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The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings
- Fernando Albert

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The Chariot Tarot Meaning: Take Control Over
Your Life’s Journey
 Today, we will talk about The Chariot Tarot Card to explore it together. A symbolic card for the first day of the year!
We will speak of one card each month, so you have plenty of time to get the most out of their wisdom. You will also find three self-reflection questions to explore and maximize your life however you desire. Remember that you don’t have to learn everything I am sharing here with you by heart. This is intended for you to have a foundation from which you can grow in your direction. You want to find how each Tarot Card connects with your life today.
An introduction of The Chariot Tarot Card – An introduction.
When we talk about the Chariot Tarot card, we are strongly connected with the energy of progression, movement, and taking action. The energy of this card connects strongly with both the Principle of Rhythm and the Principle of Cause and Effect. You can simply imagine this card as it is: a vehicle that normally is a chariot pulled by two horses, or in the case of the Conspiracy Tarot, a black and white car. The symbology is the same… how are you driving your life?
The Chariot Tarot card mainly requires you to do two things: first, you need to properly plan your path in life. Check throughout your plans and ideas, the same way you would check a map (or Google Maps nowadays), and plan your drive. This card also reminds you that you can encounter sudden, unexpected situations requiring you to make quick decisions with firm balance and without hesitation. Ultimately, you need to take into account any limitations in your path, whether they are yours or others.
Upright meanings of Chariot Tarot Card
If you receive The Chariot Tarot card in upright form during a reading, it means that you are possibly following your path appropriately. You are ready for any unexpected situation, and you always know how to act with great determination, as well as with great assertiveness. You keep in mind everything, and you are capable of observing the bigger picture before making a decision. You can handle rush and fast-paced environments while keeping a good physical and mental balance.

If you are connected with the Chariot Tarot card, and you are doing a lot of things in life, you have a quick validation that you are making positive progress.
You are likely to be able to keep up with everything, and while that is great, remember taking a break now and then.
You are prone to be balanced, but you need proper self-care to keep up with this balance.
With a great mental state and physical energy, you can swiftly and accurately react to any sudden situation.
You need to keep in mind that you are in a powerful phase in your life, so you don’t want to lose your focus.
You are possibly doing great, so keep up with the same strategy to make sure that this continues to be true
Let’s go a little more into detail.
Love and relationships:
- If you get the upright version of the Chariot Tarot, it means that you are navigating your relationships greatly.
- The Chariot Tarot love message here revolves around progressing towards the development of your relationship.
- Don’t forget that a love relationship is two-headed, so keep making sure that you and your partner have good communication and strategy to keep growing stronger.
- You provide security and reliability to your friends while perhaps a little bit fast-paced for some things.
Finances and career:
- The Chariot card is powerful here because it means that you are growing professionally at a great pace.
- You are likely to have a strong magnetism toward connecting with others professionally, yielding a great sense of being a significant asset for any project.
- You generally plan well for your finances.
- However, you may yield the impression that you are too swift in making some decisions.
- However, generally, it is a positive outcome because you keep in mind the higher risks.
Spirituality and health:
- The Chariot Tarot Card, meaning here, revolves around your spiritual growth and path.
- You are either starting your spiritual path, or you are venturing into a new aspect of it that you didn’t know before.
- You are more than ready for this opportunity, so keep moving forward!
- If you are facing physical challenges, you are on the path to recovery.
- It might not be an easy path, but you will sure have the will to successfully reach the end.
The Chariot Tarot card guides you to move forward.
If it’s upright, it validates that you are properly aligned and focused.
If you doubt if you can make it, the “chariot tarot yes or no” dilemma always points to the yes.
If you feel it points to the “no,” then you sure need to check your strategy again as you are likely to miss a limitation to account with or overcome, or you are missing some planning.
Either way, make sure to swiftly regroup yourself and keep moving forward.
Reverse meanings of Chariot Tarot Card
The Chariot Tarot Card Reversed gives you a strong warning. You are not focused where you need to be, as if you are without direction or planning. Are you making plans without thinking about them thoroughly first? Maybe you have entered a phase of panic, and you just started to run in circles or straight to a cliff. You can turn out to be quite a reckless person here, having many failures and trying again without a re-alignment, leading to further failures and frustrations.

