Do you have a gray aura? Don't worry if you do, because this means that you are in the middle of the journey, going through a phase. You can learn a few tips to help you slowly transition to your true dominant color back, as the gray aura is temporal.
The Gray Aura is a phase in your spiritual development.

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Your spirituality is transitioning from your gray aura to your true color

How are you all doing? Are you loving yourself more? If not, you must try The Lovers guided meditation from last week and some guidance from the card. Speaking of guidance, don’t forget to check December’s Monthly Reading. Now, we will discuss the meaning of having a Gray Aura. We are focusing on the traits and experiences people with a gray aura experience.

We’ll check a few interesting interpretations to see how these traits fit into your personality and style of life. I promise reading this entry will make you more aware of the reasons behind your aura’s color. Remember that the gray aura is a temporal color, you are not locked up with it as your permanent dominant color.

Since you also have other colors, we will discuss the significance of the Gray Aura dominating the energy right now. Color, after all, is nothing more than light and energy vibrating at a frequency that reflects specific kinds of information. If you look hard enough, you will find things that you initially thought were there. Remember that when we talk about the aura and energy, there are a lot of factors to take into account.

If you can learn to read auras, you can learn a great deal of these. We will use an intellectual approach for the time being by identifying some characteristics in gray aura persons.

About auras

So, maybe you are asking yourself “What the aura is.” So, let’s start from the beginning. The aura is an energy field that surrounds your physical body. This energy vibrates in different frequencies or vibrations in the form of different colors. There is usually only one dominant color, and today we are going to talk about what it means to have a Gray aura and how it impacts your life since aura says many things about you, your energy, your personality, your emotions, and even your soul.

The Grey Aura is like a bridge: It always yields to where you want to go.
The Grey Aura is like a bridge: It always yields to where you want to go.

The colors of your aura are constantly shifting throughout your life as a result of your emotions and experiences. Always remember that auras can have several different hues and tonalities besides their main, dominant color. You may discover a lot about each person’s emotional and physical conditions. You may empathically access an individual’s aura through their eyes, which also contain a wealth of energetic information about them.

There are several ways to sense the aura; the most popular one is usually clairvoyance, but you can also quite clearly feel its energy and vibration. The following advice and suggestions are for aura sighting:

  • As you take your first steps, feel free to check out the straightforward guidelines below to see auras. It will take some time for you to fully understand the energy of your aura because it is an excellent tool for self-help as well as helping others assist themselves.
  • Your aura’s energy is also influenced by the state of your seven basic chakras; therefore, taking care of your chakras will greatly enhance the energy of your aura.
  • Also, check out this powerful chakra healing meditation if you’re ready to start immediately. It will be something you adore!

What does a Gray Aura mean?

Firstly, be aware that the gray aura color is a temporal one, as I briefly stated above, it will go away to your true color when you start healing yourself. It is also important that you never think bad of yourself, being inferior, or that you screwed up. These emotions are not true, and they will worsen the gray aura energy, driving you toward a black aura. No, the first step here is to start to be more proactive with self-love and start being more mindful.

Normally, there are two reasons why you have a gray aura:

  • You are awakening spiritually and/or shifting your life in a way you still experience confusion. You may also be releasing a lot of negativity that you were holding on to in the first place, bringing you closer to a white aura as your true dominant color.
  • You are going through a very difficult time in life, perhaps feeling trapped in a loop. Maybe you are a shift worker, or you have committed to some things that now you cannot change. You can feel very trapped here, discouraged, apathetic, and even giving up on life.
If you are an indigo aura person, you will not thrive in an unauthentic shift job regardless of pay.
One meaning of your gray aura is feeling trapped within the day-to-day grind.
  • There is a third reason, but it is almost not worth mentioning. The gray aura (and normally darker colors, perhaps thicker) could be the signature of channeling negative energy by tapping on lower planes of existence. Here we have a problem, as you only should connect with beings of light and positivity.

While human civilization is advancing and awakening, there is still a very long way to go. We are going through times where the lack of gratitude and the entitlement is worrisome. Because of this, the overall energy worsens and makes human interaction more difficult. Unfortunately, many take advantage of the little, making their life more miserable. Sometimes you cannot break this loop, but push yourself to do something joyful and add some fun to your life.

