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Energy implants: A point of view to reflect over.
- Fernando Albert
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Energy implants: A point of view to reflect over.
Hi, all! I hope you are having a fabulous week! Last Wednesday, we discussed guided meditations and if they help with depression. I got a few messages from some of you about feeling a little better. I am delighted to know that, so thank you for sharing. There is a lot out there about energy implants and different points of view about them. Please read and then reflect after reading my approach since this is our subject for this week. Please remember that this has nothing to do with conspiracy theories but an intellectual approach to help you reflect to gain your own point of view.
It is possible that you have no idea what I am talking about right now, or you may be thinking of endless things you have read online. As you know, it’s been more than ten years since I stopped reading information online about spiritual things, only very rarely if I felt led. The reason for this is that external information sources may contain information interpreted in a different way than mine. To have a personal understanding, I seek mainly self-reflection. Then I consult with the Akasha and with the Spirit Guides to be able to understand things better.
As a result of all this, I am sharing the information with you. And that is why from the first line, I tell you that you have to reflect. You do not have to memorize what I share; I will not examine you. The intention is to share my point of view so that you see how it is applied in your lives and, from there, build your perception. And I recommend doing this whenever you read something or see something anywhere.
What does this mean?
Every once in a while someone will come in and ask me in a Psychic Reading if they have energy implants in their body. The first thing I do in these cases is to look for the aura. However, I always usually ask for help from the Spirit Guides and the Akashic Records since this is a subject that I am intellectually unaware of. And sometimes, I have been able to find what we would call an implant since I could find a “block” of blocked energy and not letting the energy flow naturally.
Here we would have a positive answer, but to assume that some being has done this, or something that you have put into your body, is too bold, and I never guess. In all the cases that I have found something like this, or instead, in almost all of them, it has been the person himself who has materialized said implant to a certain extent. The Principle of Vibration and Correspondence are always present. Through a visualization or apparent belief, there can be materialization, and you can find said plant, but it is self-induced.
I have also found similar situations where the person had lower astral beings connected to their aura, beings with lower vibration, and negative goals. When a long time passes to succumb to these energies, strong energy blockages can be created in different body areas. This creates energetic and even physical problems and sometimes makes us suspicious and discover that it feels like an energy implant that harms us.
How to fix the problem.
As I have told you before, in my case, I have not found physical implants such as microchips, nanoparticles, and other questionable elements today. This does not mean that they exist or cease to exist. I only share what I have seen. I always focus on eliminating these energy implants through Energy Healing and with specific visualizations, and with the help of my guides, these are usually eliminated without problems.
What you have to do, especially if you suspect or even find something, is not to lose your cool, focus on eliminating the problem, or seek help. Most of the time, our personal power and the right approach already go a long way, so it’s essential to keep this in mind. Do not forget that you always have free will, and with the correct focus, you can always put this energy above all others.
Light is always available; you have to get it.
And this is all; it is not long since grace is your reflection. Ultimately, you have to see how all these issues flow for you, take what is worth it, and leave behind what you don’t need. Next week is the July Forecast, but a little before, it will be live for you to listen to. But all of this, next week! See you next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now!
I invite you to check earlier posts: sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.
Love & Light,
Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)
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