Akashic Records Meditation – The Classic Akasha Meditation
Access the Akashic Records and start understanding more about yourself, and the entire Universe that surrounds you. This is a straight Akashic Records Exploration where you will simply let go and follow my guidance. You will receive wisdom from your Soul Libraries. Access the Akashic Records today!
The Akashic Records Meditation opens you to endless knowledge
The Akashic Records Meditation will grant you access to your Soul’s Libraries. I bring you the opportunity to access your Akashic Records through a great Guided Meditation. You only need to get comfortable, play this meditation, and allow yourself to be guided. This is the second meditation I ever created back in 2016, some people even experienced it during life meditations and life crystal singing bowls meditation sessions.
You will enter a deep state of relaxation very quickly. You will be able to find a lot of yourself, your past lives, and answers to your most profound questions. Everybody can at least access their Akashic Records in one way or another. You will at least receive some feelings and sensations, such as reassurance or feeling a stronger intuitive pull towards something. Even if you cannot picture images in your head, you will receive wisdom in any other possible ways.
If you want to experience something classic, from the first days of Meditate with Fernando (much earlier than this blog back in 2016), you should go with “Akashic Records Meditation.” It is so old and pure that it doesn’t even have a title, other than what it is for!
And if you want to listen to the sound of my voice, you are welcome to:
Characteristics of “Akashic Records Meditation”
- This guided meditation lasts about 39 Minutes.
- It includes Theta Brainwaves for more profound relaxation and better visualization.
- It’s both a Divine Connection and an Exploration Meditation. This one belongs to “The Classics,” the 1st set of guided meditations released back in 2016.
- All meditations are charged with White Light and good intentions for a magnificent result.
So, once you finish, take notes of all your experiences, and ponder over your venture. Get the most out of “Akashic Records Meditation,” a long and deep guided meditation for Akashic Records, enabling the flow of wisdom within your consciousness.
Get to visit your Akashic Records: Your Soul Library to discover all about you!
The Akashic Records contain pretty much an infinite amount of information. Every living thing has its own “volume” in the Akashic Record. Remember to include homes, places, vehicles, companies, jewelry, tarot cards, vehicles, and anything else pretty much. All are contained in your Akashic Records. The Akashic Libraries contain records of everything that has happened to us in this lifetime, past, present, and future. It holds all about ourselves regardless of awareness, amount of reincarnations, values, interpersonal connections, or goals.
Everything that happens in your life, no matter how little, is recorded in your Akasha. You can read your Soul Files and receive guidance. Think of it as a big library where you can ask any questions you want. For example, asking why certain situations always repeat. Either claircognition or some other method, like this classic Akashic Records Meditation, will aid you.
This meditation will help you become more intuitive with frequent practice. You will become adept at quickly connecting your consciousness, and eventually, you won’t even need to meditate—you’ll just be able to connect intuitively. Healing with the Akasha is another amazing feature; just by sitting in the energy, you can heal your body, mind, emotions, and soul.
Experience a Powerful Guided Meditation with Fer
Firstly, every person who tries one of these meditations has a fabulous experience. Hence, super easy-to-do guided meditations filled with love, light, and beautiful intentions for you to get the most out of them.
Therefore, please, remember that you only need to set clear intentions before starting guided meditations, and then let go completely and allow yourself to have. Finally, don’t forget you will fill your existence with highly positive energies!
I hope you experience “Akashic Records Meditation” and have a wonderful time!
Q: How long does the meditation last?
A: “Akashic Records Meditation” is a 39-minute Akasha meditation.
Q: What should I do before starting the meditation?
A: Take a few moments to let go of all worries and concerns, and allow yourself to receive. Make sure to open up completely since this is your moment, honor it.
Q: How can I connect by simply meditating?
A: When you set intentions to receive what you need while you open up your Heart Chakra, activating your connection with your Akashic Records. You only need to open up and allow yourself to receive, your Soul knows and will do the rest.
Love & Light,
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