I have met hundreds of people who only do “what needs to be done,” wasting their precious free hours starting at their electronics. One of the two, either scrolling endlessly feeling how everybody’s else life is more appealing, or staring at a box that takes them to other worlds… at least the latter might bring some smiles. No, seriously, if you are trapped in the loop, and you feel you have a gray aura, start to bring color to your life.

You will get to a point where you will feel disconnected, lowering the vibrations of your Crown Chakra and furthering away your connection with Oneness. You will have increased feelings of loneliness, regardless of being surrounded by loved ones. Remember, you are not a machine, but a sentient being. If you start sorting out your life and make room for positive experiences, you will start to raise your vibrations and attract better.

Gray aura spiritual meaning

Everything is connected: body, mind, emotions, and spirit and if one of them is off, it is likely that the other three are or will be very soon. When you have a rat race life, and you don’t do anything about it, you may have a gray aura. This can go also to dullness in your emotions, as well as your spirituality. You will go through the days, every day, day after day without even being present or balanced. You will just go, with no resilience but complete apathy.

If you add different positive things in your life, you break monotony and imporve the energy.
If you add different positive things in your life, you break monotony and imporve the energy.

Remember the Principle of Correspondence, everything in the Universe flows in patterns. To re-align your pattern, you need to add new things to your life. It’s like adding some spices to your dull food and the whole thing will taste a little better. From here, you will be motivated to continue improving your cooking, and the enjoyment it will follow after. Even if you invest one hour a week in something you enjoy, you will already see a difference, so you can always fit some fun in. You need it.

Gray aura traits that slowly drive you to sink in. Take action now!

I am sharing some of the traits of the gray aura for you to take action if you feel that any of these connect with you. You want to take action before your aura is all gray, right? Why wait? If you are growing discouraged and bored with life, you need to bring change immediately. Let’s check a few points below:

All I do is work, I don’t have time for anything else

Keep something in mind, the only thing in life you cannot choose is avoiding death. I am sure that even if science managed to prolong endlessly the human’s body life, eventually the soul would leave the body regardless to continue through the cycle of reincarnation or ascension. This means that otherwise, you have a choice. Sure, you cannot quit your boring job as you have bills, debt, family, and who knows what you have to upkeep.

You need to open your eyes wider, and sometimes go for the detail. You cannot quit your job and chase your dream, but you start by adding little positive things in life.  If you are working in front of screens for 50 hours a week, don’t waste your Sunday evening doing something boring! You need to do something that you will be looking forward to the entire week. You are already increasing the positivity in your life, and because of the laws of the Universe, you will keep attracting more.

It doesn’t matter how much I try, I always fail

This one is another problem and another lie. I have seen people, some even close to me, who constantly have an approach and believe that they will fail, or simply underperform. Some of these people even try hard after stating their self-destructive comments, and many times, oh surprise, surprise… they made it… Of course, they made it, because are capable of doing it! If you have this “feeling like a loser” behavior, you are attracting more gray aura energy.

Project gratitude for the smaller achievements and empower your focus on your goal!
Project gratitude for the smaller achievements and empower your focus on your goal!

Maybe you have none because you are cheerful in other areas of your life, and this is great. But still, projecting negativity into your life harms you and those next to you by lowering the vibrations unnecessarily. So, if you try hard, don’t make it difficult by saying you will fail… you only bring harm. If you don’t even try, you have to push yourself, otherwise, you can have some severe life problems down the line, yielding to a dark gray aura.

I screwed and now I deserve this

One more problematic statement that I hear a lot of times. Maybe you screwed, and maybe you brought yourself to the situation you are in… fine. Can you fix it? If so, stop lamenting and start taking action. If you can’t fix it, still stop lamenting, and instead make sure that you understand the big picture of the situation. Be assured that for the next time, it will be a lot harder for you to screw again, because you have grown from this experience.

There is a lot more to karma than just “suffering as much as others.” This is not even true, but there is enough bad in the world to enable all souls who choose to go through something difficult to understand why did they wrong in a former lifetime. So, if you are aware now, while you are alive, of what did you wrong, you don’t need to keep suffering. You need to take action and start witnessing positive results and navigating away from a gray aura.