You need to regain control of your life.
Otherwise, you can run into some severe problems, some of them completely irreversible.
You need to start building from the ground.
Plan what boundaries you need to set with others and yourself, as well as the amount of tools you have available to start investing in others.
You need to see the bigger picture of things, and planning a few steps wouldn’t hurt either.
You need to be ready for unexpected changes, and right now, you aren’t.
This doesn’t mean that you are a loser, it simply means that you need to pull over and put yourself back to focus.
As soon as you have a clearer idea of how to, where to, when to, and what lies around, you will shift this energy.
Let’s go a little bit more into detail:
Love and relationships:
- You need to keep in mind that a relationship is a matter of two.
- Are you pushing too much the other person to progress into developing the relationship, sex, life decisions, etc?
- Maybe you need to hold the horses (or hit the break in this case) before you further damage the relationship.
- Sometimes, the relationship is not progressing for a certain reason, and you need to make sure that you understand the problem the least.
- You may be a bit too pushy when in a group setting of friends, turning to be pushy and noisy.
Finances and career:
- Are you having a hard time reaching your financial goals?
- Maybe you are trying too hard, and most likely, you are trying wrong.
- If you keep pushing in the wrong direction, you may break completely with a difficult reversion.
- You need to put more attention, focus, and wisdom into where you invest your money.
- If you are not capable of making quick financial decisions, such as in the stock market, you need to pull yourself away until you feel more balanced and focused.
Spirituality and health:
- You might be rushing things too much in terms of your spiritual or athletic development, increasing the risk of meeting with roadblocks and accidents.
- You are possibly enthusiastic (on the positive side) to get far ahead, but you need to focus on the now rather than on the goal.
- If you are rushing things because of a fear-based emotion, you need to re-align yourself before making more decisions.
You are not in a terrible situation in life, especially if the main message revolves around the reversed chariot tarot card.
However, it is time for action before something negative or unwanted happens.
You simply need to invest some time to reflect on how you are approaching things, as well as how you can optimize your progression.
You will likely get new answers and ideas that, when you follow, you will be back on track, even before than you were before!
You should reflect on the following questions.
 For today, for The Chariot Tarot Card, I am sharing these questions for you to reflect on. Once you do, feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts and findings. This will help others a lot!
- Are you in control of the path of life you are traveling?
- Do you stop to reflect when you must make an important decision?
- Are you considering your personal needs before starting a new path?
I’ve been questioning whether to leave a comment for each of these questions, but I want to leave them as they come in the Little White Book for the Conspiracy Tarot. I hope these questions help you bring something that will improve your life even a little bit.
The Chariot Tarot Card Guided Meditation
The next card for the series of Guided Meditations is where you will experience the energy of Tarot Cards. The meditation for today, as you have guessed, is The Chariot Tarot Card Meditation, and you have it available in the store.
In this guided meditation, you will focus on your life goals and discover ways to enhance them, as well as understand your limitations through self-observation on what is going on in your life. Take it as pulling to the side and planning your next four hours’ worth of driving.
Q: What does The Chariot Tarot card symbolize?
A: The Chariot in your life means that you are in control of your outcomes, but you need to make swift and accurate decisions for a good outcome.
Q: How is the imagery on The Chariot card significant?
A: You can see the polarity of white and black, allowing you to decide which one you drive. Your decision will take you through your life path, yielding different outcomes. You also may encounter limitations that you need to work around. In the Conspiracy Tarot, it’s the speed limit sign.
Q: What does The Chariot card mean when it appears upright?
A: You are in control of your life, capable of making quick and accurate decisions. You are grounded, focused, and possibly passionate in your life.
Q: How should one interpret The Chariot card when it is reversed?
A: You are out of control, ungrounded, and almost reckless. You might have unexpected and irreversible life experiences if you don’t take control immediately.
Q: What are the main challenges associated with The Chariot card?
A: You need to control a balanced life through unexpected challenges. You need to keep into account your limitations and make the best of your time.
Q: How can The Chariot card guide personal development?
A: You need to always keep moving forward in overcoming one challenge, then another one, then another one, and further challenges until you realize how much you have grown and how much you are yet to grow.
Q: What is the significance of the black and white sphinxes in The Chariot card?
A: Here, we talk about the polarity in choosing a darker or lighter path. In the Conspiracy Tarot, this is represented by the black and white color of the vehicle containing two steering wheels.
Q: How does The Chariot card relate to travel and movement?
A: You are possibly aligned in your path and in control of any checkpoints you will face, as long as it’s upright. Otherwise, it might warn you of potentially problematic situations in your travels.
Q: What role does self-discipline play in the meaning of The Chariot, as well as applying lessons in everyday life?
A: Here, it relates to knowing your possibilities and limitations as well as understanding and planning your path. You need to be ready for unexpected challenges where you will need to keep focused, grounded, and cool.
Q: Do I need to own a Tarot Deck to meditate with the cards?
A: No, you only need to play the guided meditation and follow the guidance from my voice. However, you can still love to own a copy of this amazing tarot deck.
Q: Can I learn to read the Tarot?
A: Yes, you have a course to learn to read the cards with over 100 lessons where I teach about each of the cards.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about The Chariot Tarot Card and watching the Monthly Tarot reading for 2025. Next week, we will discuss aura colors and their meaning.Â
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I invite you to check earlier posts: eighth year, seventh year, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.
Love & Light,
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