Is this person my twin flame? If they are, you already know!

Have you meet your twin flame? The Twin Flame connection is far more complex than just, "the most powerful love connection," as sometimes the purpose may not even be one of love! Start to understand better the reasons why you met your Twin Flame, if you even did!
Generally, Twin Flames explore different parts of the Universe.

Table of Contents

What is a twin flame and all the hype around it?

Hi there! We are slowly getting closer to the end of the year! If you have meaningful days ahead, make sure to get the most out of them. Especially if you have a green aura, share that love! This week we are discussing another subject with great hype because it is perhaps the strongest spiritual connection there can be regardless of gender, age, and emotions between these two people. Yes, you guessed it, we talked about twin flames and their true meaning and potential purposes this week.

One aspect I want to approach today is to focus on the importance of twin flame relationships whether it is a connection around friendship, love, professional, spiritual, perhaps with a specific purpose or life test. This means that a twin flame connection may last from a few days (a specific purpose, a test, etc), or for an entire life regardless being friendship, family, love, or neither of them. I know I am dropping a bomb, a bit too early, but it’s necessary.

A twin-flame connection is indeed the most powerful connection one can have, but I want to help you understand that this doesn’t mean it is a higher tier than love, or that the twin-flame connection means the ultimate love.  In some twin flame connections, this can be true. However, don’t worry if you meet your twin flame and you are in love with your partner with whom you don’t even consider parting. Some twin flames meet only for a specific purpose away from love, sex, and even emotions.

What is a twin flame?

Perhaps you don’t know the twin flame meeting, other than two words together sounding pretty and spiritual, so let me tell you. As I shared in this article about the soul and where it comes from, you need to focus on the very start, the Source. To be open-minded, please drop any misconceptions about love and instead focus on the concept of energetic alignments, completely cleared from feelings and relationships.

Let’s focus on the Source, where all souls come and go. Now, visualize one sphere of the purest white light you can imagine coming out from it. This sphere right away divides into two smaller spheres that are identical. Each of these spheres is an individual soul, you are one of these spheres, and your twin flame is the other, again, this is not romance at all, it’s energy and souls!

Twin flames are two of the same soul than once were one.
Twin flames are two of the same soul than once were one.

Maybe you are asking, what is the purpose of this spit in two? Well, think about efficiency. Our purpose as souls is to have experiences, not only human ones. A lot of humans have starseeds, incarnate angels, or elemental, as well as of course, human souls. This is true for probably every civilization across the Universe… Isn’t that a lot of experiences to go through? You are now experiencing one lifetime of millions that you, the soul, will eventually go through.

The purpose of collecting experiences is at some point to unify them with other souls creating a sort of Oneness of Universal knowledge. So, this is where the main purpose of Twin Flame Set is, so stop thinking about your little current lifetime, but your whole existence instead. Each soul will take different paths in the Universe, so at some point, once both souls are meant to go back to the Source, they both will unify as one again and rejoin the Source.

The reason for this is that you can have more experiences, and once you unify with your twin flame to become one soul again, all these experiences will mix. For this reason, it is rare, but possible, that you will meet your twin flame. In 99% of the cases, your twin flame might be enjoying their lifetime in a different civilization, or plane of existence, meaning that you will not meet your twin flame, and that is alright. Unless you have a specific purpose (whether it’s love or not), you don’t need your twin flame.

Misconceptions About Twin Flames

I want to make a few comments about misconceptions about this intense soul connection. I would say a Twin Flame connection is more of a spiritual relationship, because, after all, both twin flames are two of the same, at a soul level, but have nothing to do with the person who you are today. Please, keep this in mind, because human connections are based first on personalities, looks, life doings, and on what you two build up together.

The soul connection influences, as well as any karma or soul agreements, however, this normally comes in second. Nothing but death is guaranteed in life, keep this in mind! So, let’s go to the point!

Twinflames yield the strongest love connection


Love is Love, Soul Connection is Soul Connection, and they are both independent of each other.
Love is Love, Soul Connection is Soul Connection, and they are both independent of each other.

This is perhaps the most destructive one. I have worked with people who left their relationship while in love because of meeting their twin flame and thinking they had no other choice, without even feeling attracted to their twin flame. You need to be with whom you are in love (if you are loved back) regardless of soul connections. If you meet your twin flame and are happily in your relationship, you certainly don’t have a purpose of love with your twin flame.

