The Classics Meditations: The original 13!

The first set of meditations available in Meditate with Fernando: The Classics! These are the first mediations I have created; however, I can tell you that they are very powerful. You will see that there are meditations with various types of goals, from accessing the Akasha to materializing your desires.

If you want the whole set, contact me, and I will give you a good discount! These are special meditations, thousands of individuals already experienced them.

You will experience how my first meditations were; possibly hundreds of people still enjoy them today and do not miss anything when they try a more modern one. Perhaps the special thing about “The Classics” is that they all have five subliminal positive affirmations.

What can I find from The Classics?

You will be able to find one meditation for each topic. For example, we have one of them to connect to your Akashic Records while another one helps you to connect with your Spirit Guides and even your Higherself.

All the classic meditations have nature sounds, subliminal positive affirmations, and Alpha Brainwaves.  This is true for all 13 of them, except the nature sounds, which are present in the first 10 guided meditations.

Another amazing thing you can find in The Classics Meditations is the power to materialize a great abundance thanks to the combination of a wish-making meditation and a powerful gratitude meditation. The combination of these two classics is still today one of the top sellers, and I always get amazing messages with your results.

And one more thing! Subliminal affirmations are going to be of great help because they help you to implant in your subconscious that you are going to do everything possible to reach your goal, and that you will achieve it! Therefore, this set of original guided meditations will bring you many benefits.

Energy alignment with mindfulness classics

In this assortment of 13 meditations, you can also find a powerful Chakra Meditation where you will embark on a very profound journey worth 45 minutes. Here, you will find the deepest state of balance that one can feel by working on your seven main chakras, yielding to a wonderful energy alignment.

All these guided meditations are charged with healing light, so by playing them alone, you will already feel a lot better since you will be evoking healing light your way. It is wonderful when you let go completely and you receive something wonderful. I can assure you that this is a common happening with the classics meditations.

A greater state of balance brings well-being, which is amazing to experience, especially nowadays in this busy society we are living in. You only need to invest about 15-20 minutes, and you will make an astonishing difference.

How about love?

Yes, you can absolutely find one love meditation within the classics meditations set, and one of the most powerful. Here you will visualize the relationship you desire with the person you desire. You will have an amazing romantic experience, and you will fill up your heart with gratitude by already living this experience.

Thanks to this, you will add a lot of materialization power to bring your person of interest to your life, or to enable a positive flow in your love life so you can bring the right partner in your life. Furthermore, you will heal from any wounds from former unsuccessful love experiences, freeing yourself from a heaviness that serves no purpose.

Experience a Powerful Guided Meditation with Fer

Firstly, every person who tries The Classics Meditations has a fabulous experience. Hence, super easy-to-do guided meditations filled with love, light, and beautiful intentions for you to get the most out of them.

Therefore, please, remember that you only need to set clear intentions before starting guided meditations, and then let go completely and allow yourself to have. Finally, don’t forget you will fill your existence with highly positive energies!

Some of these have nature sounds contributing to a deeper relaxation, others have a lovely background that will take you away, and allow you to unplug completely.

So do not wait any longer!

If you want to experience a life-transforming mindfulness meditation for relaxation, this is your opportunity. If you have never heard my voice, I invite you to do so in the video below:

I am pretty positive you will find my voice soothing, and relaxing. You only need to let go completely, and you will meet with the light you seek.


Q: What are guided meditations?

A: These are audio files where my voice will give instructions for you to follow while in a comfortable position. You will be guided during the meditation, so these are excellent if you don’t know how to meditate.

Q: Why do you call these “The Classics”?

A: These are the first guided meditations I have done, and for a few years, these were all that was. Now, after many years, they have this label as being the original ones.

Let’s meditate together now. Lots of light!

Thank you: The Classics Meditations