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A little introduction to clairvoyance. Seeing beyond the physical.
- Fernando Albert

Table of Contents
Clairvoyance sense? One of the psychic senses:
Hello everyone! Have you noticed anything about your Crown chakra? It is going to be a short and direct article. I will talk about Clairvoyance from a personal point of view and my own experience because I live with it day by day. My goal today is that you have an idea about how clairvoyance works. Not everyone experiences it equally, and for this reason, I do not want to go deeper. However, certain common aspects are repeated when there is a vision through clairvoyance, and these are the ones that I want to share.
The psychic senses.
Before starting, I will give you a shortlist of our “psychic/astral senses,” this way, you will become familiar with them. I will talk about all these in the future:
- Clairvoyance: “To see clearly.” You receive visual visions, like remembering a memory. We see “a video” in our mind. It is the Psychic Sight.
- Clairaudience: “To hear clearly.” You receive auditory visions; you may hear a sound or voice inside your head. It can be your voice or another. It is the Psychic Ear.
- Clairgustance: “To taste clear.” You receive visions through taste to such an extent that your salivary glands can activate. It is the Psychic Taste.
- Clairalience: ” To smell with clarity.” You receive visions through the sense of smell. It is like a natural smell, but only you can perceive it at that time. This is the Psychic Smell.
- Clairsentience: ” To sense clearly.” You receive visions through emotions. Your feelings will alter per the message you receive. It is Psychic Feelings.
- Claircognizance: “To know clearly.” You “just” know the visions you receive for no apparent reason. You access knowledge that you know is not yours, but you feel it and understand it as if it were. It is Psychic Perception.
Mainly these are the ones. Some are more common than others, but during psychic development, you can experience them all. Taste and smell are less frequent, but you will also experience them and, in future articles, I will tell you all about them. Furthermore, I invite you to read more about spirituality right here.
What is the meaning of Clairvoyance?
Today, I want to tell you a little about Clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance, along with Clairaudience, is the most common. The information is received visually (but different from seeing auras, for example). It is perhaps the most rewarding, especially at the beginning. A vision with Clairvoyance is formed instantly, rather than little by little like when we imagine something. In my Channeling Course, I talk about this in more detail. I also must say that the images you receive come almost all at once. Our brain cannot perceive so much information in such a short time, but with practice, with the help of our Third Eye and our spiritual guides, we can process all that information and transfer it in the form of written or spoken messages.
Not everything is madness and speed.
With practice, you learn to understand these messages and transfer them in case of a psychic reading. One of the main reasons my readings are always by voice. You can even ask for more detail or clarity through Clairvoyance. There will come a time when you can request to zoom in on a specific image to see something more clearly.
It is even possible to ask for specific information about an object or being in one of these clairvoyant visions. That is why I did not want to ramble about this. It is difficult to explain, and it has to be experienced by yourself. Practice makes the Master, and you will discover by yourself little by little how your Clairvoyance works and how it develops. Now you know a couple of essential curiosities and a little about Clairvoyance. During your personal development, clairvoyance is very satisfying, but one of its drawbacks is that it requires more practice than others. But in the long run, you will receive entire “movies,” and it will open many doors for you.
Usually, clairvoyance is best to connect with our higherself.
You can get to “stream” visions with clairvoyance when it is more developed.
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And that is all! I hope you have enjoyed reading about Clairvoyance. Next week, I will talk about Clairaudience. Although perhaps not “so much fun,” it can be very concise and direct since we “hear the visions,” and there isn’t any symbolism. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!
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