Do you have a green aura? If you do, it means that you are likely to be a natural healer, very much in tune with yourself, as well as pursuing harmony and wellness for you, and for others as well. With a green aura, you have a very strong Heart Chakra.
If you have a Green Aura you are likely to be connected to healing and nature.

Table of Contents

You can find the gift of healing when green aura  shows in the aura colors

How are you all doing? I loved some of your comments concerning last week’s meditation, the Hierophant meditation is very spiritual, so I am glad you liked it. Don’t forget that besides the article, you can listen to November’s Monthly Reading. Today,  we will talk all about the meaning of having a Green Aura. We are focusing on the traits and experiences that people with a green aura experience.

We’ll check a few interesting interpretations to see how these traits fit into your personality and style of life. I promise reading this entry will make you more aware of the reasons behind your aura’s color. Remember that the green aura is a beautiful color around healing, kindness, and compassion.

Since you also have other colors, we will discuss the significance of the Green Aura dominating the energy. Color, after all, is nothing more than light and energy vibrating at a frequency that reflects specific kinds of information. If you look hard enough, you will find things that you initially thought were there. Remember that when we talk about the aura and energy, there are a lot of factors to take into account.

If you can learn to read auras, you can learn a great deal of these. We will use an intellectual approach for the time being by identifying some characteristics in green aura persons.

About Aura Colors

So, maybe you are asking yourself “What the aura is.” So, let’s start from the beginning. The aura is an energy field that surrounds your physical body. This energy vibrates in different frequencies or vibrations in the form of different colors. There is usually only one dominant color, and today we are going to talk about what it means to have a Green aura and how it impacts your life since aura says many things about you, your energy, your personality, your emotions, and even your soul.

The Green Aura meaning says you are balanced and connected.
The Green Aura meaning says you are balanced and connected.

The colors of your aura are constantly shifting throughout your life as a result of your emotions and experiences. Always remember that auras can have several different hues and tonalities besides their main, dominant color. You may discover a lot about each person’s emotional and physical conditions. You may empathically access an individual’s aura through their eyes, which also contain a wealth of energetic information about them.

There are several ways to sense the aura; the most popular one is usually clairvoyance, but you can also quite clearly feel its energy and vibration. The following advice and suggestions are for aura sighting:

  • As you take your first steps, feel free to check out the straightforward guidelines below to see auras. It will take some time for you to fully understand the energy of your aura because it is an excellent tool for self-help as well as helping others assist themselves.
  • Your aura’s energy is also influenced by the state of your seven basic chakras; therefore, taking care of your chakras will greatly enhance the energy of your aura.
  • Also, check out this powerful chakra healing meditation if you’re ready to start immediately. It will be something you adore!

What does a Green Aura mean?

The green aura is connected with having a strong nurturing energy, very much connected to nature, as well as to healing energies. Every time that I meet someone with a green aura as their dominant color, I always find in the Akashic Records of the green aura person the gift of healing. Not all healers need to have a green aura of solid color. I have been a healer since birth, and yet my dominant aura color is indigo. Have I found a person without healing abilities and the green aura as the dominant color? Nope!

If you have a green aura, you are probably a very nurturing person. Your friends are likely to approach you for support, and even sometimes acquaintances. The reason here is that you have a natural gift for making others feel better. Generally, if your green aura dominates the energy, you are balanced, or at least, you lean towards balance. You are wired into compassion and your aura emanates strongly this energy, allowing others to pick it up, even subconsciously.

With a green aura, your energy always leads others through a nurturing and caring path.
With a green aura, your energy always leads others through a nurturing and caring path.

The green aura color meaning defines the person as a natural caregiver. Sometimes, there is one person in your group of friends who seems to be the one who always cares, a very open-hearted person that everybody loves. This person may have a green aura because they can build positive connections effortlessly and develop significant relationships. Is this person perhaps you? If so, then you are likely to have a very strong Heart Chakra, because this is another trait.

