, so these are my views:
Loved ones who are looking after you.
It is the most standard and universal connection. Someone’s life comes to an end. Sadly, their physical body is no more, leaving us (still at the third dimension) with a degree of emptiness. But it would be best if you become aware that, while there might not be a physical connection, the spiritual connection is still there. And your family member is closer to you than you think (less than “a few inches”) but in a different plane of existence. I am sure many of you who have loved ones who have departed have felt their presence once or more.
Others might have received a thought from them (sort of an implanted idea or feeling) and maybe even picking up something with extra-sensory perception. Even those who are not mediums nor psychics will still perceive a connection like this throughout their life. Be assured that this is your family member. For example, in a dream, you will know if you dream of your deceased loved one, or you that soul entered your dream, you will know. Typically, this is the group of “they are watching over you.” But they can only watch. When I connect with them for a reading, they play “their paper” as they did when they were alive. But pretty much it will stay there.
It is an excellent connection because you will still feel them and connect with them (if you are a medium) or through a mediumship reading. The chances are that your kids will perceive these family members also, as they stay very close to the physical plane.
A family member who becomes your Spirit Guide.Â
Here is why I wanted to write this blog post, as I am amazed at this process. I find it to be beautiful and very nurturing. As many of you know, we do have some Spirit Guides since the time of birth. Even for your entire existence and others who come and go. Some spirit guides do change with our development, as you might need more horsepower (spiritguidepower in this case!) This means that our Spirit Team is volatile, so that it can change. However, it is always part of our spirituality.
Some family members might desire to continue their work, and they might be wise enough to do more. When a soul is wise enough, it may decide to “upgrade” to become a Spirit Guide. I do not know the exact nature of this, but for what they told me “upstairs,” they learn in the astral plane until they are ready. I have witnessed two cases.
Ana (wife)
Her mom crossed over at an earlier age. However, she is a mighty soul, and she could become my wife’s Spirit Guide. Now, she is part of the family since we can communicate with her. As she became one of my wife’s spirit guides, her responsibilities grew. She can do many things like a Spirit Guide; she can even further guide my wife since “she has more permissions” over my wife’s soul than a family member who is not a Spirit Guide. Their connection to a family member does not disempower because of this, quite the contrary.
However, it is also true that sometimes, her mom connects with me through mediumship. Generally, to make a joke or say something funny, or something a spirit guide wouldn’t say. She usually connects as a Spirit Guide (takes less energy) unless she wants to play a little more the “mom paper.” It is funny because it makes me think, “Since I cannot do this as a guide, I do as a spirit, no one will notice. It is a different channel.”
Other situations.
Nevertheless, to say, it is true (rare, but real) that maybe she wanted to say something as a mom, but due to being a Spirit Guide, she couldn’t. Your spirit guides do have much more authority over your energy than a family member in spirit. It is quite amazing what Spirits can do. Ana’s mom defied the laws of physics in seánce, to the point of making me doubt and fearing for the table to crash on the ground. I have witnessed this connection also with my grandfather. He connects with me as a regular Spirit, like my grandpa. He also does with my dad as a wise Spirit Guide (and I assume as a dad too.)
Loved Ones who decide to leave.
I also want to bring this point. Don’t worry. If there is/was a definite connection, this will not happen. However, I have also witnessed this event. I am going to share a situation where this happened. One of my unce’s (wife’s side) crossed over. He experienced natural death during sleep. His brothers are toxic, and they only took advantage of him. However, he did cherish them back. Driving by his house sometime later, I would clairvoyantly see light lit. The light would remain lit. He was waiting.
A spiritual banishing may be necessary for some situations.
Long story short. My uncle was waiting for his brothers to come; they did come indeed (to loot his home), but not a single trace of grief. I told him a few times that, sadly, they do not care for him. I sent him love, a lot of love, and helped him to go to the light. Unfortunately, he stayed there. As I medium, I did not want to see a Spirit suffering, so I did “threaten” him that I would not hesitate in banishing him away for him to find his happiness again and asked him to go back to the Healing Rooms. He did, and after some time, driving by his home, I saw the light, but it was bright, not like an old lightbulb.
