Chakra Colors and their meanings: Let’s talk about Chakras!

Get to understand everything about Chakra colors and meanings. Learn to access the full potential of your energy centers, and start taking control of your life. You will learn today the potential for each Chakra, and how to easily tap it. Find here all about the Chakra colors.
Chakra symbols and colors. Learn their meaning.

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Let’s take a look over the 7 Chakra colors

Hello! I hope the Twin Flame article helped you out, especially if you are wondering about your twin flame. This week we are going to go back to one of the classic subjects that we used to talk about a lot a few years back. We have a lot of content about the energy centers of your body, but there is always more information out there. Plus, I want to make a fresh and easy read today, perhaps like a quick consultation guide on Chakra colors and their meaning.

As I said, we have a lot of information here in Meditate with Fernando, you can check out this recap of Chakra articles, as well as experience a lot of Chakra meditations. However, take this as a practical guide, focusing on Chakra colors, and other things that are also connected. The Chakras are an easy subject to start with on your path in spirituality since the same way you take care of your physical body, you need to do with your Chakras as well.

Did you know proper maintenance is also important for your Chakras, aura, and energy in general? Don’t worry, it is very easy to take care of your energetic body, and you can do it at the same time you take care of your physical body. So you almost don’t have to invest additional time besides what you invest for yourself already.

The seven Chakras and their colors. What is a Chakra?

A Chakra is an energy center in your body that moves energy around. They keep your body healthy and enable energetic access to many of your day-to-day interactions and doings. These are meant to keep a balanced energy in your life, but because of your actions, you may experience one or more Chakras in an underactive or overactive state. The 7 main Chakras are connected with your vital organs, so promoting good Chakra health is important.

When your Chakras are balanced, you might experience a profound sensation of deep serenity and balance. Your Chakras are open and in good health when they are in alignment. Every one of your Chakras is indeed functioning at a satisfactory degree and consistently keeping a superb energetic balance. The Chakras must remain open, and this is an easy task if you add some doings to your daily routine, and bring massive improvements.

You can and should work individually on each of your Chakras, as well as collectively. But we are talking Chakra colors today, aren’t we? Let’s go for it.

The Red Chakra – The First Chakra – The Root Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Root Chakra

This is the Muladhara Chakra or Root Chakra and it is connected with the base of your spine. This Chakra connects you with planet Earth and enables your physical body to nurture. We also call it the red Chakra, because the spectrum of its vibration is in red, connecting strongly with red aura people. You can strongly nurture your physical body, as well as feel grounded and energized when your base Chakra is healthy.

The Orange Chakra- The Second Chakra – The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Sacral Chakra

This is the Svadhishthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra (also called Navel Chakra) and it is connected in the lower navel area of your body. This Chakra connects you with sensuality and creativity, enabling you to live better your passions. We also call it the orange Chakra, connecting strongly with orange aura people. You can materialize greater passion, professional, and even financial when your second Chakra is healthy.

The Yellow Chakra – The Third Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra and it is connected with the stomach area of your body. This Chakra connects you with your willpower, assertiveness, and energy, enabling you to great success and personal power. We also call it the yellow Chakra, connecting strongly with yellow aura people. You will be able to make a stronger impact on other people, and you will always find the will to keep moving forward with a healthy third Chakra.

The Green Chakra – The Fourth Chakra – The Heart Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Heart Chakra

This is the Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra and it is connected with your heart, leaning towards the middle of the chest. This Chakra connects with you with love, and your capability for healing, something that every person has. We also call it the green Chakra, connecting strongly with green aura people. You speak from the heart, and you can make a powerful impact when you allow your emotions to flow properly when the fourth Chakra is healthy.

  • There is the Pink Chakra as well, which technically is a smaller Chakra of your secondary group of Chakras in the body (don’t confuse it with the second set of Chakras.) This one is located in your chest (between your heart and throat) and it connected more on the connection with spiritual and universe love. This Chakra plays an important part when connecting to Spirit for channeling, for example.

The Blue Chakra – The Fifth Chakra – The Throat Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Throat Chakra

This is the Visuddha Chakra or Throat Chakra and it is connected with the general throat area of your body. This Chakra enables proper communication with integrity and honesty, enabling you to be trustworthy and reliable. We also call it the blue Chakra, connecting strongly with blue aura people. Your voice makes a strong impact, bringing your listeners to follow your wisdom because you relay the information with truth and determination when the fifth Chakra is healthy.

The Indigo Chakra – The Sixth Chakra – The Third Eye Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Third Eye Chakra

This is the Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra and it is connected with the area of the head in between the eyebrows, a little above. This Chakra connects you with the Spirit, enabling your wisdom and intuition to start following. We also call it the indigo Chakra, connecting strongly with indigo aura people. You have great intuition, and you can easily feel the energies that surround you, as well as experience clairvoyance and others when the sixth Chakra is healthy.

