Do you know what your sleep paralysis causes are? Sometimes, knowing the source of the challenge will help you understand it much better. If you take control of your sleep paralysis causes, you can harness this state of mind for your Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, or just to have a deep sleep.
If you understand the sleep paralysis causes, you will have better nights.

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Let’s explore the causes of Sleep Paralysis so you can enhance your nights

Hey all, how have you been? I hope you enjoyed last week’s article, and that you are investing more time in self-love. Trust me, it pays off significantly! For this week, we are going back to a subject that we have talked about a lot in the past, and still today, we talk about. This concerns Sleep Paralysis Causes and what can you do to start to harness this amazing state of mind. Perhaps you prefer to have a relaxed night and sleep tight, if so, read on as this article will help you too.

We will focus on a more analytical mind versus just focusing only on Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection. If you learn more about the sleep paralysis causes, you will grow a lot stronger. Perhaps you are afraid of entering sleep paralysis, to the point of bringing sleep problems. On top of any potential medical help you may need if this is true, you will benefit a lot from learning more about the sleep paralysis stage.

What is sleep paralysis?

Okay, so the first step is to know exactly what sleep paralysis is. To explain it in simple and summarized words: Sleep paralysis is one of the phases that you go through from a waking mind to asleep. Here, your body gets paralyzed so you don’t act out your dreams. You can also read my guide about this sleeping phase to learn more about the sleep paralysis causes. Ultimately, you may also look at the scientific explanation (source: National Institute of Health)

In other words, I like to call sleep paralysis the twilight state, because if you are conscious, you will be both awake and asleep. Normally, your conscious brain will go to sleep at the beginning of this phase. However, sometimes, you may still be conscious as your body gets paralyzed. There are ways to trick the brain into thinking that you are mentally asleep, and therefore starting the next phase, which is to paralyze your body.

You will likely be asleep before any sleep paralysis appears.
You will likely be asleep before any sleep paralysis appears.

As you are aware of this process, you will have different experiences. You can read the most intense experiences during twilight and consciously experience the sleep paralysis causes. Most people don’t notice this state, but I am sure that if you are reading this, you have experienced conscious sleep paralysis more than once.

Types of sleep paralysis

There are different sleep paralysis causes, but you can experience this phase in different ways. I have helped hundreds with these, and I have witnessed several cases, but they all have one thing in common: the same approach brings an efficient aid regardless of how your sleep paralysis occurs or how frequently. Remember that sleep paralysis occurs every single night, otherwise, you could suffer from somnambulism (source: National Library of Medicine) Our approach here is when you have consciousness during the sleep paralysis phase.

First, let’s check out the different types of sleep paralysis:

  • Isolated cases. You will probably fall into this category. Here we refer to the classical sudden awakening (or as you fall asleep) and experience the sleep paralysis phase with full consciousness. Especially for the first time, you do not know what is happening, and why you can’t move. You could experience terror, and very scary visions, but these are unreal, just a fragment of your imagination.
  • Recurrent sleep paralysis. Here we might find a problem, especially if you are not happy while experiencing sleep paralysis. On one hand, help from a medical professional and a sleep clinic could be a wonderful idea. On top of this, we can always work together through reading or healing and find out the source of the problem. On top of this, you need to learn that the sleep paralysis causes can be many, and for you to just understand sleep paralysis, and even use it as an asset.
  • Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis (RISP). You are most likely not falling under this category unless you are terrified of sleep. If you believe that you are having severe problems, you might be suffering RISP (Source: National Library of Medicine) Of course, it is very likely that you need to pursue psychological help to get the best help, but on top of mental medical support, you can receive some spiritual support that will help. Reach out if you need a hand.

Keep this into account to grow stronger night after night. You must understand that sleep paralysis happens, and while you are not supposed to experience it consciously, it is possible. There is nothing wrong with you even if you experience sleep paralysis often.

