Christmas meditations: Do you want to meet Santa?

These are extraordinary meditations and little by little, there will be more. These are Christmas meditations full of magic. And I am sure you will love these meditations if you like the joy and cheer. They are exceptional and effortless to make. The little ones will love trying one of these, but the grown-ups as well because you will lit up the spirit of Christmas.

With a Christmas meditation, you will go to magical places, such as Santa’s Village, where you will find elves, Christmas carols, and many happy folks. You may even receive an extraordinary gift. You have to let yourself be carried away by the magic and follow the sound of the bells that will take you to Santa’s sleigh!

Have you ever explored a Christmas Tree on the inside? One of these meditations brings you the opportunity to make it happen. More and more of these meditations are becoming available, so make sure to check back often.

How about a Christmas Eve Meditation?

The best time to listen to a Christmas Guided Meditation, after all, if you want to meet Santa while meditating, this is your chance. You will have a wonderful time, experience the magic of Christmas, and have a lovely moment.

You only need to follow the guidance from my voice and use your imagination as much as you can. Soon, we will have Christmas Meditations available for aphantasia as well.

Furthermore, when you experience a Santa’s Workshop Journey, you will feel the magic of Christmas as if you were the main character of a Christmas movie. The more you let go and visualize, the more you will find yourself in the North Pole!

Are you ready to meet Santa? With one of these, you have the opportunity, so keep on reading!

A peaceful Christmas retreat

The rush of life is already insane enough to add on top of the holiday rush, but what are you going to do? Well, for starters you can indeed do something, such as experience a Christmas Guided Meditation. You will unwind and let go completely, because when you meditate, you bring mindfulness to your life, something fantastic for your health (Source: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.)

Furthermore, as I said above, it is a fantastic way to experience a festive soundscape surrounded by magical stuff. Your inner kid will love to experience this. Plus, I am sure you know that everybody who visits ” a Santa” (in a mall for example,) gets something. Meditation is no less… in the Christmas meditations when you visit Santa, you will receive a special gift. What gift? Experience the meditative journey, and you will find out.

These Christmas Guided Meditations are heart-centered because they also energize your Heart Chakra by flooding it with positive emotions. By raising your vibrations here, you will feel what is truly meaningful to a more profound degree.

Christmas is a time for gratitude practices

We all know this, and Christmas is always a great reminder that we have to do more when we talk of giving. Furthermore, when you manifest gratitude at Christmas, you multiply it, not because of Christmas itself, but because of how many individuals manifest gratitude at the same time.

Because of the Principle of Vibration and Polarity, the more intentions projected to a common outcome, the easier it is to materialize. Furthermore, as you know, in Spirituality, one plus one is never two… but much more, and from here, it only escalates exponentially.

You will attract more abundance to your life, and to those who you love because of this same principle. Gratitude attracts abundance, so this is also in a way, multiplied. Think of having a “bonus”, that positive emotions in your heart pay a hundred times fold or more… and one ignition here is a simple Abundance or even some of the Christmas Meditations available here.

Experience a Powerful Guided Meditation with Fer
Firstly, every person who tries a Christmas Meditation has a fabulous experience. Hence, super easy-to-do guided meditations filled with love, light, and beautiful intentions for you to get the most out of them.

Plus, these are full of magic and Christmas cheer!

Therefore, please, remember that you only need to set clear intentions before starting guided meditations, and then let go completely and allow yourself to have. Finally, don’t forget you will fill your existence with highly positive energies!

So do not wait any longer!

If you want to experience a life-transforming guided meditation, this is your opportunity. If you have never heard my voice, I invite you to do so in the video below:

I am pretty positive you will find my voice soothing, and relaxing. You only need to let go completely, and you will meet with the light you seek.


Q: What are guided meditations?

A: These are audio files where my voice will give instructions for you to follow while in a comfortable position. You will be guided during the meditation, so these are excellent if you don’t know how to meditate.

Q: Can I listen to a Christmas meditation any time of the year?

A: Why not? If you feel some Christmas cheer, the same way you might watch a Christmas movie, you can experience a Christmas meditation. The meditation will be as wonderful as magical!

Let’s meditate together now. Lots of light!

Thank you: Christmas Meditations.