The Purple Chakra – The Seventh Chakra – The Crown Chakra

Chakra Colors: The Crown Chakra

This is the Sahasrara Chakra or Crown Chakra and it is located about a palm above the head, linked to your brain, but also to your higherself. This Chakra connects with the spirit in a higher way, as here is where the direct link happens. You are connected to a higher collective universal consciousness. We also call it the purple Chakra, connecting strongly with some purple and gold aura people. You will feel connected, and closer to Oneness when the seventh Chakra is healthy.

Besides Chakra colors and their meanings: Quick tips to cleanse them

I want to give you some tips about learning about your Chakraa and colors and how to keep them super healthy. If you add a few things to your daily routine, you will not take a lot of time, however, you will make a huge positive impact in every area of your life. Check these out:

  • Firstly, check out this recap of Chakra, as you will find a ton of exercises and materials.
  • Once you do, create a small strategy as far as Chakra balancing goes for you to add to your daily routine. You can do most exercise while you do other activities such as showering or working out.
  • Make sure to add meditations to balance the Chakras (this energy center meditation is awesome!) Sometimes it is easier to just follow my voice guiding you on how to do it, so go for it!
  • I invite you to take a look over crystals and their powers article because you can also align crystals to each of your Chakras for deeper healing.
  • If you enjoy chanting mantras or repeating affirmations, these are also fantastic for evoking stronger energy to align and empower your Chakras.

I want to keep it simple because the more you work on them, the better, but you don’t have to obsess. Keeping a healthy heart requires mindful eating, working out, and a few other things, right? A healthy Heart Chakra will require some focus and dedication through spiritual work, so in the end, it is the same. Once you get used to keeping your Chakras healthy, you will feel fantastic, and you will feel as if life was easier.

For this reason, I insist on adding daily work to keep your Chakras healthy. It is not only about Chakra colors but also about the vibrancy of that color, the healthier, the more vibrant the color will be, meaning that the Chakra has a stronger state of energy. From here, you may choose to seek deeper work to further develop your Chakras. You can constantly keep growing and expanding your energy, precisely, this is one important thing to learn as a physical being.


Q: What is a Chakra and what does it do?

A: A Chakra is an energy center in your body that moves energy around. They keep your body healthy, and they enable energetic access to many of your day-to-day interactions and doings.

Q: How many Chakras are there in the human body?

A: The first set of seven Chakras are connected to the human body, but we have higher dimensional Chakras as well. We also have a secondary set of Chakras such as palms and soles, and many, many, thousands of smaller Chakras throughout the entire body.

Q: What are the seven main Chakra colors and their meanings?

A: Root Chakra (Red: Grounding and foundation). Sacral Chakra (Orange: Passion and sensuality). Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow: Assertiveness and personal power). Heart Chakra (Green: Love and Healing). Throat Chakra (Blue: Honesty and communication). Third Eye Chakra (Indigo: Wisdom, intuition, psychic energy). Crown Chakra (Violet/White – Spiritual connection and a link to the second set.

Q: How do Chakras affect our physical and emotional health?

A: If they are open, we express better ourselves at all degrees and this is good for us. If you block the energy with unhealthy Chakras, you will carry this over your living areas.

Q: What is Chakra balancing and why is it important?

A: You will focus on simple exercises that will help the energy of your Chakras to be in order. To keep healthy Chakra, you need to balance them… this is like tuning an instrument, or making a tire rotation!

Q: What techniques can be used for Chakra healing?

A: A simple technique is to visualize a ray of white light entering your Crown Chakra and flowing through each one of them, leaving behind the pure color of each Chakra to be brilliant and strong.

Q: Can anyone see the colors of their Chakras or aura?

A: You need to make sure your third eye is opened, and when it is, with practice, you can see indeed these colors, and feel the energy of the 7 main Chakras, as well as the aura.

Q: How do Chakra imbalances manifest in the body?

A: They show a physical imbalance within the area where the Chakra is. For example, stomach cramps for no reason might be a sign of a disbalance or overwhelm of your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Q: How can one start practicing Chakra balancing and healing?

A: Take a look over this fantastic Chakra course to learn powerful exercises for Chakra balancing and healing. These Chakra guided meditations are also fantastic. Ultimately, you can make these visualizations yourself.

Remember to take one step at a time when working with your energy centers. Next month, it’s December’s Monthly Tarot Reading time, and we will talk about the following Tarot Card: The Lovers. You will also have a couple or three questions related to this card for you to reflect on. The guided meditation “The Lovers” card will be available to purchase. Stay tuned for next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: eighth year, seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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