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May Forecast 2018: General Forecast ready: Your daily dose of light!
- Fernando Albert

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May Forecast 2018: Are you wondering what a monthly forecast is?
Hello folks! How are those astral meetings going? So, it is the first Wednesday, so it is time for May forecast 2018! As usual, you can find these on my YouTube channel, and also you can watch here right here. I invite you to subscribe to my channel now; this way, you are always up to date with goodies and other surprises I have planned for YouTube!
Check out the past forecasts here.
(Click here to scroll below if you already know the drill and want to jump to the video!)
This reading does not focus on a specific issue, person, or situation. This reading focuses on global consciousness and energetic influences. If you know life (if you are reading this, you are experienced enough!), you probably realized that some months are better for healing, for example, while others are good for growth. Some months we might need to watch out for something, or there might be an energetic event affecting the entire planet, and with it, our whole human civilization.  Knowing this information will give you a head start, especially on those “more interesting months” where we can impact our lives.
Tarot Cards anchor guidance during psychic readings, remarkable for May Forecast 2018.
I will be using the Cosmic Tarot deck for this reading.
The information channeled in this forecast reading will not apply at an individual level; however, you will find advice and tips that will be very helpful, as I will also set the intention to receive any messages that would be of interest from Spirit. Upon listening to this reading, you need to take what applies to you, and you will find out that if the messages from Spirit apply to your situation, so will be any predictions that may come up. Some months are keener on healing, while others are for growth or many other possibilities. If Spirit says we are about to enter a month of healing and you need to heal, the forecast applies much stronger to you as it will sync with your path.
Free psychic reading: May Forecast 2018… available on Youtube.
I am pretty sure that most people will be able to take stuff out of these monthly forecasts. I will set each forecast’s intention to touch, at least briefly, each of the living areas. What to expect for that month. Tips and pieces of advice to get the most out of it. These readings will last about 10 minutes or so, but they will differ minutes up/down. I also want to let you know that I will access all sources of Light (spirit guides, divine energy, global energies, intuition, divination tools, and any Akasha I may be able to open during these readings.)
Soooo… with that being said, here comes the Forecast Reading for May 2018:
Have you enjoyed the reading? I hope the forecast for May 2018 helps you! If you like to comment on it, I invite you to comment right here or on YouTube! These forecasts release monthly!
However; there are a few essential reads from the blog that may be of interest to you, so check them out:
- You: How to get to know oneself and get out the most from your life?
- What are some things people should know about astral projection, meditation, or spirituality in general?
- Astral Travel: Get out of your body. Quick and easy Astral Projection Guide.
- Dream Types: Dreams and Lucids, super-lucid, sleep paralysis, and more!
- What are the chakras? How to open, heal, and expand them right now!
- What is the difference between a Lucid Dream and an Astral Projection?
- Spirituality is not about meditating all day long.
So, next week, I will be sharing something that some of you have been waiting for! Hence the anticipation! I will share how to easily astral project. Sort of a quick guide giving you the foundations to get out of your body. Therefore, it will be useful, especially to those of you who are getting started! And even if you haven’t, you can give it a try; you might astral project! But, this will be next’s week topic. Let’s listen to the May Forecast 2018 firstly. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!
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I invite you to check last year’s post clicking here!
Love & Light,
Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)
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2 thoughts on “May Forecast 2018: General Forecast ready: Your daily dose of light!”
Very informative and true as I found some of it relates to me thank you for doing this.
It is a big pleasure!