You always find an excuse to help somebody in need, sometimes to the point of not taking proper care of yourself. However, you still have great resilience, and a great trust in yourself and your abilities (hence pushing yourself too much.) With a green aura, you will have a significant push when accessing your Spirit Guides, for example, because the vibrations on your Heart Chakra are very strong and selfless.

Tonalities and shades of green

The green aura is another aura with a lot of different tonalities. In the beginning, when I first started to gaze at auras, I would always see different tones of green but didn’t approach them with greater detail. In a way, I wasn’t very off to say, “the darker/stronger” the better and more magnified the traits are. However, there is more to it, as depending on the tone, some traits magnify versus others, so I want to share about them:

  • Dark Green Aura (also called forest green aura.) This tone of green shows up in your green aura if you are very resilient. You are grounded and practical, and you always prefer to be reliable, providing security but also magnifying strength.
  • Light Green Aura. If your aura has a light green tonality, you are likely to be passionate, and with a fresh and renewed approach to everything in life. You have great vitality, and you love new beginnings. You tend to have a strong optimistic outlook in life.
  • Indigo-colored Green Aura (also called Sage Green Aura). I have found this usually on healers who have psychic gifts. However, this tone is a bit different from psychics who also have the gift of healing. While it looks the same, the base color always takes priority, so from there is where the changes start.
  • Olive Green Aura. I felt this tone of green is more connected with people who are cheerful in general. If you know someone with olive tonalities you can have a great time, especially if you are in a festive environment. Another olive green aura meaning revolves around grace and empathy.

One trait that is common among all green-aura people is the strong capacity to overcome challenges, and still have the energy to keep going. If you embrace creativity, and you surround yourself with people who can share your values of balance and support, you can enjoy amazing connections.

The green aura tonality shifts depending on your strongest traits at the moment.
The green aura tonality shifts depending on your strongest traits at the moment.

Keep in mind also that the tonality is more volatile than the actual solid dominant color, which generally will stick with you for your entire life. However, you should experience a lot of swings because generally, if your aura is green, you are on the relaxed side.

More about Green Aura people

The strongest chakra (usually) for someone with a Green Aura is the Heart Chakra, therefore, if you are a green aura person, you have a massive capacity for love. Don’t get me wrong, even if you have another color, let’s say, a yellow aura or pink aura, you have as much capacity for love, but perhaps you have a different chakra as the strongest one.

If you have a green aura, you are likely to prefer a partner with whom you can enjoy a harmonious relationship. You will choose a partner who can provide a balanced relationship, where the both of you have a mutual amount of self-nurturing and nurturing to each other. A connection between two people with green energies in their auras can have a very profound connection with a deep understanding of each other at a profound spiritual level.

If you are curious to see what career are aligned with your energy, you probably suspect it already. You want to be able to make an impact and bring positive change either to the people that surround you, your environment, or both. With a green aura, you will prefer holistic and spiritual jobs. Coaching jobs, as well as social work. You need to work with people and make a positive change in their lives, so avoid emotionally empty careers such as factories, office jobs, etc.

Nurturing yourself: How to cleanse your energy

A significant trait that green aura people experience is taking away the negative energy from other people. Can you relate here? How about cleansing all that energy? Do you do that also? Because you certainly should. If you aren’t, this healing meditation will cleanse you! You will visit the woods, and enjoy deep cleansing. Make sure to listen and follow it once you finish reading here, we are almost done. So, I am giving you some simple points to cleanse yourself from unnecessary energy:

