Receive a gift: A Gratitude Meditation

Manifest your Dreams with “Receive a Gift,” a transformative experience with an abundance of meditation like no other. Embark on a beautiful journey where you will receive a gift from the Universe containing exactly what you need. You can materialize desires today if you open up and allow yourself to have them!



Receive a Gift: Manifestation Meditation

A manifestation meditation, “Receive a Gift”, to materialize your desires. It will help you visualize your desires with your mind and soul. This meditation will take you to a positive moment in your life. Therefore, you can enjoy it again and feel happiness. That happiness will be the fuel to materialize your desires and needs. You do not need meditation experience. Find a comfortable place and follow the instructions of my voice. Allow your desires to materialize in front of your eyes.

Enjoy a visualization meditation where you will see your desires fulfilled in front of your eyes. You only need to be open, and willing to receive since this is a wish-making meditation, so you too can have what you need. The more you feel it in your heart, the better your experience and materialization will be.

Enjoy a powerful abundance meditation and start to materialize desires while you experience a beautiful journey remembering a fantastic time.

Curious about my voice? Feel free to take a listen below!

Characteristics of “Receive a gift.”

  • This guided meditation lasts about 25 Minutes.
  • It includes Theta Brainwaves for more profound relaxation and better visualization.
    • This guided meditation contains subliminal statements. These are positive affirmations in the present tense, audible at a very low volume.
  • It’s both an Abundance and Visualization, as well as a Beginners Meditation. This one belongs to “The Classics,” the 1st set of guided meditations released back in 2016.
  • All meditations are charged with White Light and good intentions for a magnificent result.

So, once you finish, take notes of all your experiences, and ponder over your venture. Get the most out of “Receive a gift,” a fantastic manifest your dreams meditation. You will start a powerful favorable energetic motion!

Visualize as if you already have it and be grateful

A fantastic aspect of “Receive a Gift” is that you will be playing with time. You need to understand that time is only linear from your human perception, but in reality, time is not linear. Energy is not bound to time or gravity, therefore, this can be harnessed. If you focus on a positive moment in the past, you can feel fantastic again, right? The key here is to trigger this emotion, and while holding it, you need to visualize what you want.

The Universe is not sentient, is like a giant machine that follows commands (through energy), and the Universe “sees” time as everything happening simultaneously. So, in a way, if in what you call “now” you don’t have something, but you are already grateful for it, it starts materializing simply because at some time in what you call “the future,” you will have it, otherwise, you wouldn’t be grateful for it because you don’t wait even want it.

Experience a Powerful Guided Meditation with Fer

Firstly, every person who tries one of these meditations has a fabulous experience. Hence, super easy-to-do guided meditations filled with love, light, and beautiful intentions for you to get the most out of them.

Therefore, please, remember that you only need to set clear intentions before starting guided meditations, and then let go completely and allow yourself to have. Finally, don’t forget you will fill your existence with highly positive energies!

I hope you experience “Receive a gift” and have a wonderful time!


Q: How long does the meditation last?

A: “Receive a gift” is a 25-minute guided meditation.

Q: What should I do before starting the meditation?

A: Take a few moments to let go of all worries and concerns, and allow yourself to receive. Make sure to open up completely since this is your moment, honor it.

Q: What makes this meditation unique?

A: You simply need to experience it, because it is hard to explain, but every single person who journeyed with “Receive a Gift” has always loved it. You will manifest in a beautiful, but very powerful way, and I can assure you that you will get a lot out from this abundance meditation.

Love & Light,

Fernando Albert.

Thank you: Receive a gift


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