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The Power of Willpower is at your fingertips – 4 Steps to Enhance it
- Fernando Albert

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Enhance your Power of Willpower and self-control today and witness greater results in life.
So, how are you feeling since last week’s article? Are you aware of your Purpose in Life and already taking steps towards a fulfilling life path? If so, this article about your Power of Willpower will come in extremely handy. Even if you are not working on your life purpose, you still want to get the most out of your willpower.
But what is the power of willpower? In other words, this is how capable you are to push yourself to accomplish a goal. The more willpower, the easier you will be to do something you otherwise really wouldn’t, but you know it’s necessary, and you simply do it.
Keep in mind that if you keep your limiting self-beliefs at bay while you always push yourself, even if it’s a little, you will have amazing results. You are way stronger than you think, precisely, the power of willpower is a foundational human strength available to you, too, regardless of your soul origin.
How to strengthen willpower: A few easy keys to willpower
I know it is very easy to say, “Come on, just do it.” While this is true, and I agree with that statement, sometimes you need to get a push. A lot of times, you only need one push because, with it, you will notice you can do it, too. From here, you will get stronger and be even more pumped for the next time. The willpower meaning is more than simply “being tough,” so keep this in mind.
You are about to read four easy ways to enhance your power of willpower, simple steps that everybody can take. Don’t feel discouraged or rushed if you don’t accomplish everything all at once. The best thing is that you will see progress every day a little more, especially if you put in the right effort. Willpower and self-control need to be aligned because you don’t want to exhaust yourself if your willpower is too strong.
Remember that practice, as well as trial and error, makes the champion. So, do you have what it takes to bring amazing changes to your life? I am sure you do, so read on!
Strengthening the mind to maximize your power of willpower
Here, we have the first step: working on mental toughness is super helpful, and here, you can read all about it. I can assure you that it is not about having a super strong mind but making sure that your mind is a little stronger every day.
I recommend you focus on having proper sleep, and here, you can help yourself with fantastic sleep-guided meditations. At the same time, having proper sleep hygiene will make a difference in having a more rested mind versus a tired one. Mental fortitude for willpower is excellent because willpower draws energy from a strong mind, as well as a strong Solar Plexus.
Don’t forget to honor your efforts and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Those “participation” medals are not as worthless as they seem because investing your time and energy already brings value. This applies to everything, so only by trying to improve your mental strength will you already progress.
The Power of Personal Control and Self-Beliefs
This is something quite fundamental, yet society will never teach you this. To use your strengths, you need to know your strengths. For your power of willpower, you need to rely on your strengths (among other things), and by simply knowing them, you will already grow stronger.
Everything you believe makes a huge impact in your life; for example, if you believe you don’t have the energy to do a task, your brain is sending signals of tiredness across your body, weakening you. On top of this, you will not favor the energetic output from the 7 Universal Laws, making things tougher. Guess what happens if you do the other way around?
When you are projecting your beliefs in the right direction, as well as knowing yourself, your strengths, and how to use them, you are ready. You have a reliable point of support now to stand up if you fall, proving to yourself that your power of willpower is there. You will find yourself more aligned and determined to accomplish the task at hand.
Know how to set small goals, some big goals, side goals, all about feeling accomplished.

Make sure to have a long-term goal as well as many small goals to accomplish while on your way to the big one.
Perhaps at some point in your life, you have played a videogame where you lose your life and start from the beginning of the stage… unless you touched a checkpoint somewhere, if so, you will spawn right now from there. The same goes for the game we call life. You need to support yourself on these small victories, which is a powerful way of self-love.
You can’t only set big goals; this is exhausting and not very rewarding. You know you need to get to the goal, but right now, it’s far away. Instead, you can focus on the next mile and for you to get the most out of it while at the top of your game. As soon as you reach that mile, you will feel accomplished, giving you more strength and resilience. Willpower is the greatest human strength that guides you well into accomplishment.
By knowing yourself, with proper self-control, and a great mental toughness for a moment you fail, you will be able to minimize even more the feeling of failure by focusing on your most recent accomplishments and using this as a motivator to push you forward, as well as to help you stand up if you fell. What better power of willpower than an internal self-push?
Challenge yourself with great assertiveness but with as much self-compassion