Sleep paralysis causes and symptoms

As shared above, the first step is to understand that sleep paralysis is simply a phase in your body and mind while falling asleep. For you to learn this is not a problem, and certainly not scary, I want to share more about sleep paralysis causes and symptoms.

No demons are pressing your chest. It is all Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations.
No demons are pressing your chest. It is all Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations.

On one hand, at a more medical level, you could suffer from Atonia, which means a loss of muscle control. Technically, you should be mentally asleep and this wouldn’t be a problem, but when you are awake in this state, it doesn’t matter how much you try to move, you can’t. Here, it is likely that you will suffer time dilatation and not perceive time as normal, making you feel that you are locked in this stage for a very long time.

Another classical symptom, and the one that brings all the problems is the hallucinations. One of the main sleep paralysis causes is to start to perceive visual, auditory, and even physical sensation level effects. A classic one is feeling your chest pressed as if you had a concrete block on you. Some religions made sure to induce fear in people about this state regarding getting possessed by a demon or energetically violated.  However, this is completely false, sleep paralysis is just part of sleep mechanics.

Human beings unfortunately are extremely prone to negativity and fear, and many of our experiences contain this. On top of things, everything you watch stays in your unconsciousness. When you are in sleep paralysis, your brain starts to form a dream, but you see it fragmented, adding to the sensation of being paralyzed and unable to move which adds to a potent mix. So if you hear explosions, or screams, you see shadows, and demons, and feel you will lose your life, keep in mind you won’t, but also keep in mind what you are watching and putting in your consciousness.

What exactly promotes the occurrence of sleep paralysis?

Here, it depends on each individual (to start from a base point), as some individuals are more prone to sleep paralysis than others. Do you just go to sleep on the right schedule without any further intentions but to rest? Then, you will reduce your chances of experiencing sleep paralysis to a minimum (even though you can do it). But there are a few points that enhance the possibility of having sleep paralysis:

  • Poor sleep, going to be very tired, or sleeping at the wrong times: This one is a no-brainer. The body can be very tired, and it will shut down immediately as you get comfortable in bed. Your mind perhaps is still busy from all the day stimuli, not falling asleep, and entering this phase. To avoid this, keep the right sleep schedule, and rest for 30 minutes (including mentally) before heading to the hay.
  • Taking naps: Initially, you are meant to sleep at night, aligned with your schedule. Most of the time, if you nap (especially not in bed), you will not be deeply asleep. You will be in a twilight state before you completely fall asleep. If you are in this state, you will certainly experience the sleep paralysis causes.
When you work in experiencing Astral Projection you will (and should) experience Sleep Paralysis before you can leave your body (temporally of course!)

When you work in experiencing Astral Projection you will (and should) experience Sleep Paralysis before you can leave your body (temporally of course!)

  • Seeking Astral Projection: If you want to work on experiencing an OBE, keep in mind that you must experience sleep paralysis to cause full consciousness. When you reach this state, is when you will be able to do an exit technique, so you must be comfortable with sleep paralysis.
  • Seeking Lucid Dreaming: The same happens for this, although you do not need to experience sleep paralysis to be able to Lucid Dream unless you use the WILD technique. However, you still can experience sleep paralysis if you focus on Lucid Dreaming entirely. You may wake up already paralyzed, and use that to induce another dream. Here you can read a situation where I woke up in sleep paralysis when working on Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection.

From here, there could be other triggers, such as Sleep Disorders,  Narcolepsy and REM Sleep Dysfunction, and Mental Health Disorders, but for these, you should consult with a medical professional in the field. Contact your local sleep clinic. Keep in mind as well environmental and genetic factors. When you sleep in a room that is not properly darkened or with a comfortable temperature, you will have poorer sleep and be more prone to experience sleep paralysis.

Concerning problems for some people and treatment

One of the main problems here is developing a fear of sleeping, as sleep paralysis can be very scary, especially if you don’t do anything about it, or you know nothing. If you get a huge scare, you might have some psychological consequences that will require the help of a mental professional.

