Discover your Purpose of Life through a Tarot Reading and find your worth today

Do you want to know your purpose of life? You can today thanks to the Tarot readings for discovering life purpose! Find out why your life might change forever if you understand and connect with your purpose of life. You too have a purpose, everybody does!
Discover your purpose of life through a Tarot Reading today!

Table of Contents

Do you want a purpose-driven life? It’s time to live your fulfillment!

Hey all! Besides the Tarot Card Explanation (The Chariot) and Meditation & Reading for January, as well as the Brown Aura article, this is truly our newest subject of 2025. We still have a lot of cards to go through, as well as a few more aura colors, but for today, it’s a new thing. Let me start with a question: Do you know the purpose of life? I am not talking about “life on earth” or “life in the universe,” but your life purpose. That’s right, you, too, have one, every single soul does!

When you discover your purpose, your life will start shifting in many ways. I am not talking about something spiritual, but everything in life. For example, you might be good with coding, and ultimately, you will help develop medical software. Maybe you are an awesome circus clown who makes thousands of people laugh. No, but seriously, how to find your purpose in life is not that hard, and you, deep down, already know it. What do you like, and what you are good at? 

Everybody has life goals and skills; you only need to see your worth

Maybe you think you don’t have a purpose, if so, you are wrong. Every single person has a purpose in life. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have incarnated now, and you would be between lives. Imagine this giant machine that is full of gears, bolts, engines, belts, lights, and more.

No matter how and what you contribute, you are an essential part of the great machine we call Human Civilization.

No matter how and what you contribute, you are an essential part of the great machine we call Human Civilization.

Perhaps you are like a tiny bolt inside one of many, many engines, invisible from the outside and, therefore, ignored. However, if you remove this one bolt, that engine will collapse, rendering the whole machine useless because it needs all engines. Do you realize how essential you are?

This is why it is so important for you to know your purpose in life. I have been able to help a lot of people like you who are feeling lost. Right now, a great option is the tarot readings for discovering life purpose, as well as, of course, accessing your Akashic Records. From the latter, you will get essential guidance about your soul agreements, and the Tarot will guide you through this self-serving quest.

If you know your purpose in life, you will feel you belong and that you are important because I am telling you again, you are! Like in the machine above, an inner-core bolt is essential, yet no one knows it’s there but itself. This means that as long as you harness your talents and feel aligned with what you are doing, you are already on your path to fulfillment.

Even if you help one person, or bring one idea, or inspire someone… it doesn’t matter. You only have to do it once, and you have already fulfilled your life purpose. You will most likely want to do it more, perhaps for many, many years in your life. But as long as you make one impact, you already impact the whole world. It goes in agreement with a couple of 7 laws of the Universe.

Come on, if you are lost, let’s take some steps together.

As I shared with you above, tarot readings for discovering life’s purpose are fantastic, and we can get a solid foundation with a little reading, so grab yours now! From here, you need to deeply relate to your purpose in life and start seeing it happening in your life. So, the next step I am suggesting here is to start reflecting on yourself. You need to be connected with your life goals and path to find fulfillment.

Reflect on yourself and discover your life purpose.

Reflect on yourself and discover your purpose in life.

Part of discovering your purpose in life you need to know what is meaningful for you. Perhaps you don’t know it yet, and that is alright, trust me, it’s in there, and I will help you get it out. To reach personal fulfillment, you need to resonate with what you do and feel passionate about it, regardless of what others (parents, friends, social pressure) impose on you.

Don’t forget that your life purpose is unique because it will always have your touch, and you will put your heart into it. Perhaps you have a spiritual calling to be a healer or a reader, or perhaps you want to support your religious group. Maybe you are awesome with numbers, and you are a genius with them. Everything is necessary, and if you have it and like it, it’s time you bring it!

Whether you got your reading or you already suspect or feel a potential life purpose, now it is time to ask yourself some questions. For this, I recommend that you find 10-15 minutes where no one disturbs you, and you can have some quiet time, silence, and the opportunity to reflect. Here are some topics you can touch on.

Who am I?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? It seems silly, but if you have never done it or don’t know this, you still have it pending. This is a very broad question where you can begin to discover who you are on a soul level, such as a Starseed or human soul. From here, you need to see for yourself the person you are. This is why self-love and self-awareness play an essential role as far as your purpose in life goes.

Where do I belong?

This is a question that goes beyond your soul origin or even where you were born. Where do I belong is a question you need to ask yourself as far as the people that surround your life, especially friends, chosen family, and professional connections.

It will be easier to align yourself with your purpose in life thanks to the people around you.

It will be easier to align yourself with your purpose in life thanks to the people around you.

You need to identify with yourself first, but then you have to also know what is your ideal environment. In what group of people do you feel you can be yourself and enjoy a great time with others who are mind-alike? When you are surrounded by the right people, it will become a lot easier to find your path and purpose in life.

When do I feel fulfilled?

This is the essential, the big question, the million dollar question… the decisive moment for you to find your path. If you are connected with yourself and with the right people, you will have many experiences where most will feel aligned. However, on top of these, you will find a special connection with something and choose it as your life goal and path. At this point, you will realize that you will be becoming more and more fulfilled.

A life of passion and doing what you love will exponentially grow your fulfillment; a purpose-driven life will be in store for you. As you develop and progress, you will feel clearly what is the what is the purpose of life concerning you!

