We have strong realizations about life once we start awakening

Realizations we have about our existence once we are awakened.
You will have powerful realizations.

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The Realizations we have about life once we are awakened

Hello! What did you think of the forecast? Today we are going to talk about a topic that I already wanted to talk about. I will try my best to share all of this constructively. When we talk about spiritual awakening, we always talk about positive things, as it is something wonderful. However, we live on a planet of duality in every way. I want to comment a little on the realizations that we make when there is a spiritual awakening on this planet. I will also give you some tips to put into practice and improve your path. (Mercury is in retrograde🙂

I’ve talked a lot about spirituality on this page (and some others like Quora!), And all the benefits it brings. We have also talked a lot about expanding consciousness through the Akashic Records, Spirit Guides, Astral Travel, and much more. It is essential to be aware of absolutely everything in life, such as communication, eating, or sleeping correctly. However, not everything is a path of roses. Although you will only get benefits when you wake up spiritually, you have to keep in mind that you live in a civilization where spiritual awakening does not rule. This is the first realization you will have, and it is a bit more complicated than it sounds.

A realization that will dictate your spiritual path

Once you are spiritually awake, you cannot go back. In fact, it is quite possible that you already have a spiritual awakening if you are reading this. As I have said repeatedly, awakening spiritually is essential to getting the most out of this life. Every life is an opportunity to grow spiritually. However, spiritual awakening is only the beginning. The first realization that you are going to have is that there is much more to this existence than meets the eye. Do also realize that you have a huge world to explore.

You may discover spiritual gifts, your spirit guides, or your Akashic records. You will discover interesting things like the origin of your soul, for example. However, the first realization, perhaps a bit tough, is discovering yourself and looking at yourself in the soul’s mirror. We live on a duality plane, and any soul in a human body will have a certain level of positivity and negativity. For this reason, we cannot find absolute goodness in human civilization. Although there are goodness and love, there is a lot of negativity and hatred. When we find these negative aspects of our person during our realizations, we want to solve them. You may not like what you see, and it will be you who embarks on the path of changing these little things.

Once we change these things, we realize that we are growing and maturing little by little spiritually. We will continue to have personal accomplishments throughout life. There are always ways to improve and grow. We will often not like what we see since we will have to change ideas, attitudes, and emotions to achieve change. Realizing your own problems can be difficult, but it is necessary, and your guides can help you.

Realizations shape your life.

When you realize the world around you.

Actually, this part was the one that inspired me to write this post. You will not only have realizations of your own existence but also of the world around you. After all, we all live on Earth. Although many do not see it, humanity is part of a collective consciousness that affects us all. However, unfortunately right now (writing this in the year 2021), only a small part of humanity has spiritually awakened. An important realization is that you stop needing some aspects of life as you wake up spiritually and need others. At a general level, the world is going to offer what the masses and the majority want. I’m sure you may already see where I’m going to go.

After all, we are on the physical plane. There are many aspects that, with the maturation of spiritual awakening, we learn to accept. Although we don’t like them, “it is what it is.” Perhaps some of them understand that we have to complete this life and get the most out of it. If we are here, we had accepted it before we were born, and we always have a purpose. It’s relatively easy (but it takes a while) to accept these little things. In fact, one realization is that since you have awakened spiritually, now you can make the most of this life.

When you have realizations about the world, you live in.

Once we have accepted our life and spirituality, we move on to growth, but this brings us more realizations. We started questioning everything. The world is prepared for a particular type of life, and although it is changing little by little, a long road awaits us. A complicated realization is that, in many ways, life is much easier if you do not experience a spiritual awakening. As the saying goes: “Eyes that do not see, a heart that does not feel.” However, all this goes far beyond feelings. Society offers us what most want, from small things to important things.

You may have realized that our society could have things (that perhaps you have), but it is the opposite. And really, with everything that I have written, this post is very different from what I thought at the beginning. I did not want to feel that this is an entrance-complaint of this world for its lack of spirituality. However, my most human part does want to say a few things. When reading them, I’m sure that you will feel a connection, and although some may seem silly to you, not to another person.

We can realize many things that do not add anything to your life, and perhaps, you will stop wanting them. Perhaps you will see that your way of thinking or solving things is increasingly different from “what is usually done.” You will notice that you settle for little, you will not have the desire to receive everything the world can offer,

Realizations of this world: what we don’t like.

I mean, after a while, you realize that you have to be yourself looking for the abundance you need. But I’m going to mention a few things like this:

  • Many things this world offers are empty and purposeless. Not many, lots of! But it is so since this is a planet for young souls, and there are billions. Not all, of course, but it applies to the many. For some, this life is one of the first lives in their existence. Living on the physical plane, the vast majority will only react to external and physical stimuli. In this way, they will ignore more spiritual aspects, perhaps basing it on more common aspects such as some religions.
  • There are many things I want to do, and this world does not offer them. And this is normal. Actually, human beings move much more instinctively than our egos want us to think. For that reason, sometimes everything is very monotonous. Little by little, it is possible to do more spiritual things on this plane as people wake up little by little. You can also fulfill many of your wishes in other planes, another important accomplishment.

Therefore, you have to accept that for many things. You cannot just wait for this world and society to offer it to you. You have to be yourself who takes action to bring all these changes or know how to adapt to what you cannot change. As you start to see things “from the hill,” you realize a lot. Perhaps you observe many aspects that humanity has or how it works. Many may seem silly and unnecessary, but you have to respect it and learn to live with it.

And what else?

Really, the important thing is to have your own conscience, especially if your spirituality is expanding. It would be best if you discovered your wishes, but for real, since most have not done so yet. You have to learn to practice what you want to change and take action to materialize your wishes. And if there is something that you really cannot change for whatever reasons, you will have to look for it in other planes or accept that right now. It is not a possibility. But it is important to be aware of this to be happier.

I hope you enjoyed the reading and have a greater understanding of some realizations that you go through when you wake up spiritually. Next week I’m going to talk a little bit about daydreaming. This is something we all do, and I will teach you how to make the most of it. You will be able to materialize more easily. But all this in a week! I will tell you next week. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you for visiting!

2 thoughts on “We have strong realizations about life once we start awakening

  1. Khrys says:

    Hey Fernando, I’m so happy I found this through quora while trying to decode one of my dreams. You have a lot of great info and I love how you explain it because I confuse myself trying to figure it out. Thank you for putting it out there.????????

    1. Thanks 🙂 I am very happy to see that the articles help! That’s why I write 🙂 Lots of light!

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