Another issue is Narcolepsy and REM Sleep Dysfunction, where you will not sleep properly at night, and then you will have little sleep throughout the day. This can be a problem because it can further cause you to experience sleep paralysis more frequently.  This also promotes sleep deprivation effects which worsen your life. You must help yourself the most to understand sleep paralysis is just a phase. If you are reading this, you are already addressing this problem with knowledge.

Sleep well, and recharge your batteries completely.

Sleep well, and recharge your batteries completely.

To get started here, you want to focus on proper sleep hygiene as I shared in a prior article precisely when talking about ways to treat sleep paralysis. I recommend also guided meditation, both during the day and then at night, to use actual guided meditation for sleep. Learning how to meditate in bed will make a huge difference too. You perhaps want to add matras to your life, something simple such as “Sleep Paralysis is completely safe,” or something similar in present and positive tenses that resonate with you.

Another option is both seek medical help and perhaps a medication that can aid your sleep. You may also seek Cognitive Behavioral Therapy because here, you will also be able to deal with the roots of the situation and free yourself from experiencing sleep paralysis causes all the time.

When you start to take action and move forward, you will be able to see improvements right away, making a huge positive impact on your sleep and health in general. You want to check this article that states how to sleep properly, and what you should and shouldn’t do before bed.


Q: What exactly is sleep paralysis?

A: Sleep paralysis is a phase where we fall asleep where the body gets paralyzed so we don’t act out our dreams.

Q: How common is sleep paralysis?

A: It happens every single night! Being conscious during the process is already rare, but you likely experience sleep paralysis causes consciously at least once.

Q: What are the types of hallucinations experienced during sleep paralysis?

A: Approximately three-quarters of individuals who suffer from sleep paralysis will also have auditory, visual, tactile, or other hallucinations, which are commonly referred to as “sleep demons.”

Q: Are there any cultural beliefs associated with sleep paralysis?

A: Yes, people believe that demons visit you to steal your energy or have sex with you. This is wrong, it’s all in your head.

Q: What are the potential causes of sleep paralysis?

A: A poor sleep schedule, physical pain, and improper sleep settings (temperature, darkness, comfort, etc.) will promote sleep paralysis. Practicing Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming will cause them as well.

Q: Is sleep paralysis considered dangerous?

A: No. It is a natural state of the brain. What is dangerous is not being able to enter the sleep paralysis state.

Q: How does sleep paralysis impact mental health?

A: It depends on the amount of fear you have with sleep paralysis. If it affects your sleep quality, you can experience mental health issues. Consult with a sleep doctor if you believe it is your case.

Q: What treatments are available for sleep paralysis?

A: Good Sleep Hygiene will make a huge difference as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You may also consult with a healthcare professional for any possible medications if the issue is a major problem.

Q: Can improving sleep hygiene reduce the occurrence of sleep paralysis?

A: Absolutely! You may wipe out entirely experiencing sleep paralysis causes consciously if you have a proper sleep schedule and a comfortable cool and dark room.

Q: Can I experience lucid dreaming or astral projection without sleep paralysis?

A: You may experience Lucid Dreaming without going through Sleep Paralysis if you follow the DILD and MILD techniques. You don’t have to experience sleep paralysis only from inducing lucid dreams, but you still may experience it if you suddenly wake up from a lucid dream, for example. There is a way to experience astral projection from a dream, but otherwise, you will always experience sleep paralysis to induce Astral Projection.

From here, you can slowly understand better your sleep paralysis causes and know how to act according to what you want. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t expect to dominate your sleep paralysis immediately, but you will improve every day. Remember to not feel rushed, it is about improving a little bit every day. If for some reason you are suffering physical consequences because of this, then it is certainly the time to seek a doctor.

Next month, it’s September’s Monthly Tarot Reading time, and we will talk about the following Tarot Card: The Empress. You will also have a couple or three questions related to this card for you to reflect on. The guided meditation “The Empress” card will be available to purchase. Stay tuned for next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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