The Light Gray Aura

There is a little more to the gray aura besides life difficulties, or feeling lost. The gray aura is a mix of both the white and black aura, therefore, the gray aura energy could go in any direction. Now that you know some actions to start countering some of your gray aura personality traits, it’s good for you to see what the light gray aura means. Not everything is bad, even the gray aura has some spectrums that signify a lot of positivity.

One Light Gray Aura meaning revolves around opening up more and increasing your connection with the Spirit.
One Light Gray Aura meaning revolves around opening up more and increasing your connection with the Spirit.

The light gray aura means that you are not only coming from great healing, but you are elevating your frequency further from the regular spectrum of happiness. If this is the case, you likely start opening up your Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras, bringing you closer to the spirit, and making you feel spiritually connected. From here and with growing vibrations, this light gray aura can turn more into a silver-like color.

If you have this light gray in your aura, you are likely to find yourself balanced in self-love and love for others. You feel connected to your life in general, as well as being a positive and assertive person. Thanks to this, it will be easier to also feel more connected to your Spirit Guides and loved ones in Spirit.

From here, you need to see how you are feeling, and how everything I said applies in your life. I would suggest that even if you don’t have even a trace of gray in your aura, you still follow the advice I shared above. You can learn something new and positive to implement in your life.

How to check your aura?

Since I mentioned this above, I believe it is a great moment to share with you how to see auras. You can read the entire technique in said article, but I am sharing a couple of important things to keep into account, so you can continue reading here.

Firstly, look at yourself in the mirror. But do not force your eyes, to “observe and gaze” the image in the mirror should be the right approach:

  • Observe peacefully at the top of your head, focusing only on the hair and above the shoulders. Calmly, look to see the aura. Please do not force it, and do not try to see it when you do not see it. Just gaze without a rush.
  • You should be patient. Try not to blink a lot unless that is a distraction or a nuisance. Drying your eyes is unnecessary, as it should be a pleasant experience.
  • After a few moments, you will see as if you have a little contour around the head, like a small deformation in the color of your hair.

So, this is the first step towards the ability to see auras. You saw your aura! Or rather, the beginning of it. The closer to the head, the more intense the energy, and therefore easier to see.  From here, it will get easier with practice. What color did you see? Was it a gray aura?

Use a mirror with a white background to check your aura.
Use a mirror with a white background to check your aura.

Furthermore, you can always ask to have your aura read. I can do this for you in a little reading here, and you will have a clear awareness of how your aura looks and feels. You can then practice seeing your aura more easily, as you will have an idea. Or maybe you are aware you are a gray aura person, and you want to validate. Both reasons are great!


In closing, I would like to remind you that each individual is unique and that this is only a brief guide that highlights some fundamental characteristics; it is not meant to be followed religiously. As always, I would like you to consider all that you have learned today. Understanding oneself is crucial, and one great way to achieve this is by becoming aware of your aura. You’ll realize there’s much more in you as you continue to explore.

Since every person in our universe is unique, they are all vital. Remember that everyone is on a unique spiritual path and that each person is doing it at their speed. Better or worse doesn’t exist; it makes no difference if the aura is larger, more colorful, brighter, or has more colors. Even the most unpleasant life events are all equal and flawless.


Q: What does the color gray aura mean?

A: People with gray auras are experiencing a difficult time or phase in their lives and/or spiritual journeys. The gray aura is a temporal phase that will transition into the true dominant color of the person.

Q: What is the strongest aura color?

A: All colors are strong in a sense, as all colors play a different role. Generally, we can mention that strong comes with the colors being very vivid and clear. If on the contrary, the colors are faded, the aura is not as strong.

Q: Am I worse than others if I have a gray aura?

A: There is no better or worse, each aura has its vibration. A gray aura simply means you are perhaps awakening spiritually and dealing with a lot of negativity. You might be even healing towards a better path, or being warned to take action to avoid a darker outcome.

Q: What does it mean to have a bright aura?

A: A bright aura usually indicates a lot of strong, energetic, and abundant energy. Brighter typically refers to upbeat and optimistic. A brighter aura results from a clear and balanced chakra system.

I hope you have enjoyed this article. Have you been able to connect with this color? Do you feel you have a gray aura? Feel free to leave a comment as we can lend you a hand! Next week, we will talk about the meaning of being a Reiki Master, and a little more about the subject. See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you for visiting! - The Gray Aura

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