My uncle was waiting to give me thanks for the help. He told me he realized his family and healed his pain. He told me he was very grateful, but he was going to leave this plane for good. I cannot find him now, and it is implausible he will come back. His family members do not miss him (no wife, no kids, no close connections at all with other than his toxic brothers.) I told him that my wife and I do not need him to stay here for us, that it was time for him to start enjoying it (his life was not a good one). So, he left, and right now, he is somewhere in the Astral Plane, or maybe even reincarnated elsewhere.
A year and a half later, as I edit this, no changes. He is still enjoying existence elsewhere.
Sometimes, our loved ones need this.
So, this is my perspective based on multiple experiences over family members departing. Eventually, these family members will reincarnate back here on Earth or another planet. It means that if my mother-in-law (I doubt it!) or my grandpa (maybe, who knows) may decide to reincarnate and experience another human life. Do you know what this means? Perhaps you were a spirit guide at some point in between lifetimes. It applies especially true to old souls, starseeds, and incarnate angels. However, there is no exact science here. The only way to know is how right you feel that with you and checking your Akashic Records. But it is a fantastic curiosity to share 🙂
Empower your connection with your loved ones now. You can connect with your guides with this Journey right here.
It is beautiful to help a spirit.
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And, this is all, folks! What are your thoughts about this? Do you feel your family members around you? Have you experienced any connection with a family member, maybe like in your dreams? I invite you to share it right here! As I said at the beginning of this article, next week, it is time for February’s Forecast (since tomorrow is the first, I uploaded it already. Next week, it will post here! I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!
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Love & Light,
Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)
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6 thoughts on “Loved ones who become Spirit Guides. Why and how?”
Wonderful topic Fernando! Thank you for sharing your experiences! My personal loss is too recent to comment on, but this article was a great comfort. My prayers to you and your loved ones. I am glad your uncle has found peace. Namaste
Thanks for sharing, it means a lot 🙂 I am very glad it helps. I want to remove the fear of death as well as the so-called disconnection from the other side as we are taught to believe 🙂
Hello Fernando, my mother just died in December, I was distraught. A few weeks before she died while in the hospital, even though she had some dementia and being in the hospital and medicated, probably didn’t register what I said at that moment to her, but I said if you cross over to the other world, our communication word should be butterfly. The week she died, I had been crying everyday, I went out to the back in nature, as I stood there thinking of her and crying looking at the trees, birds and such (there’s generally a butterfly or two that might come fluttering around), I saw a butterfly and was watching it, before I knew it a bunch of them started showing up and surrounding me, flying near me and above my head.
Also, soon after I caught a cold, one night in my mind I said to my mother, what are you going to do now, you used to always worry about me, but now you’re not here to do anything or say anything? Then I heard something fall in the next room that was dark, got me a lil freaked, it sounded like a small box fell, and the first thing that came to my mind was that it was a tissue box. We checked it out and it was indeed a tissue box, didn’t even know where it fell from or how. I said wow, it must be her. So I took a tissue box and kept it bedside, during the night several times I’d wake up and ended up needing tissues as my nose was running, and I had the tissues right on hand. I said, thanks mom. This was amazing.
Hi Ani,
I am sorry for your loss, but as you said, indeed, she is close to you. You had evident signs of her presence. Even more powerful than the butterflies, it was the tissue box. It sounds like evidence of your mom around you and influencing your life. In fact, if you did not know where the tissue box came from, it was most likely an apport. Your mom is a strong soul, as apports are very rare, especially in the nature it happened to you. Sit down in silence, with soft music. Feel love in your heart, and focus on your mom. Clear your mind (and heart if you can) from any thoughts, emotions. After a while in this state, feelings, and thoughts will just “appear” in your mind/heart. That will be her. It might be subtle, but you will know it.
Thank you! 🙂
I will try what you say.
Yes, the tissue box fell in my bf’s office room, and he couldn’t figure it out, he had said he thinks he had a tissue box in there perhaps, but couldn’t remember where he may have placed it, and that it probably was in a secure place where it wouldn’t have easily fallen. It must take some energy to cause that to happen, as you said. (strong soul). She was feisty when she put her mind to it, I can imagine her doing that to say to me, here you go, I’m going to show you right now. 🙂
That is indeed a strong validation then. Treasure the event, and expect more. Listen to your dreams.