One big meaning from The Empress Tarot Card is that you can materialize abundance

Today's card: The Empress Tarot Card. September's Monthly Tarot brings the information you need, and even if you think you will continue to have uncertainty, you will see that you will feel better. Let's dive deep into the meaning and messages from The Empress Tarot Card.
The Empress tarot card means that you can materialize abundance.

Table of Contents

Attract sensuality, abundance, and beauty through the Empress Tarot Card

Hello, everybody. I hope you are getting the most out of your nights, every night! Last week we talked about the sleep paralysis causes and how to deal with it. We will talk about The Empress Tarot Card to explore it together. We will speak of one card each month so you have plenty of time to get the most out of their wisdom. You will also find three self-reflection questions to explore and maximize your life however you desire.

Remember that you don’t have to learn everything I am sharing here with you by heart. This is intended for you to have a foundation from which you can grow in your direction. You want to find how each Tarot Card connects with your life today.

Free Reading: September’s Monthly Tarot Psychic Reading is available

But first, as you know, your free reading is here! The monthly Reading for September 2024 is ready! As usual, you can find these on my YouTube channel, and you can watch here right here. I invite you to subscribe to my channel now; this way, you are always up to date with goodies and other surprises I have planned for YouTube! If you are not very sure what is about this reading, you can read more in this article regarding the Monthly Tarot psychic reading.

Check out the September Monthly Tarot Reading for:

So, did you enjoy the reading? Now that you have listened to it, we can start talking about The Empress Tarot Card and its meaning and how you can start applying all the teachings that resonate well with you in life. It’s always significant for you to approach with an open mind. You must not learn word by word everything I am sharing, but instead, see how things apply in your life, and what you want to take from this.

Make sure to set aside some time when looking at a Tarot Card, so you can have some undivided attention. The more you observe a Tarot Card, the easier is for you to find some meaning that will resonate in your life. If you have a copy of The Conspiracy Tarot, you can look at the card while you read this article. If you don’t have your copy, check out The Conspiracy Tarot here and use the coupon BLOG111 at the checkout.

Let’s meet: The Empress Tarot Card – An introduction

The Empress Tarot Cards first show you the amazing capacity for abundance that you have… reminding you that even if you don’t have enough, the Universe will keep providing… like an endless cornucopia. You are capable of holding gratitude in your heart and realizing this with full awareness. You manage to do this by learning how to set aside everything that doesn’t serve a purpose to you in this given moment, in other words, your capability to project unconditional gratitude.

You are a person who validates things that are well done, appreciating some culture and intellect. When you are connected with the Empress tarot card you are also connected to your feminine side, the same as with The High Priestess, however, with a greater appreciation of the beauty and the very power that resides within this energy. You might be bound to material desires, but you also know when and how to open your heart.

Upright meanings

When you meet with The Empress Tarot Card in upright form, it means that you are aligned with manifesting the abundance you need in your life. Are you working on something specific, or do you have an idea that you want to put into motion? You have a fantastic opportunity to do so, you only need to plan and get started, as you will find an abundant outcome when you project your knowledge, as well as keeping the Principle of Gender into account to miss no possibilities.

The Empress tarot card means that you can materialize abundance.
The Empress tarot card means that you can materialize abundance.

Make sure to always keep an open heart where you project constant gratitude. It is true, that this is a world that puts a heavy weight on negativity, but this doesn’t mean that you need to give in to it. With powerful feminine energies, you can bring all the self-nurturing you need. It matters that you keep active and move forward to keep the energy moving. Let’s check out some extra characteristics here:

  • Love and relationships: You can communicate properly, learn how and when to listen, as well as know how to give proper advice with great wisdom at the right time. You have a lot to give in any of your relationships, and you also have a good capacity to receive, something important. You can easily set aside differences and just focus on the connection itself, without giving importance to negative things. It is important to have some balance here, but kudos if you make this happen because you will enjoy the positives to the maximum.
  • Money and career: You are in a great moment in your professional life and finances. You are a magnet to draw financial abundance, and you will project this magnetism to other people. Use your knowledge versus being too aggressive, and make sure to project your desires. If you are connected to The Empress tarot card, you will be able to have more opportunities to grow professionally or properly invest your money. You can make a good impact on other colleagues if you voice your wisdom with passion and direction.
  • Health and spirituality: You are taking good care of your physical body, as well as giving yourself to the pleasures of life. Make sure to keep a proper balance here, and don’t forget your Spiritual side. You don’t want to be too materialistic, as you can materialize abundance at a spiritual level as well. You can find a moment to set aside your heaviness and analyze it from a different perspective, or to give yourself a break from it for a bit, also good!

I recommend that you expand the energy in your Solar Plexus Chakra and Sacral Chakra so you can attract abundance. Your capacity to enjoy with great passion this abundance will maximize thanks to having more energy in your Sacral Chakra. Make sure to tap also your feminine side, and get to enjoy the beauty in front of you with a greater perception. You will feel more connected and aligned with your desires.

Reversed meanings

When you meet with The Empress in reversed form it means that you need to re-align yourself with both your desires and your capacity to project gratitude. You must add a more feminine touch to what you are doing, as otherwise you are perhaps being abrupt and pushy, something that you certainly want to avoid. You might find yourself discouraged from life, even bored or completely lethargic to make a change. Be careful because you can enter a vicious loop here.