  • Visualization: You can either choose to use a guided meditation, or you can just sit in relaxation, and make visualizations yourself. You want to find your sacred spot in your mind’s eye. Perhaps a green patch you enjoy somewhere? Or just straight visiting the woods? You can go to where you feel awesome, and allow the energies of Earth to cleanse your energy from all static that doesn’t belong to you.
  • Crystals: If you have crystals in your life, you can always ask them to support and cleanse your energy. I feel that you want some crystals such as Jade or Emerald, as these enhance the green aura energy. Sometimes, it is best to go with a good old quartz, these fellas are amazing healers, and super easy to work with. Check out more here about crystals and gems and learn how they can bring a positive energetic impact in your life.
Crystals are fantastic companions for spiritual cleansing, protection, empowerment, and more!
Crystals are fantastic companions for spiritual cleansing, protection, empowerment, and more!
  • Positive Affirmations: These are always good. Positive affirmations help you not only cleanse negative energy but also empower and nurture yourself. You need to find your own affirmations because you want to repeat believable positive potential outcomes in your life. You can check out some affirmation meditations and enjoy a beautiful energy awakening within you.
  • Breathwork: Another no-brainer! What I like to do here, is that while I do my breath work, I visualize as if I was breathing in the purest of the white light. The first exhales I do I visually as gray smoke representing the energy that doesn’t belong. Gradually, this turns clearer until it’s as clear as the white light I am breathing in. As an empath, this is also fantastic!

I recommend you add these to your daily routine because these activities can help you cultivate a balanced and spiritual vitality through a healthy green aura. You will find what you enjoy best, and even new ways to cleanse yourself energetically, and feel awesome.

How to check your aura?

Since I mentioned this above, I believe it is a great moment to share with you how to see auras. You can read the entire technique in said article, but I am sharing a couple of important things to keep into account, so you can continue reading here.

Firstly, look at yourself in the mirror. But do not force your eyes, to “observe and gaze” the image in the mirror should be the right approach:

  • Observe peacefully at the top of your head, focusing only on the hair and above the shoulders. Calmly, look to see the aura. Please do not force it, and do not try to see it when you do not see it. Just gaze without a rush.
  • You should be patient. Try not to blink a lot unless that is a distraction or a nuisance. Drying your eyes is unnecessary, as it should be a pleasant experience.
  • After a few moments, you will see as if you have a little contour around the head, like a small deformation in the color of your hair.

So, this is the first step towards the ability to see auras. You saw your aura! Or rather, the beginning of it. The closer to the head, the more intense the energy, and therefore easier to see.  From here, it will get easier with practice. What color did you see? Was it a green aura?

Use a mirror with a white background to check your aura.
Use a mirror with a white background to check your aura.

Furthermore, you can always ask to have your aura read. I can do this for you in a little reading here, and you will have a clear awareness of how your aura looks and feels. You can then practice seeing your aura more easily, as you will have an idea. Or maybe you are aware you are a green aura person, and you want to validate. Both reasons are great!

Wrapping All,

In closing, I would like to remind you that each individual is unique. This is only a brief guide that highlights some fundamental characteristics; it is not meant to be followed religiously. As always, I would like you to consider all that you have learned today. Understanding oneself is crucial, and one great way to achieve this is by becoming aware of your aura. You’ll realize there’s much more in you as you continue to explore.

Since every person in our universe is unique, they are all vital. Remember that everyone is on a unique spiritual path and that each person is doing it at their speed. Better or worse doesn’t exist; it makes no difference if the aura is larger, more colorful, brighter, or has more colors. Even the most unpleasant life events are all equal and flawless.


Q:What Does a Green Aura Mean?

A green aura signifies harmony, healing, and growth. It reflects your ability to balance your emotions and provide care to others. People with green auras often find joy in creating meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of community

Q: What is the strongest aura color?

A: All colors are strong in a sense, as all colors play a different role. Generally, we can mention that strong comes with the colors being very vivid and clear. If on the contrary, the colors are faded, the aura is not as strong.

Q: Am I better than others if I have a green aura?

A: There is no better or worse, each aura has its vibration. A green aura simply means that you are connected with a very nurturing and healing energy. If you have a green aura it means that you can enjoy harmony, nature, self-discovery, and great empathy.


I hope you have enjoyed this article. Have you been able to connect with this color? Do you feel you have a green aura? Feel free to leave a comment! Next week, we will talk about a subject that I am asked about at least once a week, twin flames. I am not telling you anything else, all of this, next week! See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you for visiting! - The Green Aura

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