Compatibility Readings: Love, Work, and Family. These readings tell a lot!
A love compatibility reading brings a lot of guidance.

Table of Contents

What is a Love Compatibility Reading?

Hello! For this week, I want to share an entry about love compatibility readings. Since some of you have asked, I want to share my thoughts about love compatibility readings. Also, the actual process, what information I pull, from where, and why. By the way, did you activate your root chakra?

To cut to the chase, this is a reading that touches on several topics:

  • In this reading, you will receive guidance on how both of your souls are connected and why?
  • The soul ages and vibration. How do those match?
  • How do both personalities mingle together?
  • The strong and weak points in the connection. Both at a physical and spiritual.
  • How personal space and auras are working.
  • How the overall look for the long term.

It always depends on the time, but I will share the essential information that serves your relationship’s highest purpose in the reading.

All the relationships may work and heal if there is love.

I want to get started by stating that as a healer, I believe in healing. So, during one of my love compatibility readings, you will realize that the reading will aim at the goal of healing. In other words, it does not only fall into saying if you are more or less compatible but sharing the strong points and potentials, as well as bringing up the negative aspects with a solution (if spirit provides) to them. I believe that everybody can fix most love relationships if both parties desire, even if the compatibility is terrible (it can be worked out to be improved, and I like to share how based on the energies I find during these readings.)

I want to point out that a love compatibility reading does not heal the relationship itself (but I always add healing to the readings, so you will still get some.) It is up to the other person and you to get to fix things. The reading will point out those things, in addition to giving cues on how to heal them. For this reason, playing with the time I have for the reading, I bring the following up in this type of reading. Empowering the heart chakra helps.

By the way, take a read on the significance as a whole for the feeling of love.

First impression.

As many of you know, I am empathetic regarding sensing energy through the eyes. I cannot stop it, and it is a nuisance having a hard time keeping eye contact with almost everybody. But for readings, it is quite useful! I started reading photos years ago just for fun, and ironically, I get some of the most helpful feedback on these types of readings, lol.  So, I use this to get the most out of the reading. I first share what I perceive from looking into your eyes. How your energies feel to me and how these energies play well together. How good the compatibility is here.

If there is no photo, I ask your spirit guides to provide me with a sense of this energy. If you both are together in the photo, I will also share how invasive (or not) your energies are towards each other. I do it through the aura.

Type of connection.

This one goes second, even though many times, I am forced to share first. We live in a world of labels, and many of them are misleading. Especially a trendy label nowadays, besides the “mighty” soulmate, you can find a powerful “rookie,” called twinflame, which, unfortunately, brings more chaos than love.  Almost a year ago, I precisely wrote an entry about Twinflames and Soulmates. Especially twin flames, many times are not always even meant for love, but for a higher purpose far away from love (I am basing this on several findings through readings as well as my very own experience.) It will come up in a love compatibility reading.

I always check against the Akashic Records if there is a twin flame connection. Normally there is not. I follow this up by asking for a glance at your overall past lives. If you had several past lives, with varieties in connection and most if not all were positive, I would call it a soulmate connection (which might be meant for love or not.) When there is no soulmate, I will also share how the overall past lives feel, good or bad. If it is a first-time connection, I will also sense it and share it (which is better than you can imagine.)

Karma and purposes.

Here, I check the Akashic Records for any karmic connection. If any, how to address it. If not, I also ask the Spirit Guides in regards to life lessons. I also check against the Akashic Records what soul purpose, if any, is between the two of you. Everything here is shared. Depending on the reading length and the amount of information in your Akashas, more or less information will come here.

A compatibility reading does not need to be only about love, it can be professional, for example.

Love purpose/desire.

It is the most obvious goal in a compatibility reading. However, I have to say that these readings can be done for non-love connections also (next point). I first like to bring up the points that need attention and healing. What you both need to work on to empower the relationship. It could be that due to karma and energetic mismatches, or even the free will of the other person, that love will not thrive. If this is the case, attempts at healing will still be provided (if you desire, of course.) As well as asking Spirit what you should do next with your love life.

Followed by this, I will ask your Higher Selves and your Spirit Guides to guide me concerning your personalities (this is why I connect with multiple sources at once.) I will also share, based on the energy, the possibility for healing. In the case of a healthy relationship, I check its options to be a lifelong relationship. Besides, understanding is the best approach to make this permanent connection happen.

Non Love connection.

You can do these readings regarding friendship, family, and even professional relationships. These readings are used to find out possible past life connections with people you meet. Maybe you do not understand why a specific connection with someone has struggled, why you connect so well since day one, or even why working together you are terrible, but you are fantastic together in sports. This reading will help you better understand your connection with the specific person you are checking with the compatibility. The advice that comes from Spirit will revolve around the type of relationship.

And this is it. I like doing these readings this way because you can get a lot out of them. Since I first started doing these readings, they have evolved a lot, and a lot of information comes forth, setting the intention to receive this guidance. Please, remember that you can find this reading at The Reading like every other reading. No labels are needed. The tiers bases on time only.

Remember, I combine all the readings in just one reading type, as labels are insignificant (you can read more here). That is The Reading.

I wrote about Psychic Readings: The Right Way – Ensure to receive precise spiritual readings, so check it out to go even deeper to understand how to order a reading properly.

As you can see, there is much more beyond love in a compatibility reading.

Now, you all know the mechanics 🙂 So, I do have a fascinating topic for next week! I want to share with some family members who have crossed over, and, sometimes, they become our spirit guides or helpers. It is a fascinating topic to talk to with everybody! I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you!

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