The Empress Tarot Card in reverse form means that you lack abundance in your life.
The Empress Tarot Card in reverse form means that you lack abundance in your life.

Even if you find yourself in that vicious circle of feeling empty, and without a choice to bring back abundance in your life, you can regain control. You need to start by simply being more grateful for those little things that you might take for granted. Feel grateful because you have both the time and capabilities (device) to read this. One key to re-activating The Empress’ energy in your life is to start to feel grateful, and at the same time, you project what you need, including materialistic needs. Let’s go deeper into the meanings:

  • Love and relationships: If you face a reversed The Empress tarot card, your partner and you are not investing quality time in each other. Perhaps you both are pushed by the rush of life, causing you both to forget to nurture each other. The both of you may be feeling empty in the relationship, and if you are, you both must start investing time in each other. You might have a hard time setting aside negative things about other people, even after a resolution. You must start seeing more positive abundant parts.
  • Money and career: You are in a moment of perhaps some financial difficulty where it seems that your choice doesn’t bring positive results. You feel too lethargic to even think about spending or investing money in growing professionally or financially. You feel powerless, and perhaps with enough knowledge to trust your judgment. You have a lot of trust in other people or sources that could help you to get back on your feet. Put yourself together, focus, and think clearly to find that lift that will get you going!
  • Health and spirituality: You are feeling empty on the inside as if you are investing energy in your body and health, as well as your spirituality with little to no result. You have likely lost some drive in moving forward, bringing you to a more passive and bored behavior. You are feeling disconnected from the Universe making you feel spiritually empty. You have forgotten what you know, your wisdom, so it is time to go back to it and to see that you too can realign yourself into abundance once more.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry about it. Only by wanting to make a change, you are already bringing that to your life. Remember that The Empress Tarot Card reminds you of both having and receiving abundance. Thanks to the Principle of Polarity, you can easily shift these poles to a more favorable flow. As with everything, you need to take action, first mentally, then emotionally, and ultimately, physically.

You should reflect on the following questions

When I created The Conspiracy Tarot (if you want a copy, make sure to use the coupon BLOG111 at the checkout,) I added questions for you to reflect upon each of the cards. You can find this within the pages of the Little White Book that comes with the deck. But for today, for The Empress Tarot Card, I am sharing these questions for you to reflect over. Once you do, feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts and findings. This will help others a lot!

  1. Do you have a good connection with your feminine side?
  2. Are you doing something to bring more color to your life instead of monotony?
  3. What are you doing to make sure you do not miss anything in life?

I’ve been questioning whether to leave a comment for each of these questions, but I want to leave them as they come in the Little White Book for the Conspiracy Tarot. I hope these questions help you bring something that will improve your life, even a little bit.

The Empress Tarot Card Guided Meditation

The next card for the series of Guided Meditations is where you will experience the energy of Tarot Cards. The meditation for today, as you have guessed it, it’s The Empress Tarot Card Meditation, and you have it available in the store.

The Empress Meditation brings you back to the flow of abundance

The Empress Meditation will allow you to fill up your heart with positive feelings of gratitude for all the blessings that you already have in your life. The magic of The Empress meditation will enable you to then start visualizing your desires bringing powerful materialization energies.

In this guided meditation, you will find the beauty of life and the beauty within yourself. You will feel this wonderful energy while projecting love and gratitude. From here, you have the ideal energy to focus on materializing greater physical abundance. Attract a powerful and abundant life, full of amazing experiences when you open up to it.


Q: What does the Empress tarot card symbolize?

A: The Empress Tarot Card represents experiencing abundance to the highest degree, as well as finding the beauty of things. Allowing yourself to have, and tapping your feminine power enables your inner Empress.

Q: What does it mean when the Empress card appears upright in a reading?

A: In summary, upright means abundance, beauty, and feminine power. It proves knowing when and from who to receive, as well as to share.

Q: How does the Empress tarot card influence love readings?

A: When you have the Empress energy present in your love life, you are likely to feel very abundant in communication, love, and sex, as well as in a perfect balance with the other person. You have a beautiful relationship and seems to have everything it needs.

Q: What career opportunities does the upright Empress card represent?

A: You are likely to have the opportunity to grow professionally, even more if you receive a suggestion or opportunity to step up and grow your material abundance. You have the potential to set aside what is not productive.

Q: How can the Empress card help in financial matters?

A: You are likely to have abundance, and the potential for you to make money is available. You could be a little bit too materialistic, but you are not projecting bad or egocentric energies, so you honor other people and their social status and cultures as well.

Q: How does The Empress Tarot Card differ when reversed?

A: Some of the meanings especially revolved around lack of abundance, or lack of gratitude if you have abundance. You don’t take enough action to materialize your desires but have a lethargic approach instead of waiting for something to magically happen. You need to bring more action to your life.

Q: Do I need to own a Tarot Deck to meditate with the cards?

A: No, you only need to play the guided meditation and follow the guidance from my voice. However, you can still love to own a copy of this amazing tarot deck.

Q: Can I learn to read the Tarot?

A: Yes, you have a course to learn to read the cards with over 100 lessons where I teach about each of the cards.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about The Empress Tarot Card as well as watching the Monthly Tarot reading for September 2024. Next week, we will talk about aura colors and their meaning, to be more specific, we will talk about the meaning of having a dominant color of red in your aura. But all of this, next week!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you for visiting! - The Empress Tarot Card and Monthly Tarot for September 2024

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