The Chakra Activation Series: Eighth Chakra Activation.
Eighth Chakra Activation.

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Eighth chakra activation. Did we not finish with these already?

Hey, hey! First of all, how is that lucid dreaming going? I am very excited to bring The Chakra Activation Series to all of you, and for this week, surprise, surprise, the Eighth Chakra Activation arrives.

Hey! Well, this time, I wanted to plan this to trick you guys. Maybe some of you, fearless ones, are not in surprise. Perhaps you know there was going to be an activation for the eighth chakra. While I will be talking about global empathy and natural empathy, it will not be this week, as I said last week! Because guess what we have for this week?!

The time for the last (truly) “The Chakra Activation Series” guided activation meditation.

I did write about the Eighth chakra precisely one year ago, but not its activation. If you check at the end of the entry, you can see that last year’s post was about the Eighth chakra. That was NOT on purpose! It was synchronicity, as I did not count on the previous topic would take two whole weeks. But then again, I guess after the second month in a row without any new activations, you would tell, that was it, right? Wrong!

And those of you, brave ones who suspected, are now thinking, I knew it! I wanted to keep this one sort of an “Easter Egg” as a finale on The Chakra Activation Series.

I am pretty sure what the drill is; if so, click right here to grab your copy. I feel this chakra plays a role in the forecasts as well.

In case you don’t, let me briefly share with you:

What is The Chakra Activation Series? What does an eighth chakra activation mean?

The Chakra Activation Series is a set of relaxing guided meditations with the intention of expanding the energy of your chakras to the highest of their capacity. I recommended that you keep your chakras in a healthy state, balanced and open. You can find plenty of information about how to maintain a robust chakra system throughout this site. If you are unsure, I invite to contact me, and I will try to lend you a hand.

You will find one guided meditation for each of the chakras. These guided meditations last about ten-fifteen minutes each and they pack a brief but powerful 1-2 minutes relaxation time. While these meditations are for everyone, if you have yet to experience meditation, I recommend you to go with a different type of meditation. I invite you to check out the Chakra Healing guided meditation by clicking here.

How to accomplish the Eighth Chakra activation?

So, for this month, the eighth chakra… the first chakra of our second set chakra system, chakras much more powerful vibrating at a much higher frequency. For that reason, Spirit only guided me to create the eighth chakra one. The Eighth Activation is now available. These are potent meditations. Let me share another bit right now:

The purpose of these meditations is to help you progress through your spiritual journey. These meditations alone will not complete your journey. These meditations are to give you a significant boost. Upgrading your car’s engine and coolant, you will have much more power, but you still need to drive the car. These guided meditations are not to take the “easy and fast way.” You still have to work hard to continue your expansion. When your chakras are healthy and expanded, everything becomes more natural, and this is precisely the purpose of these.

So, for this month, Eighth Chakra Activation is now available. There is an entry that talks more about spirituality and related topics if you want to keep an eye on it.

These are powerful and energy-liberating guided meditations.

It is imperative to get to work the Chakras in a specific order; this way, you will not experience unbalanced chakras. It is the reason we got started in the first set for the main seven chakras, starting from the root chakra activation going from there to the Crown. Once you work your main seven chakras, it is time for new horizons… and for now,

I can share with you guys about the Eighth Chakra Activation. It helps you to connect with Spirit and Source much easier. However, at a much deeper level than through your Crown. You will get to understand and easily perceive Oneness. Your perception of Spirit will dramatically rise and when you tap into this chakra. You will notice like if you go into another dimension. Your Astral body will also get much stronger thanks to this chakra.

If you want to find out more about your Eighth Chakra, you can do it by clicking right here.

And if you are ready, click the image below, scroll down to “Eighth Chakra,” grab your copy, and get started!

Eighth Chakra Activation.

I will be thrilled if you share with me after you use this meditation all about it.

I invite you to share any experience you have during the meditation and experience an eighth chakra activation.

These activations are going to give you a significant push in your personal development. It is crucial that before doing these activations, you make sure you are in the right balance. You can get a lot out from these activations, as the chakras will empower, but you must feel connected with the chakra you want to enable.

Are you looking for other activations? Find all chakra activations right here:

Get your chakras activated now!

Well, this is it, the true ending after rolling (all the credits). If the spirit guides me to work on the 9th chakra, I will create one. I have yet to explore my ninth chakra and have my guides teach me about it. So, as I said last week, I talked more about empathy and global empathy. However, next week is Forecast time! Only a little wait; therefore, this time you have to wait until next week! I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts:  second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you!

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