The purpose of your twin flame will never be to destroy your life and bring harm to others around you. They are the other half of your soul, so if you ever happen to meet, it will not be to promote existence-self-harm.  Unproductivity happens only within the consciousness of third-dimensional beings such as humans! If something such happens, it is the human consciousness the one to blame, as with any time of connection that could disrupt your life because of your mistakes or necessities.

Even if you are meant to experience a profound love connection with your twin flame, it might not be the strongest connection ever. Two souls who never shared a life before are two white canvases, and that is an opportunity to have an amazing relationship.

Some soulmate connections may even be more powerful than twin flames. Here we have the label problem, twin flames, soulmates… in the end, it matters what you build up with the other person. Find the differences between twin flames and soulmates to understand a little more.

Everybody can meet their twinflame


After possibly millions of lifetimes, both twin flames will reunite as disembodied beings and exchange all experiences together.
After possibly millions of lifetimes, both twin flames will reunite as disembodied beings and exchange all experiences together.

I am sure you know that the entire Universe flows in a way that functions in the most efficient way possible, always in a reliable way based on the laws of physics as we know them. Don’t you think it takes a tremendous effort for two twin flames to meet? Their purpose is to be separate having very different experiences, possibly hundreds of light years away from each other.

Take it as two photographers visiting a huge place with only a couple of days’ worth of time. The more photos they can collect, the better, so they will possibly try, to find different places to take as many photos as possible. Perhaps, there could be one specific place that both of them want to be in the photo, so they will have to meet. Once they take their photo, they can part ways again to keep taking photos and after a couple of days, meet, and exchange them all.

So, these two photographers are your twin flame and you. The “huge place” you guys are visiting is the entire Universe. So one tiny planet within a little solar system that is part of one of the trillions of galaxies out there is not a lot of ground for the both of you to be here at the same time, and you are already here…

What if you are meeting for that photo

In the same way, people win the lottery, you can also meet your twin flame. Maybe you guys meet to take a photo together, but this doesn’t mean sleeping together or falling in love. This could mean one single purpose that only it could happen with you both physically together. If you want an example, keep reading, as I will briefly share my story and share one significant purpose (that had nothing to do specifically between my twinflame and myself.)

A twin flame connection is the ultimate connection

If your purpose with your twin flame was to experience profound love, you could have a profound connection, but far from perfect. The imperfection comes with human consciousness, ego, and duality. So, you both still could go through the same problems together, even more if you get emotionally involved with your twinflame.

This might be if you even can have a romantic connection with them, and they are not of a gender that you are attracted to. A twin flame set does not see the Principle of Gender in the polarity we understand here on Earth because souls are genderless.

Normally, there will be a major purpose or life test, for example, something perhaps dramatic that has nothing to do with your life or your twin flame. There is a lot we don’t comprehend from the Universe yet. If you and your twin flame have a specific purpose, you will excel at that purpose, but for the rest of what life entitles, you both might have nothing to do with each other anymore.

Thousands of hundreds of lightyears for just banishing a (tough one) malevolent entity


Two of the same soul can open bigger and stronger portals.
Two of the same soul can open bigger and stronger portals.

A good example here comes from my story. My twin flame happens to be incarnated as a human in this timeline, and we found each other. For any spiritual work we did, we were like two identical beings, however, outside of the “spiritual department,” we were completely different. I did not say the opposite, I said different, which is far more complex if we don’t stick only to our purpose. We have different personalities, likes, and life goals.

One person contacted me for a severe issue with malevolent entities from an African cult and some masks she had buried. She happened to be in the same city where I was living at that time. Although I performed several banishing rituals in the past, for this one, the only way to succeed was with “extra power” from two of the same energy, aka, my twin flame. My Spirit Guides and the Akasha validated this.

Sure, we did other banishing rituals than we could each do on our own, but the main purpose was the “big banishing ritual.” Prove is that we never clashed with each other, but in a way, life took us on different paths and neither of us made the effort to reach each other because we simply didn’t need it. I’ve never gone social or casual with my twin flame, but I bet we still wouldn’t have enjoyed a beer together as much as a shot of kava-kava after some spiritual work!

Don’t force it, this is what  matters

There are many more misconceptions, but I wanted to focus on the main ones because those are the problematic ones. Ultimately, if you have an amazing connection with someone, and you are the same, then you have higher chances to be soulmates. You can check about soulmates and then perhaps you will feel that who you doubted could be your twin flame, is in reality your soulmate or another type of intense connection.