Your Purpose of Life Will Align More And More

You want to feel an important part of life itself, and you already are. As I said above, you can change the world in many ways because even drawing a smile to one person might make astronomical positive changes down the line thanks to the Principle of Cause and Effect. As you explore yourself and surround yourself with the right people, you will discover your gifts (spiritual or not), and you will start putting them into motion.

I am sure that you want to make a positive impact on others, one way or another. From a flawless service for their very needed car for the daily commute to having a brief chat while doing their grocery checkout or connecting with their loved ones in spirit. All help, all is essential.

Farming is a wonderful purpose of life if you enjoy this type of work. Your purpose is to feed the world.

Farming is a wonderful purpose of life if you enjoy this type of work. Your purpose is to feed the world.

Keep in mind that when you do something from the heart, the outcome is fantastic. This is where you need to start, while you keep your mental gears running, take action by moving forward, one step at a time. You pretty much have all you need now.

Don’t forget, your purpose in life is unique because it will have your energy signature and your way of doing things. Sure, thousands will have the “same purpose” as you, after all, it’s more than 8b humans, so we need more than a few for everything! But in your community, perhaps you will be the one taking care of that thing you love, and that is what matters.

The Purpose of Life Formula

Nowadays, we have formulas for everything, like we didn’t have enough with math, science, and physics, right? But hey, they help, and the purpose of life has one too:

Gifts + Passions + Values = Purpose

You can see how simple the formula is. We start with what you are got at, and remember, tarot readings for discovering life purpose help uncover these gifts, don’t forget that. You must both know and align yourself with what you are passionate about and how to mix your gifts. Ultimately, you want to know how to use and impact other people by using these gifts based on your values.

If we add everything together, we can have our purpose in life. For example, you have a flawless pulse, and you love medical stuff, and you feel that it’s right to use these skills to help others. You are a gifted surgeon. You are super creative in the kitchen, and you love, love food and cooking it. You want people to eat well but enjoy what they eat. You are a gifted chef.

You need to know and following your purpose in life to have a fulfilling life.

You need to know and follow your purpose in life to have a fulfilling life.

This applies to everything, you only need to know these aspects of yourself and put everything together, and having the right people around will increase the chance of making this happen, as they will suggest, encourage, and even push you into it.

Now you know how to find your purpose in life.

From here, you have everything you need. You can help yourself with reading before or after going through these introspections, and when you do, you will already be aligned in a fantastic direction toward life fulfillment. From here, you gotta remember to be patient and take one step at a time without the need to rush or skip steps.

You will experience different life transitions, changes, and challenges. Knowing and following your purpose is not a path of roses, but you can enjoy it, even in the most challenging moments. Remember that difficulties arrive to make you stronger, so it’s not that horrible facing them.

Trial and error will also be one of your ghosts in your path to life goals and desires, but every time you face this ghost, you will also grow stronger. It is important that every time you face one of these ghosts, you look back when you faced your prior one. Only by knowing how much you have grown you will already have a head start to overcome your current and next ghosts… or even demons!


Remember that life is about constant growth and constant learning. For example, back in 2020, I learned the foundations of the Principles of the Universe, but now, in early 2025, I know a lot more thanks to day-to-day living and both using and observing these. I also have realized how much more there is to learn and that such will slowly and continuously arrive.

The same goes with everything, and as you develop your purpose in life, you will have ups and downs, but it will be beautiful nonetheless. If you are passionate about it, and you need to, you will always stand up, and you will always keep growing stronger. After all, you will be following your life goals in your path to bring life fulfillment as you accomplish your purpose in life.


Q: What is a life purpose?

A: It’s what your soul desires for you to do in this lifetime to impact the world, one person at a time. You have a purpose in life, everybody does!

Q: How can life purpose guide decisions?

A: If you know what you want, you know yourself, and what your tools are, you will base your decisions on this as you follow a fulfilling life.

Q: Can life’s purpose change over time?

A: No, it doesn’t change, it evolves. There is always a bigger picture of things, and the more you grow, the more options you will have and the more you can refine your path.

Q: How does life purpose relate to meaningful work?

A: You are meant to follow the purpose of life which you feel aligned and connected with. This will be meaningful for others, and so it will be for you.

Q: What questions should I ask to find my life purpose?

A: You should ask yourself, “Who am I? Where do I belong? When do I feel fulfilled?

Q: Is pursuing a life purpose selfish?

A: Quite the contrary, untapping your purpose in life, you want to bring your best skills to the world, to make people happy, while you make a living out of it. This is how it is supposed to be for everybody.

Q: How can spirituality influence life’s purpose?

A: If you are spiritually awakened and feel connected to your life purpose, you will learn that spirituality is your path. Furthermore, you may add a spiritual touch to your life’s path, even if it’s not related.

Q: What is the equation for life’s purpose?

A: The Gifts you possess + what are your Passions + what are your Values. This equals your purpose in life.

Q: How do life transitions affect our purpose?

A: Each transition is different and unique to each person, but generally, these make you more refined and stronger, with greater tools to teach if in the future you have the opportunity and desire.

So, what do you think? You can always get tarot readings for discovering life’s purpose, to be specific, this brief reading is to the point! Remember, you have one too. From here, you only need to follow and take your next steps. So, next week, you will read about the power of willpower. With it, you will be ready to take on any challenge to find complete alignment with your purpose in life. Don’t miss it next Wednesday. If you like it, spread the knowledge and share it on your social networks!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: eighth year, seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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