Like a tree, you will never stop growing and will always take care of your needs, so challenge yourself to do both constantly.
As you can see, each step is quite simple, and there is nothing out of this world, you already know this, I am simply reminding you. Remember that you are growing constantly by gaining experiences and overcoming difficulties. While this growth flows naturally, you can directed and even enhanced if you have a greater desire to grow more.
It doesn’t matter what you do, but you love it, and you want to be every day a little better on it. What does it take here? Practice! The best type of practice is where you challenge yourself, setting, for example, side goals while you focus on a main goal. You will have the opportunity to see that you can stretch that muscle a little more, and it does not even hurt!
Don’t forget, though, if you push that muscle too much, it will end up hurting, and perhaps badly because you overextended it. You need to remember to be kind to yourself. Instead of punishing yourself because you haven’t done enough, remember how well you have done today while tomorrow you will be a little better. Reward yourself for the effort invested.
Now it is your turn. The importance of a proper mindset
Now, if you took all these steps and you are keeping everything into account, you will already see yourself “stronger” right away. This means that you are focused, and when you are focused, you have fantastic outcomes. A lot of times, if you fall, you will not lose eye contact with your goal. This is one powerful way to enhance your strong willpower.
So, now that you have everything, it is time to work on your mindset. This means “suiting up” mentally, getting all your gear, and having a proper plannification on how you intend to follow the path right in front of your eyes. This is simply a “plan and get ready.”
Take this step as pretty much the end of a checklist, and now that you have reached the end, you can simply rejoice by knowing that you have followed all the steps. Now, you are ready to grow, the same as a gardener who prepares the soil, plants the seed, and waters it. Make sure to keep taking one step at a time, and be assured you will focus your power of willpower in a way that each time you fall, you will stand up because having everything you need!
Here, you are in a fantastic position because you become a lot more perpetual in keeping a proper balance between pushing and regrouping yourself with love, as well as having a steady progression towards your goals. As you can see, this is a no-brainer, and from here, it will be up to you to keep growing.
You, too, can jump off the time loop of procrastination
You might be thinking, “All of this is fantastic, but I have nothing.” I can understand how bad this feels, and you can get started by, for example, joining my free healing list to get some support here. If you find yourself procrastinating, and you are aware of it, you already have a small victory. Take it is a good psychological strength.
Push yourself to do a tiny task; it doesn’t matter how tiny, you only need to have to do that tiny task and do it. This will encourage you to do another task. It is not about how much others do but about yourself. It is super hard to do something when you don’t feel it, so these little steps are wonderful. This reinforces your power of willpower to continue doing more tasks, and without even noticing, you will find yourself doing things, making you happier and to procrastinate less.
Firstly, don’t hesitate to seek help from others: family, friends, colleagues, you name it. I will be happy to lend you a hand through a Talk to Fer coaching session, and on top, if you feel you need it, you can even seek professional help if you feel you can’t lift yourself.
Secondly, reassure yourself that this is a difficult phase, and forgive yourself if you have been too harsh on yourself. This alone will be a wonderful step, followed by taking the smallest step you can (I meant it) to already have progressed a little bit without much effort. You have started something that will continue in motion thanks to the Principle of Mentalism.
So, having a strong power of willpower is something you develop. Remember that you must not compare yourself with others, as your life is unique, and maybe others who “look better than you” haven’t yet had some challenges that you have already overcome.
Don’t rush yourself into becoming awesome… there is a progress line to everything, and as long as you feel better about yourself, you are already moving forward. If you even believe otherwise, you can go back to the four steps above to find where the issue is. You will be able to help yourself in ways that you can’t even imagine.
Ultimately, you are never to feel bad as you develop the willpower instinct because this is a path that you progressively develop, not suddenly. It is not even something that brings you a leap forward, although, sometimes, you will witness it because of how strong you can grow.
Q: What is the definition of power of willpower?
A: The power of willpower is your capacity to find that inner strength to push you forward in taking action.
Q: Can willpower be considered a renewable resource?
A: If you also take care of yourself and honor your efforts, you will restore and empower your willpower.
Q: How does mindset affect willpower?
A: With a positive and resilient mindset, you will enhance your power of willpower because you will restore your strengths.
Q: What are some examples of willpower in action?
A: Doing a task you don’t like because the outcome is necessary and positive, pushing yourself to simply get it done.
Q: How can mindfulness meditation improve self-control?
A: You will improve the quality of your mind with many healing meditations, giving you more resilience to invest in willpower.
Q: Why is getting enough sleep important for willpower?
A: As with everything, you renew your willpower when you sleep because your brain rests and restores.
As you can see, it is not that hard, it only matters to be honest with yourself and understand clearly what you want. From here, you will find the opportunity to slowly push yourself to make things happen, improving every time and growing happier and more successful. So, we talked about two secular subjects for two weeks in a row, so it’s time to go etheric again, as next week, we will be talking about multi-dimensionality. Make sure to stay tuned!
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