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How to be happy: If you keep in mind a few things, you will reach happiness!

Happiness: A state of emotion we can all reach, and I will tell you now.
You can guarantee your happiness in the future.

By keeping a few things in mind, you will discover happiness.

Hi there! Have you started daydreaming? If you have, I’m sure you love it, and you will also see results when you start to materialize. This week I am going to share a few things so that you can find happiness. It really is something much easier to achieve than you imagine since happiness is much more than owning lots of material goods. Happiness comes, among other things, from a life that feels whole. However, everyone can learn to find happiness regardless of their situation, and that is what I am going to talk about today.

Everything that I will comment on is super easy to understand, and you don’t need to have spiritual knowledge. In fact, maybe all this you already know, since it is nothing to write home about. However, I want to comment on all these little things because sometimes they can be used as a little reminder. You will see that if you apply these little things, your life can change for the better, and you feel happier. The basis of happiness is much easier to achieve than you imagine, and it is available to all people.

If we take these details into account, we get closer to happiness.

First of all, I am going to touch on the subject of manifesting and visualizing. There are many entries here on the law of attraction, but I want to comment on something. To attract some things, you may have to have/attract other things first. It is important that you visualize big goals but also visualize small things. You will feel more happiness if you materialize small things, as it will help you see that you can attract things. Plus, it will empower your great visualizations. This will make a huge difference in your life.

Next is the subject of blocks. In life, we ​​have many blocks, and too many times, we take the wrong path. This is very real with failures because if you don’t let yourself be carried away by negativity, you won’t feel them as much. Try to see that failures are opportunities to do better. And if you have already given all you can, this failure will help you to become stronger. Try to observe that any opportunity is a good one to challenge yourself. Failure will lead to another chance, and you can overcome yourself, bringing progress, joy, and happiness.

Yet another is trying to control your goals and desires a little bit. As I have been commenting, you must focus on small things because, in this way, you have small steps that bring you closer to success. Sometimes you may feel that you are not reaching your goals, but being grateful for what you have already achieved is already an improvement and a reason to have more happiness.

What we have to avoid at all costs.

A compelling aspect that “drains out” our happiness is envy. This feeling has a lot of power and can instantly block our heart chakra. It is also opposite to happiness, so it will take us away from it, making the path more difficult. It is important not to be thinking about what others have. And if there is something you want with fervor, envy will not bring you closer to your goal. Also, if you are envious, it is because you are comparing yourself to other people. Do not do that! Each person is different.

Another aspect is being happy but depending on other people or situations (like a best friend or a football game). Other people and social relationships help us achieve happiness, but it is not a unique path. You have to learn to find happiness with your own resources. Many times, if we depend on other people, they can let us down, and this is totally out of our control. This does not apply to all people. However, you must have aspects in your life that also bring you happiness.

Guarantee your happiness by focusing on the now.

Keep this in mind to have more happiness.

A super important aspect is to be focused on the now. Do not focus so much on linear time, especially the past or the future. I personally like to say, “Learn from the past to apply it in the present, living the now to guarantee a positive future that you don’t have to worry about.” Really, thinking and lamenting about the past is only going to attract more negativity. If you have concerns about the future, instead of looking at it with fear, take action to bring changes that change those results that you fear so much. Give it you’re all in the now, and you will see how little by little you will see that the future has more and more color. However, stay in the now, and you will have increasing happiness.

Having gratitude for what you have is essential. In this blog, there are many entries about the importance of gratitude and positivity. Gratitude is essential to endless things, but among them, happiness. If you are looking for gratitude, you will find many reasons to have a heart full of gratitude. These feelings will help you increase your happiness. It will also help you manifest and materialize what you need, bringing yourself more happiness. It will help you see life differently, and what happens to third parties, you will not care.

And lately, it’s important to listen to your instincts and intuition. These guide us with great certainty, and by helping us make the right decisions, we have more happiness. Having confidence in your own person is essential, as it will help you be more successful and happier.

Recall a beautiful memory, re-live it, and materialize happiness.

Take into account everything that goes through your head and your heart. Finding happiness is an everyday thing, not a goal you reach. But hey, now you have something to think about. Next week, as it is the first of March, as always, we have the forecast. But all this in a week! I will tell you next week. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! (And if you haven’t, listen to February’s Forecast) See you next Wednesday!
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I invite you to check earlier posts: fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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