Purpose: The reason why you exist in this world, in this now.

Each person has a purpose in this life. If you are reading this, you probably want to discover your reason to be here in this life. I want to recommend that you also read about personal power, as it may also help you with your purpose. You can see them here.

But these entries speak a little more about the purpose we can have as individuals and at the collective level. You must realize that you are also worth something. Each individual is an essential piece for this higher “engine” we call Universe since we are all connected. Every single person has a purpose.

Therefore, you are also important, don’t forget that. By reading these articles, you will be able to tap into your true purpose fully.

However; there are a few essential reads that may be of interest to you, so check them out:

Finally, all this is just a little bit about purpose; I invite you to subscribe to download a free meditation that balances your chakras. Subscribe now and get your copy!

Surely you already know some of these, but others, they will surprise you! I am pretty sure! (purpose)