Are mediums real? Perhaps you are wondering so, I invite you to take a look at today's article. If you want a psychic reading, I will be delighted to give you a hand. If you wonder, "Are mediums real?" a great way is through a reading with me!
Are mediums real? Find out today!

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If you question, “Are mediums real?” I invite you to take a look and find out!

How are you all doing this fine Wednesday? Last week we talked about the red aura personality and traits. If you can relate, perhaps you are aligned with this energy! Today, we are talking about a subject that a lot of people still ask about online. The question here is, “Are mediums real?” Every day people search for this and similar questions, and maybe that is your situation, and that is how you arrived here.

I’ve met with a lot of skeptical people who at the end of a reading told me they were surprised. If you are a skeptic, that is fantastic, because you are open to questioning things, and this is the wisest mental state to have. I always encourage everybody to question everything, including my psychic readings, as well as the validity and resonance of everything I write in this blog and elsewhere. So, as long as you are a Skeptic, that is fantastic. You don’t want to be a cynic trying to prove someone or something wrong with malevolent intentions.

In a way, this could be a very straightforward article where you ask, “Are mediums real?” and my reply is “Experience a reading, and you will be able to tell once we are finished.” However, I can tell because I humbly believe I can help you spiritually, but I cannot talk of others, nor for good, nor for bad. So, I will touch base on a few subjects that will help you out. I also recommend you check out my article about how to properly ask for a psychic reading and what to ask.

How does all of this work?

So, perhaps you need to ask yourself instead how all of this works. There is a massive amount of misconceptions out there, which, unfortunately, bring a lot of confusion. There is a fantastic article about great open-ended questions that you can ask. I recommend you take a read because you will understand a lot better how to ask for a reading with the right questions without giving information away. If you are open and don’t approach with cynism or ego, you will receive what you need, and you will resonate.

Now that you have a lot of information on how to properly ask for a reading, you now have more tools to answer your questions, “Are mediums real?” Whether I am the one doing your reading, or someone else, you must ensure you keep your questions open as suggested, and as I like to say, don’t feed the psychic! You need to allow the psychic medium to talk! It is precisely one reason why recorded readings are exceptional. Only the psychic medium gets to talk!

When you wonder, "Are mediums real?" you are already opening up to higher perspectives.
When you wonder, "Are mediums real?" you are already opening up to higher perspectives.

To keep adding to your curiosity, I will briefly share with you a couple of things. First, for you to familiarize yourself, you can read “how it feels to be psychic.” However, to summarize, a psychic medium is someone who can connect to higher planes of existence as well as with disembodied beings. Take it as having the ability to poke through the veil, observe what is behind it, and share back everything about it.

It is very important that you also understand how psychics work, and how to approach us. While you have the above article to check, I want to give you a straightforward piece of advice here. You want to get started by feeling a connection yourself with the psychic. You need to not rush when you are looking for one and be focused only on finding a reader you can connect with. Take the following simple steps:

  • Clear your mind and your heart, focus on finding the right psychic for you. Not every psychic is for every person, and this is okay.
  • Make sure to look into the eyes of the psychic, and see what vibe you get. From here, it’s a no-brainer: If you like the vibe, approach them. If you don’t, simply keep looking.
  • You can reach out by booking a reading or contacting the psychic if you have any questions.
  • When you request a reading, don’t forget to keep in what how to order a psychic reading.

Keep in mind that doing research always is great, but if you feel a good connection right off the bat, it may be a good sign as well. Remember to be a healthy skeptic if you don’t know how everything works, as well as if you are experiencing your psychic for the first time. If you want to work with me, thank you, it will be a pleasure. You can always order an open reading, or you can send me your plain questions without sending any background… I don’t need it!

Understanding psychic readings

You must understand how psychic readings work because there are a lot of misconceived ideas. First of all, if you have read the article about psychic readings, you will know that asking questions about the lottery or death is not okay, simply because Spirit will not provide this information.

A psychic medium can look into potential outcomes and foresee which one is the most likely to happen and why,
A psychic medium can look into potential outcomes and foresee which one is the most likely to happen and why,

You want to also understand that it is not the same to receive a reading based on prediction, based on guidance. or a combination of the two. Ultimately, the ideal is to combine both in any psychic reading so they are the most helpful. This is how I read, both sharing potential outcomes and predictions, as well as giving spiritual guidance based on the now while keeping into account the outcome to be likely to occur.

You may wonder how real are mediums, and spiritual guidance is a fantastic way to know. You should not tell me your background, I certainly don’t ask for it. You will be able to witness that you get relatable guidance for your situation, as well as reasons that are specific in your life. However, a reading should only be around spiritual guidance, because it is important that you also receive predictions based on your actions, for you to fulfill your situation if possible, or make the appropriate changes.

Are psychics real? Explore the different types of psychics

So, perhaps you still ask yourself, “Are mediums real? Are psychic mediums real? There are a lot of possibilities to understand from a personal experience the authenticity of a psychic medium. However, you must know what to expect from a reading, and how each psychic works differently. I like to break down between three types of psychics:

  • Clairvoyant psychics: This is the group where I consider I fall into. An easy way to explain this is that a clairvoyant psychic sees things. Take a look over the meaning of clairvoyance so you can understand it better. Make sure to take a look at the other psychic senses as well. As a clairvoyant psychic medium, I can see visions with clear detail, and describe them to you. If you need a lot of detail, a “clairvoyant reading” will be your way to go. The main sense is clairvoyance, but normally others like clairsentience also show up in the reading.
  • Clairaudient psychics: I would believe this is another big group of psychics. In these groups they do not see things, only rarely, however, they are especially good at getting names instead of descriptions. If you want direct facts and you don’t care for detail or descriptions, you will work better with these types of psychics. Don’t discard a clairvoyant psychic if this is the case, as we too get clairaudient insights, but a lot less.
A third type of psychics are the dowsers. They are capable to trace lost pets and people with extreme efficiency.
A third type of psychics are the dowsers. They are capable to trace lost pets and people with extreme efficiency.
  • Dowser psychics. I would name these as the third group, and while these psychics might also connect with the Akasha or Spirit Guides, they are more inclined towards working with physical energies, such as those of tracing people or animals. One of the two categories above may also be able to trace lost beings, but it comes a lot harder to some or are not able at all. For example, on my end, I only offer a healing session, and free dowsing work as an attempt, since I don’t consider a dowser myself, and I prefer to work with ethereal energies.
  • Psychic Mediums. So, a psychic medium can fall under any of the three above categories, especially in the top two. This category focuses mainly on connecting with the departed. Keep in mind something: “All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.” I’ve met some amazingly gifted mediums who dislike channeling healing energy, and detest doing psychic readings due to the nature of many of the questions that come up. For some, it goes the other way:
    • Evidential mediumship psychics: This is the category that will likely prefer to only work with the departed, and not solve life issues through regular psychic readings. If you want an evidential mediumship reading, this sub-category will help you best. I am certified in Evidential Mediumship by Lisa Williams, however, I don’t personally resonate with this way of contacting loved ones in spirit.
    • Mental mediumship psychics: This is another sub-category that also connects with loved ones in Spirit and brings messages. I resonate a lot more with this category and it’s the type of medium I consider myself. Here, normally the readings are done in person (my preference), but also can be done either on video or recorded. The best way to work here is through a regular psychic reading to invite loved ones in Spirit.
    • Physical mediumship psychics: This would be the last sub-category, where mediumship yields physical evidence of life after death. These are not readings but séances from developed physical mediums, as well as a group of sitters to form the circle. Through different spiritual phenomena such as bells firing on their own, table movements, voice boxes, and even etherical temporal embodiments through ectoplasm. I am also in this category in the development stages with some experience from a former circle in San Diego. Learn more about séance sessions in this article.

So, as you can see, more factors can alter a reading. Are mediums real? Yes, they are, but you need to find the right psychic medium for your needs. These are four main groups, but there are more. For example, some psychics can almost see the body on the inside and find problems, and these don’t work with Spirit Guides at all but become powerful healers.

This is one reason why you want to contact your psychic first (if that’s me, you can contact me here, or via the WhatsApp button), and explain what you need (but without explaining your background.)

Don’t rush for something that may be life-changing

Keep in mind that rushing is not necessary but counterproductive. You don’t want to rush yourself in finding your psychic, and you neither want to rush us, psychics, during a reading because you only get to block the energy. Speed is not your friend, but detail and quality help you answer your question, “Are mediums real?”

If you are searching for your psychic, leave the rush for the racetrack.
If you are searching for your psychic, leave the rush for the racetrack.

You must take time to find your psychic, and if you know what you want, you can simply book your reading. If you are unsure, reach out to the psychic medium and ask how we work. You will be able to resonate more (or not) with a greater understanding and have a final decision whether you want to experience a reading or not. This way, you will not only avoid unauthentic psychics, but you will avoid getting the wrong psychics for you, even if they are real.

The last step is for you to ask yourself what and why you need a psychic medium. Once you do, and since you are here, ask yourself how well you resonate with me. If you do resonate, I’d love to help you, feel free to reach out. If you don’t, I invite you to keep looking around until you find your psychic. It matters that you feel connected because if you do, you will receive exactly what you need.


Q: Are psychics accurate and reliable sources for predicting the future?

A: A psychic reading takes more than just predicting the future. You will receive reliable outcomes and guidance on how to make it happen. It would be best if you took action as in the end, it falls on you.

Q: What precautions should one take before consulting a psychic?

A: Don’t give your full contact information. You don’t need to provide this information except for natal chart readings. The Akashic Records are eternal. Take a look here at how to order a reading properly.

Q: What types of psychics are commonly available?

A: All psychics can help you the same. However, some psychics are more prone to clairvoyance versus clairaudience, for example. If you need a name, for example, the latter will help you better. If you need a clear description, the first group will help best. Psychics with dowsing abilities usually are more prone to helping to find lost people and pets versus tapping the astral plane.

Q: How can I distinguish a reputable psychic from a fraud?

A: If the psychic requests you to go to the point with your questions and/or accepts an open reading, you will tell if they are authentic by seeing how it applies in your life. Remember to be open to receive, but question everything you received. If the psychic asks you for background information, you have a major red flag, as this is our job, not yours!

Q: What role does skepticism play in the realm of psychic readings?

A: Skepticism is a great approach to psychic readings. You should not be a cynic, but just exploring the subject. Don’t go testing the psychic, that is not our purpose. Instead, simply be open to receive and “see what happens” This is the most wonderful nature of the healthy skeptic.

Q: Can psychics guide predicting the future?

A: It is precisely the main purpose of a reading. When you question “Are psychics real?” the best way is through receiving a proper prediction when necessary, as well as reasonable and doable guidance to reach the predicted outcome. A psychic reading needs both guidance and outcomes to be worth it.

Now, you have two options. You can reflect on the subject and decide for yourself whether you get a reading or not. If you feel a connection with me, and you want me to be your psychic reader, I’ll be delighted. Give a try to the 15-minute reading option, and simply be open to receive. If you don’t, that is okay, keep looking around. Look into the eyes of any reader, and if you feel connected, go for it! Next week we are celebrating our 8th Anniversary! I won’t say more, we will talk more in a week. See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year,  third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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