
Spiritual Tools: Let’s explore a few of them and grow

Spiritual Tools: Let's explore a few of them and grow.
The Conspiracy Tarot is a Spiritual Tool.

Spiritual Tools: Let’s explore a few of them and grow

Hello! How was the forecast? As always, the messages come with the intention of personal and spiritual development. This week, we will make another collection of posts as we have many posts about different spiritual tools that can help us on our way.

The human being has always benefited from tools. Perhaps this is where I see the difference between the human-animal and the other animals, such as horses or cats, or even wild animals such as a gazelle or an alligator. At the beginning of time, the human being raised a branch from the ground, using it as a scepter and a weapon. Today, all of our technology, homes, and vehicles are tools that help improve our quality of life.

Spiritual Tools are like a hammer to a carpenter.

And this is true in almost all its meanings. A tool helps perform an activity that we cannot do without it, or it would be complicated. For example, you may be thinking about how it is possible to do a reading without the Tarot cards. But the truth is that I want to tell you that the Akashic Records, for example, are also spiritual tools at our disposal. And precisely I am going to give you some entries about these so that you can familiarize yourself with them:

I feel that the Akashic Records is the most practical spiritual tool.

The Conspiracy Tarot is a Spiritual Tool.

The Conspiracy Tarot is a Spiritual Tool.

And now, after reading about them, you know why. This is where I base all my readings, and I would recommend anyone channeling astral information constantly use the Akashic Records. It is a beautiful spiritual tool that can usually answer everything. And I am going to leave you one more post about other help you can get to make it easier for you to access the Records:

These are also very popular as they help tremendously when manipulating energy. As I explain in the post, there is a crystal for everything.

Small note: More than a tool, though, I’d say they’re assistants. Although they fulfill the function of spiritual tools, a tool has no conscience or decision. However, a secretary, a spirit guide, or a crystal have consciousness of their own, so they are assistants rather than tools.

More little things that help us on our way.

To continue exploring, I will leave you, of course, several entries about the Tarot. One of the most popular and powerful Spiritual Tools out there. Tarot decks have existed since ancient times, and it will be something that will accompany us for hundreds if not thousands of years more:

Something that I use, the Tarot, as you already know, is for monthly forecasts (have you seen the one for the month already?) There are many more spiritual tools, and many times it is in oneself to discover them and find the necessary ones on the path of this person. Another tool that also has thousands of years of history is runes. Runes are bones, wood carvings, or crystals with various symbols to accomplish multiple goals such as reading, conjuration, and protection.

Other spiritual tools.

We touch on the basics here: crystals, runes, cards, our spirit guides, and other astral vibrations. However, there are many more spiritual tools. For example, a round table is the primary spiritual tool during a seance session. In the near future, I will post about seánce (spiritual circle), where I will explain how this round table can help the spirit communicate.

An Ouija Board is just another spiritual tool.

An Ouija Board is just another spiritual tool.

And I want to end by saying that there is no malevolent tool. With a hammer, you can kill a person and a gun. However, you are not going to treat both tools the same. The same goes for spiritual tools. An Ouija board is simply a tool for a medium capable of entering a trance. A round table misused in a spiritual circle is just as dangerous as an Ouija. The problem is that maybe some tools are easy to use; even if misused, they could work.

And in the end, we come to the same conclusion as with everything. All spiritual tools are available to help and harm. You can use both correctly and incorrectly. The key is for the right person to use the right tool. A scalpel is for a surgeon, not a farmer. A construction worker doesn’t need a wine cart at all. And a person who is not a trance medium should not approach an Ouija board, just as they should be energetically prepared to open the energy to the Tarot.

As with everything, you have to put a little head.

And well, as I said before, these are just a few of the possibilities that have existed throughout the history of humankind. Next week we are going to talk about what is functional. In the aspect of identifying if something serves a purpose in our lives or not. Following a conclusion, we can decide to make changes or improvements in our lives. But all this in one week! I will tell you next week. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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I invite you to check earlier posts: fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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