Don’t always take or assume either label, but I can tell you one thing, if you meet your twin flame, you know it, let’s see why!

Meeting your twin flame, and why do already you know you met them if you  truly did


Meeting your twin flame will trigger an unknown energetic feeling in your heart chakra.
Meeting your twin flame will trigger an unknown energetic feeling in your heart chakra.

So, let’s go to the juicy part. Meeting your twin flame is far from falling in love instantly (another misconception), but I have to share there is truly an amazing energetic experience. I don’t even think that human languages have words for it because simply it has nothing to do with human emotions. You are the one that mixes human emotions with the twin flame meaning. However, it is something quite different. Here is how it felt for me:

  • Basically, after a group session of breathing exercises that she had led in a Kava lounge, she reached out to greet me. For us, it felt like we only exchanged eye contact for a few seconds, but apparently, we had been for several minutes staring into each other eye’s… if this was a cartoon, we both would have question marks around our heads. As an empath, I have a hard time looking into anyone eye’s, yet alone keeping prolonged contact… so that was more mind-blowing.
  • I felt also somehow as if I found the same version of myself but in another human being. I had a ton of energy in some of my chakras, but at the same time, it felt to me as if I was simply charging up my energy, but in a split second. In a way, time was altered because the moment was possibly over ten minutes based on what other people said around.
  • I had some claircognant insights that there was more to us by them, far from love or friendship, but for something spiritual, such as doing some work together. I knew I didn’t have feelings of love, and certainly know that neither did my twin flame.

So, more or less, in what I am capable of describing, it’s my experience. However, other people possibly pick up as well on something strange going on. We knew a lot of people who were open spiritually, and some with gifts. Most of the time in these groups we were not next to each other, or in others we would just meet for the first time. However, pretty much everybody assumed we were family, and not all of them assumed love, although some did.

Regardless of us meeting each other sporadically, we knew what each other needed to on any spiritual work we did. We simply meet for banishing rituals, home clearings, and other spiritual work, but simply as friends, perhaps once or twice, I am not even sure anymore. So, in a way, it was the twin flame energy that made others think that we were so united, while we didn’t even know each other hobbies!

This proves a twin flame connection is above any personal or emotional connection and happens without them, but always with a purpose. Our lives were completely different, and so our personalities, so we didn’t have a lot to do even as buddies, as we had different choices for fun. So, you must keep in mind, that it will help you understand things better if you ever meet your twin flame in this lifetime with an already settled and happy life!


Q: What is a twin flame?

A: Twin flame means two souls that once were one so are part of the same thing.

Q: How can I identify my twin flame?

A: If you look into your twin flame’s eyes, you will know it right away, it’s impossible not to.

Q: How is a twin flame different from a soulmate?

A: A soulmate connection goes around the history of past lives, while twin flame only means being twin souls.

Q: Why are twin flame relationships often tumultuous?

A: It is a misconception that you need to be romantically with your twin flame, and pushing a relationship yields a lot of difficulties. Furthermore, it is assumed that a twin flame relationship is flawless, but like any other relationship, it is flawed thanks to ego and human behaviors.

Q: How can twin flames help in personal growth?

A: You can pick up on a lot of things from your twin flame, and you will feel connected with the wish of implementing some in your life, leading to growth.

Q: What should I be cautious of when seeking my twin flame?

A: You should know first if your twin flame is even incarnated on Earth (assuming you are here reading this). If they are incarnated, then you should seek the purpose of your meeting. Once you do, let the chase start! However, you might realize that you both will simply come to each other, with no effort because it’s necessary for a reason.

Q: Is it necessary to pay someone to find my twin flame?

A: Absolutely not! No one can “bring your twin flame.” You can do energy work or receive help this way, but if your twin flame is meant to come to you, or you to them, it will happen without the help of any practitioner.

I hope now you understand better the concept of a twin flame, and while how powerful it is, it doesn’t need to shift your already stable and fulfilling life. A karmic relationship is a lot better than a relationship that is not meant to be, keep that in mind! Next week we talk about chakras, as it’s been a while. We will focus on their colors, making an easy one-article compilation. So stay tuned for next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: eighth year, seventh year, sixth year,  fifth year, fourth year, third yearsecond year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you for visiting! - Twin flame

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