Chakra Activation Series: The Complete Pack Chakra Meditation

Do you want to maximize your life potential? With the Chakra Activation Series, you will start to transform the energy in your Chakras, affecting your health, and every single area of your life. You can excel in everything you do, and the best way to start is with this Chakra Activation Series.



Transform your life with the Chakra Activation Series

This is the Chakra Activation Series Complete! You can grab all eight chakra meditations at a discounted sale price! You will empower your chakras to their optimal state, and you will be able to develop starting from the Root Chakra. Lastly, these meditations aim to help you progress through your spiritual journey, expanding your spirituality. One of the 432 Hz Frequency benefits is the vibration in the spectrum of healing, promoting energetic alignment.

It is time to start transforming your life today! When your chakras are healthy and expanded, everything becomes more natural, which is precisely the purpose of these. You will realize that you have a lot of untapped potential. Your happiness will be maximized, and so will your potential to succeed and live your life to the fullest. One easy way to achieve well-being is by keeping your chakras in order!

Start tapping your chakras and maximize their full potential. When you activate a chakra, it will start strong performing, bringing you several benefits to your day-to-day life. For example, activating your Third Eye will help your intuition expand.

Curious about my voice? Feel free to take a listen below!

Characteristics “Chakra Activation Series: The Complete Pack.”

  • Each guided meditation lasts about 15 minutes.
  • Experience 432 Hz Frequencies for more profound healing.
    • These meditations also contain the Bija Mantras, delivered subliminally.
  • These are Chakra Activation meditations.
  • All meditations are charged with White Light and good intentions for a magnificent result.

So, once you finish, take notes of all your experiences, and ponder over your venture. Get the most out of the “Chakra Activation Series” a powerful way to activate chakras bringing empowerment and wellness.

Why activating your chakras is important?

Your main chakras act the same way as your main organs: they yield different functions, and they need to be healthy and balanced for proper performance. Because of life events, you may have chakras out of balance, and not performing well, promoting health issues. When you activate a chakra, you bring it back to its optimal energy, releasing any negative energy, and enabling a good flow benefiting the rest of your chakras and body.

To keep a healthy chakra system is not difficult, but it requires a little bit of your attention. You have fantastic tools like this Chakra Activation Series since you simply need to let go and follow what my voice tells you to do. From here, you will learn how it feels to be balanced, so by focusing on this state alone, you will already be able to help yourself. You can even learn and chant the mantras on your own to activate the energy in your chakras through the sound of your voice.

Experience a Powerful Guided Meditation with Fer

Firstly, every person who tries one of these meditations has a fabulous experience. Hence, super easy-to-do guided meditations filled with love, light, and beautiful intentions for you to get the most out of them.

Therefore, please, remember that you only need to set clear intentions before starting guided meditations, and then let go completely and allow yourself to have. Finally, don’t forget you will fill your existence with highly positive energies!

I hope you experience the “Chakra Activation Series” and get your chakras to their best performance.


Q: What should I do before starting the meditation?

A: Take a few moments to let go of all worries and concerns, and allow yourself to receive. Make sure to open up completely since this is your moment, honor it.

Q: Do I have to do these meditations in order?

A: While there is no rule of thumb when working with your chakras, you want to have the best energetic flow. For example, is best to start with a good Root Chakra grounding, and from here, go all your way up, one chakra at a time. You will get to experience a better energetic flow this way.

Q: Can I use chakras activation meditation more than once?

A: Yes! You can use them as many times as you want. Activating a chakra means bringing back to its rightful energetic balance from a point of being blocked, however, even if your chakra is not blocked, you can always refine your chakras back to their ideal estate of energy.

Love & Light,

Fernando Albert.

Thank you: Bring your Chakras back to harmony - A Chakra Healing Meditation




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