Inter-dimensional calls. Six steps to channeling. Connect with your guides!

Some call it "channelling", but correctly, it is called channeling. And channeling allows you to connect with your guides.
Learn channeling.

Table of Contents

What is channeling (sometimes also called “channelling”). Connect with your guides now!

While thousands of people call it “channelling,” the right way is “channeling.”

Are you able to clear your mind? Another Wednesday is here, and with that, a new entry! Let’s talk about channeling. When you learn how to channel appropriately, you will notice that your life takes a shift. You will have a massive head start against any life challenges. Nowadays, we have to deal with a fast-paced and, most of the time, aggressive society. We are required to make decisions with little to no time to think about them, despite some of these properly might make a significant impact on our lifes. It can bring consequences short and long term.  Our spirit guides can always lend us a hand!

It was first a PDF manual. Now it is on video too!

We all have a Third Eye. Maybe some might have it more developed, but everybody has a Third Eye from which we can get plenty of help. You do not need to be a professional psychic to learn to channel. We all have a certain level of intuition and a Third Eye. With dedication, practice, and passion, everybody can develop this fantastic ability to a certain extent. Think about it, even if you get a “yes” from the Astral Plane, you can tell that you did indeed channel that “yes,” and it came from the Astral Realm. (Take a look at this curiosity: the dimension zero.)

Channeling will bring more to your life than you can imagine. This article also talks about it and a few more things.

If you can control channeling, you will have amazing experiences. You can chat with your spirit guides; also channel your very own Akashic Records and your Higherself. You can also channel information from your subconscious and even chat with your loved ones in Spirit, who are looking for you.  If there is no ego, a genuine intent to connect, and proper spiritual protection (primarily to raise your vibrations), you will be able to channel any being of light and receive answers.

“Channelling” is also a more “old school” way to name it. 

Have you tried meditation on spiritual guides? It will help you connect with your guides, and that will also help you improve your “channelling” aka channeling. Well, see more in the image below:

Spirit Guides Meditation, a way to channelling / channeling.

As I mentioned last week, learning how to clear your mind helps massively with your meditations. However, making your mind will significantly help you out with your channeling. I have an excellent manual that will teach you how to channel from scratch. Said manual has exercises, mantras, and tips for you to master channeling the fastest but with the best skill.

However, now, more than two and a half years later, I can tell you that this manual is now a video-course, with access for life. For the same price and within the course, you can download the PDF version if you want. I invite you to take a look here.

Channelling / channeling brings wisdom.

I will share a small practice that will help you realize that you can indeed channel more than you imagine. You need to follow the following steps. Just make sure no one bothers you during your session. Make sure you have a notepad at hand. If you prefer to use a computer, make sure your text editing software is open and maximized. Do not get distracted. Furthermore, if you suffer from aphantasia, read this.

Time for some “channelling”!

  • Do a brief meditation to calm your mind. If you can silence your mind, do it (you can check out the technique in one of my Blog entries right here.
  • Visualize with light around you, like a bubble. Set the intention to receive information for your highest good from any being of light that might have a message for you.

Do not worry; by doing this, you will always be under your guides’ protection during your channeling session.

  • Once ready, sit in front of your notepad or text document. Start to write down everything that comes to you without questioning it. It does not matter if you are typing stuff about doing the laundry, taking your kids to soccer, or cooking for friends this weekend. Don’t question and write; even if you know, you are not channeling. At first, you will have many “interferences” as your brain is not used to this. Your mind will try to fill up the emptiness with something to write it down. It is, in fact, right, because once you write it down, your mind releases it, and it means something less in your mind that can get in the way of your channeling!
  • In some cases, especially at the beginning, it might be that you will have no channel at all, but write your memories. It is normal, and each person has his or her own pace. Make sure to always thank your Spirit Guides as well as yourself for the time dedicated to this.

Whether you call it “channelling” or “channeling,” it is vital that you do not get overwhelmed, give yourself time to develop. Each person goes at their own pace.

  • After 10-15 minutes or nothing, you are “getting nothing,” end the session. Make sure to do some grounding exercises afterward.
  • Now is time to read it all. What did you find? Maybe it just looks like a shopping/chores to-do list, don’t worry! Day after day, with good practice, you will notice progress. Within a few weeks, you will see that maybe you have channeled a few words here and there. Perhaps even pieces of information scattered around your “shopping list.” It will get to the point that you will only receive information from your Spirit Guides without any interferences! Your document will be 100% channeled.

As you can see, it isn’t that hard!

Beings of light are around your guides too. As you can see, it is not that hard! It is just the beginning. With practice, you will archive mental channeling, which is your final goal. Once you get there, you will be able to think about a question and get an answer instantly. You cannot even imagine how much positive channeling (or “channelling”) impacts your life.

As I mentioned earlier, if you want a quick and direct development, you can get your own Channeling Manual. It is a 42-page manual full of information going to the most in-depth edges of channeling to get the most out of it. You can check it out by clicking the image below:


Also, you can connect with your guides with this Journey right here. And this is the end! I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed sharing. Next week, I am going to talk and share about the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a potent chakra that can change our ways of coping with life. I will share a powerful exercise that, many years ago, my spirit guides taught me and shifted my life immediately. You can’t miss it! I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you!

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