Learn how to meditate. Part 1.

How to meditate? The first steps to have a simple experience.

Welcome! Did you explore the astral realm? Isn’t it great? The first part of an essential guide on how to meditate. The very foundation of this site and something necessary to include in our lives. I invite you to take a read; you will find plenty of information and available guided meditations that will take you on incredible journeys.

However, maybe you know nothing about meditation or spirituality. If you want to learn more about these, I have an article about spirituality, meditation, astral projection, and more than I am sure you will enjoy.

(If you want a simple, quick, and direct guide, I invite you to visit this entry.)

We all know that meditation brings significant benefits to our lives, such as energetic balance, having your chakras aligned, and even improve our mental health and more. There are many types of meditations out there, each one with its purpose. You can find some at this very site! We are finding out more and more every day, which meditation should be a critical factor in our lives.

So far, so good. Now, it is time to start to meditate, but how? In this mad society and with such a high pace in life, it seems impossible to sit down and relax for five minutes. But these days, we need meditation more than ever. If you cannot find five minutes a day to meditate, this means you probably need to meditate at least an hour a day! I know it is easier said than done; however, there is always a way! I share a lot in this blog.

If you haven’t meditated before, you will need a small guide, and in this case, guided meditation can be of great aid. The purpose of meditation is to help your brain to transition from beta brainwaves to alpha, theta, or even delta. With a little patience and lots of excitement, this can be easily accomplished, by everybody! To reach the most profound states of meditation, you need to know themando experience them.

Meditation can help you to become a free-thinker giving you freedom.

How to meditate in a few simple steps.

I am going to give you a short list, step by step to learn how to meditate. You do not need to follow this list as golden rules, but it will be an excellent guide and chance are that you will take most from it. Most people make the same mistake of trying to meditate in silence, without any outside stimuli successfully. While this is great and, in fact, the end goal of meditation, you need to walk the path that will take you this end. The roof is one of the most critical parts of your home, and without it, pretty much the whole purpose of a home is lost (you will be wet and cold in winter.) However, you do not start the house by the roof, right?   You want to take it easy when starting to meditate.

And since we are talking about recommended meditations to get started, I want to talk about the Soothing Meditation. There is a simple but profound guided meditation, great for newbies and experts alike. Guided meditations will significantly help those who are getting started, and this is one that has an extended relaxation period for you to get the most out of it. You can grab your copy by clicking here or the image below:

soothing meditation

It is easier than you think, and nowadays, we have plenty of aids and tools. It is much easier than it was one hundred years ago! Not only the tech aid is there for us, but nowadays, it is many of us who meditate, and thanks to the collective consciousness it will always be easier for those getting started, as there is more energy available.

You will get to know yourself better too! (Now, almost three years later, there is a meditation precisely for it!)

You will find powerful guided meditations on this site.

While a guided meditation can be of great help, it is not the only solution to develop your meditative skills. We need to learn to meditate without the aid of guided meditation, especially if we do not have practice, and we do not know how to stop our monkey minds. In this fast-paced reality, it can be challenging to find 30 minutes to meditate. Way too many distractions. However, if we at least meditate five minutes a day, it will bring many benefits to our lives, and it is always better than nothing. I am going to give you some simple steps to reach a state of meditation quickly. You need to follow the following steps:

(Step 0: Remember never to overwhelm yourself and go without haste or expectations, very important.)

  1. You need to want to. At first, you will need to push yourself, but you need to make sure you are putting the time that you can and are willing to invest. There is no room for rush, worry, and stress during your meditation time. You do not want meditation to become an added stress. Find the right time to meditate.
  2. Once you found that time, you need to make sure you are not disturbed. It is especially true when your family is very active at home while you try to meditate. Turn off or set in airplane mode all your electronic devices. You do not want to get distracted.
  3. Use soft instrumental background music. Also, you may use ambiance sounds like a tool to further relax you. You can find here a package of 12 ambiance soundtracks (one hour each) for a small symbolic price.

Check it out HERE

  1. Once the setting is ready, it is time to get comfortable. Try to avoid meditating in bed unless there are no other options for you. You do not want to fall asleep, primarily if you are investing 5-10 minutes into your session. Our subconscious links our beds to sleep and sex (technically, you are supposed to use your bed only for these two.) We do not want to confuse our subconscious and blend sex and sleep with meditation! However, if your bed is the only way for you, by all means, please use it! It is always best to meditate in bed than not meditating at all.
  2. Slowly, close your eyes and take a depth breath, slowly filling your lungs. Hold it for a few seconds and then, slowly, release it while you visualize yourself going more in-depth into relaxation.
  3. From here, breath normally, but focus on your breathing. Do not try to control your breathing, allow your body to breathe as it needs, but focus on your breath.
  4. If you find your mind wandering (work, chores, etc.), you need to go back to your breathing.
  5. After 5-10 minutes, you can end your session. Thank the energy and the experience you just had. Fill up your lungs once more, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes.

It is not difficult to know how to meditate. Besides, there are many types of guided meditations!

You will realize that day after day. It becomes much easier to meditate. If it is hard for you because you often get distracted from mind wandering, don’t worry, it will take some time, but you will get there. Everybody can meditate.

Stay tuned as next week I will bring the second part for, “Learn how to meditate,” where I will be sharing a powerful technique. With just the help of a post-it and your desire to meditate, you will learn how to tame your monkey-mind and reach deeper states of meditation. Everybody will be able to master this technique at no cost! Just your willingness to learn! I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday!

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Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

Thank you!

2 thoughts on “How to meditate. Part 1/2 – Easy steps to meditation!

  1. Trish says:

    That was wonderdul Fernando! Thank you for sharing, i needed to hear that! Namaste,

    1. Fernando Albert says:

      I am honored you enjoyed it 🙂

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