Basic Healing: Emotional Balance and Wellbeing

(1 customer review)

Do you need energetic support and white light? Book Basic Healing for Emotional Balance now. You will begin to receive the healing you need and this will help you feel much better, release anxiety and be happier. You will have much better emotional balance after the Basic Healing.



Basic Healing: Experience powerful light from the Source

Don’t complicate yourself with labels. Experience The Basic Healing. No complications, only positive energy. A treatment feels like a wonderful white light flowing around you. Energetic healing will bring your body, emotions, mind, and spirit the optimal balance.

The feelings of tranquility and inner peace are always present. Finding the sentimental sources that cause physical pain usually eliminates pain.

Improving balance in your life enhances focus, well-being, and happiness.

Characteristics of “The Basic Healing”

  • I will channel white light to your intentions for this session and a wellness and balance session (physical, mental, and spiritual.)
  • Your will receive a voice file in mp3. I will share how the session went and if there is any necessary advice.
  • I will send some extra healing at the end of the day to reinforce the positive energy.

If you prefer, you can read about “The Healing” right here.

Unconditional Love Energy

The white light sent is full of love and positivity from the divine source. The sessions are personalized, always tailored to your specific needs to maximize wellness. Many times, with just a little healing white light you can bring emotional balance into your life. When you allow yourself to have and receive healing energy, you will fill your body with wellness and higher vibrations. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and you will be able to reconnect with your essence and with universal energies.

And best of all, energy knows neither distance nor time, so we can focus this basic healing to your emotional balance, or to the same in the past, or even in the future, so that in this way, you can attract a greater welfare thanks to the Principle of Correspondence. Energy flows where it is needed, so it is something that is not controlled by the ego, so it will always bring optimal results and greater joy.


I follow my intuition and let the Universe guide me in my life. Please keep in mind that I do not embellish my readings, and you will only receive the truth.

If you only want to receive news that you want to hear, you should remember that you will receive the news with my readings as it reaches me, whether good or bad.

You must read the terms and conditions by clicking here.

It will be a huge pleasure working with you.


Q: Do I need to do anything for the healing?

A: You only need to be open to receive and allow yourself to have. You will receive the healing through your heart chakra and your Spirit Guides.

Q: What is the best form of energy healing?

A: Healing means channeling White Light from the Source to you, where the healer is just a vessel, a transfer. For this reason, I choose to not put labels on a healing session. I just channel energy from the Source, in its purest way for the best of your intentions and needs.

Q: How often should I get a Basic Healing session?

A: It always depends on the individual and the situation we are working on. You cannot overdo healing, but a proper balance is always good, so we will work together and decide what works best for you as far as frequency.

Love and light,

Fernando Albert.

Thank you: Basic Healing



1 review for Basic Healing: Emotional Balance and Wellbeing

  1. Anna

    Fernando, you have brought very powerful experiences and change to my life. You are very disciplined. You focus on presenting yourself as a friendly helper and teacher with a sweet voice and you are reaching a level of a professor emeritus of sorts on this earth… I see an aspect of your life as a healer I confess I did not see when I first met you. Like many professors, you also seek to preserve that which is in danger of being lost to the world and that, I feel is the higher purpose of your presence. You bring light to broken spirits and heal the fractured memories in the souls of others so we can see who we were long before we became what we are today. You work to reclaim those lost spaces with the light. You serve to illuminate in a way that that goes beyond the understanding of what many of us who ask for help possess, or even know that is what we want when we come to you and click on your page. You are capable of gently bringing light to situations others would see as hopeless. As gentle as a moonbeam, but as powerful and as savage as a wolf. This outreach on the internet is unique to you; it is an enjoyable challenge and it puts food on the table but also… you work with the animals and have a whole other ‘practice’ that is a mission which involves all living beings. I don’t know much about such things. What I know for certain is that you understand how the light can breathe life into bones and your work is for a much deeper purpose, an agreement made between yourself and the creator. I am thankful for you and the work that you do to heal this world.

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