
Navigating Life’s Spectrum: Embracing the Necessity of Diverse Experiences

Experiences: Why did we come to Earth?
Contemplating the sunset brings experiences.


How are you wearing your Chakras? If you work on your Chakras, even a little each day, you will notice clear improvements in your lives. This week, I want to start by commenting that we come to Earth for purposes and to have plenty of experiences. After all, we are souls having an experience as human beings, among many other things. And I want to talk about this today. Life offers us all kinds of experiences that help us develop as souls.

The goal of this entry is for you to reflect on something straightforward and take it into account as you navigate through life.

All experiences are necessary.

And I want to start by saying this. Life on Earth is not easy for anyone. Especially for human beings, we come to this planet in part to learn all kinds of lessons. However, you must not forget that we have chosen to live this life and learn from its experiences. Each person will have different experiences depending on past lives, reincarnation, agreements, and much more.

Thanks to the Principle of Polarity, life on Earth will guarantee us harrowing and difficult experiences to face and beautiful experiences where a state of absolute happiness is reached. And, of course, endless between both extremes. It gets pretty tricky at times, especially when you are going through a difficult phase in life and only have difficult and negative experiences. However, it is essential not to forget that these also have something to teach us.

Reaching the top is one of the many experiences

Reaching the top is one of the many experiences.

And here I wanted to arrive since this is an important point. The ultimate goal of all these experiences is to learn and become stronger. It doesn’t mean it has to be complicated, but it doesn’t guarantee otherwise either, since it’s a mix of the two.

Learning opens the way.

It is super important to know that you will no longer have to experience that lesson again when there is a learning. It is an excellent thing if you have overcome a difficult lesson. However, there are experiences in life that are very positive, and we only live them once (in this life). Therefore, it is important not to feel frustrated if that unique experience does not come back to your life since it may have brought a lesson ( positive), and you have already learned it.

It doesn’t mean you can’t have a good experience repeatedly, as well as a bad one. And no, it does not have to be the only reason you have not learned the lesson to repeat experiences. Many experiences are just that, and there is no life lesson behind them, or perhaps these experiences are the result of having learned the lesson correctly. All experiences have a purpose, and sometimes that is your enjoyment and having a positive human experience, nothing more.

Experiences are different for each person.

Another important aspect is to start learning to respect the experiences of others. You have to be careful about questioning what other people want to experience. This has to be in yourselves, and only if you consider that you need to experience more things on your way. You must understand that each soul makes agreements in life before birth, and these will develop through different experiences. These can be seen in a Soul Reading and can be very revealing.

Many souls seek to enjoy human consciousness, while others may be seeking to grow and develop to transcend into higher consciousness. It means that both souls will have very different lives and experiences. Others may wish to clear their karma to transcend in a future life, which can bring difficult but revealing experiences.

Experiences such as parting are widespread on Earth.

Experiences such as parting are widespread on Earth.

It is vital to keep in mind that the experiences that these souls will have are just as worthy and essential on a collective level of existence.

Remember that as souls, we have many lives. Life is just a moment if we see it from an existential point of view.

A book gives experiences too.

A book gives experiences too.

In addition, it is a fact that many of the experiences that the people around you have that you will have at some point, if not in this life, then in the next or a previous one. And if we want to go a little further, everything happens simultaneously, and in a way, you are having all the experiences in this very moment. But the important thing is not to judge a person for the things they are facing in their life; we have all been through, are going through, or will go through the same thing.

It brings me to the last point about not interfering, especially if no one asks you for help. All people need to have their experiences, and in a way, preventing them from having them is detrimental to these people. It is possible that with your best intentions, you want a person not to go through something. You can advise her, and that person learns that lesson without going through the experience. However, it would help if you did not try to prevent the event. It is possible that the person needs that experience to clear a karmic problem, for example.

Live and let live; only interfere if asked.

It is an excellent tip as a conclusion to this post. The vast majority of us like to help people, but you have to know how to help, starting by offering it before giving it. Sometimes we help another person more when we say, “Okay if you see it that way, go ahead.” And nothing more! Now, as always, it’s your turn to reflect. You can spend 10-15 minutes on it and reflect on how all this applies to your life.

Next week we are going to talk about how to create a dream journal and why it is essential if you want to start improving and observing your dreams. I always advise having one, even if you are not interested in writing down your dreams. It is always possible that you have a unique experience one night and want to write it down. But all this in a week! I will tell you next week. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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