On Vacation… Time to recharge the batteries and rest!

News 6: Don't we all need a break every now and then? See you when I am back! Love, Light, and healing.
News 6: Vacation Time!

News 6: Holidays for Fer! The breaks are important.

(News 6) Hello people! Did you see the new web? In the end, I will leave you a little message for this week.

You already know that I’m still on vacation. But I will be back by the end of the week. By then, I’ll start to review all your emails and continue as usual 🙂 And also, I’ll bring some surprises.

I want to tell you that it is essential to take vacations from time to time. After all, we all have to rest. Two years later, I am editing this, and I think it is important to share something. As much as you like your work, in addition to having a lot of passion and that is great, do not forget to rest. I want to leave this note here if you end up reading this (since it is an old post). Therefore, it is more than merely “News 6,” saying that I am not sure, hehe. Make sure you keep this in mind, always! We will chat when I am back!

And that’s pretty much it for “News 6″. Always growing, improving, and enhancing is vital. So, besides knowing, apply it!

However; there are a few essential reads that may be of interest to you, so check them out:

(News 6) I hope you have a wonderful week! Next Wednesday, it will be the 1st anniversary of this blog. So we will have to celebrate. Until next week!

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Love & Light,

(News 6) Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Read other news) (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you!

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